Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. rdnck115

    rdnck115 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    when is it scanning the memory though when i reboot Compaq comes up then it goes to a lil blinking line in the left corner then it goes to Windows Xp with the loading bar underneath it
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Ok you have Compaq, when turn it on then hit the break/pause key. It should stop booting.
  3. bronx

    bronx Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    The HDD is unlocked and I get an error 16.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    if you have error 16, your hdd is still locked. Try to do hotswap again, if xplorer360 read xbox hdd then restore the hdd.
  5. FeNiX_01

    FeNiX_01 Guest

    Yeah i was wondering if one of you guys could tell me how to formate or upgrade my xbox hard drive i have found tutorials on using evox but i have a unleash x softmod done with the mechassault game and action replay if you could plz e-mail me or reply in the forum on how i can formate a bigger hard drive for my xbox im not a very technical person so try to explain it as simply as u can.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  7. hlp4me

    hlp4me Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Hi everyone I need help, I'm trying to put a 120G HD in my Xbox, I got my old Xbox HD softmodded, I made a backup copy of eeprom but my eeprom copy say eeprombackup.bin, I used the XBOXHDM_V1.9 along with Shademand's Ready Made Xbox Softmod C & E folder. I try the eeprombackup.bin and all so try it as eeprom.bin with no luck but there is one thing I notice is when I transfer the eeprom file the extention (.BIN) is missing so I added the extention, I try to generate an Xbox HDD Password it said cant find the eeprom but I can lock and unlock HDD so I lock it using the password from my xbox and plug it up to my Xbox I get an erro 9, I unlock HDD and use Xplorer360 an error come up that say (No FATX partition found at requested offset), I have no idear what that mean even tho the error came up I can still read the partition 0 to 4, I can delete and tranfer files and folder to and from the HDD. I put the original xbox dashboard on the 120G HD and hooking it up and got an error 5. Can any one tell me what going on here, is there some thing I'm missing.

    Soft modded with EvolutionX v+3921
    BIOS Version Original 4034
    Kernel Version--1.00.4034.01
  8. Flacundo

    Flacundo Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    I tried the hotswap several times, and no luck. Xbox360 does not find it.

    I also want to thank you for taking your to time for help me and everyone else.
  9. bronx

    bronx Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    @ The Return

    I tried to hot swap again and again, I've had no succuess.

    I have a spare HDD, would I be able to use that one instead?

  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    go here and talk to error55o. He just successfully upgraded his hdd.

    tell me more about your xbox problems. which error code? How did you do the hotswap and connections?

    When you do hotswap, make sure you disconnect IDE cable from xbox's hdd JUST BEFORE xbox goes to error 16.

    So before doing hotswap, turn xbox on and off couple of times. Watch closely when xbox goes to error 16. Now you know the time, then do hotswap.

    If you disconnect IDE calbe too early, the hdd still remain lock and xplorer360 will not read it.
  11. Kinglion

    Kinglion Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Will this hotswap work even though my friend deleted errthing from the HD. I mean errthing from the E and whatever drives..
  12. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    i got error code 16 and right now im looking at the stuff in the five partitions and i want to know how to copy everything from those partition to the pc and how to copy the ms dash to partition3.
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    what error code do you have now? what do you see when turn xbox on?

    since you have error 16, I suggest to use the Shademand softmod file 325MB. Just follow my instruction.

    To copy files back and forth on xplorer360, you just drap and drop. It works just like Windows Explorer.

  14. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    o.k. i will download it right now
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    did you try the MS dash?
  16. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    how long are you going to be on because i will have you help me step by step when i get my hdd hooked up on my computer and get the 5 partitions on xplorer360, and finish downloading the soft mod
  17. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    where do i go to download it faster because im downloading it from utorrent 1.6 and it is slow.
  18. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    i click on the one called the bittorrent source it wont show anything
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    ok if you can't donwload the softmod file now, then you need a working ms dash. do you have it?
  20. bigchriss

    bigchriss Guest

    i have the one from your link

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