I need to upload an .mov file to Slideroom.com for Grad School. They only accept .mov or .wmv files no larger than 60 MB. My file is 750 MB. I used Quicktime Conversion within Final Cut Pro to create the .mov file, but the video which is in 16:9 aspect ratio was converted to 4:3. 1.) Is there a better way to get this file smaller without changing aspect ratio? Again, the file must be no larger than 60 MB. 2.) Would it be better to convert the file to a .wmv rather than an .mov file? The file originated in Final Cut Pro. Please HELP! Deadline for upload is approaching in 5 days. Thanks
Try the free version of Any Video Converter. The size of the video is the bitrate x running time. Load your source file and select a lower bitrate (the frame size circled is not relevant to the size of the file - select what you want) Remember that lower bitrate = lower quality. http://www.any-video-converter.com/download-freeware/
Thanks, Attar 1.) Are you saying that I should convert the file to a .wmv instead of a .mov file? I created the file in Final Cut Pro. It starts as an .fcp file and is converted thru Quicktime Conversion to an .mov file in Final Cut Pro. 2.) Also, what should I select to preserve aspect ratio of 16:9? 3.) I am not sure what to select if I need the file to be 60 MB or less and have the best quality at the same time. This is all new to me. Other Grad Schools allowed burning and sending a DVD, but this one school is forcing everyone to use Slideroom.com to upload files. Slideroom support is non-existent. They don't know how to do anything or help applicants with their uploads. Appreciate your response.
I was addressing only the point that the file had to be in mov or wmv, not expressing a preference as such. To make any video file smaller in size for a given running time is achieved by using a smaller bitrate. I'm not familiar with your software, but I assume that the bitrate (or quality??) can be selected from a preset. As to setting a file size - I don't know enough about mov or wmv to comment. As an aside, you may get more cogent responses by posting at: http://forum.videohelp.com/
.mov will usually be smaller for a given bitrate than .wmv (it's a newer format.. better compression)
yeah.. I think you can .. best way to find out would be to google the standard for them instead of asking... that'll answer those kinds of questions.