Stop the witch hunt

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by DVDBack23, Aug 16, 2006.

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  1. svtstang

    svtstang Regular member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    This has nothing to do with sigs itself. It hasto do with the fact that mods are wasting more energ on people that dedicate time to improving aD then those morons that come here with the intent to flame others, which results in aD losing potentially valuable members.

  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    Why did DVD Get banned??? see this is what the hell we are talking about he did nothing out of line to get banned, lets be serious about this we are just expressing out opinions....not going against the forum rules...if we cant have the freedom to just talk our minds then what do we have here??? it better change soon....

    why the hell are you still posting nobody cares....your opinion is very under rated in here, i was suprised you were even in here without a mod or admin posting before you didnt know you knew how to lead instead of follow..

    this is not about the Sig's, im suprised a mod didn't pay see how DVD is banned now..thats what this is about,
    but i guess the new fad over here at aD is lets just "ban all the people helping the noobs, and let the noobs shit all over aD"
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2006
  3. PnkPantha

    PnkPantha Guest

    ok, one time it was .6 kb over, i have the pms...if you want to ban almost 20,000 quality posts here because we are speaking our minds and trying to make aD better, thats your decision.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2006
  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    PnkPantha - what do you mean "takes time away from moderating???"
    the last time i checked our job as mods was to enforce the rules of this site, the sig limit is one of the rules. just because one person has an opinion about a sig and the other doesn't, it really makes no difference. our job here is pretty simple and clean cut, enforce the rules, move on. there is no grey area on the rules. some members who help alot and dont whine and bitch al lthe time, we do let slide on their sigs, hell we got guys here that have specific permission to advertise in their sigs and everyone knows that is a clear violation of the rules, but the members allowed to do it have proven time and time again to be valuable assets here, so again we look the other way on the little things.
    this is the bottm line, like it or not these are the rules of this site, no one is making you stay here. if you feel our sig issue is too much to handle, then feel free to move on to somewhere else where the sig rules are more relaxed. we run this site the best we can, but nowhere does it say we have to, or are even able to please all the people all of the time.

    edit: and yes toocool, shut up.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2006
  5. PnkPantha

    PnkPantha Guest

    i dont care about the sigs, LOL, and mine are in the rules...everyone just needs to read...and im here because my stickies are still active and need replies.
  6. Tokijin

    Tokijin Active member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Ok people, whatever grievances we have here, let's not make things bigger than they are. This is a website, nothing more. If AD was my number one priority, that would say a great deal about the emptiness of my existance. I see both sides of it, and everyone here has a right to their opinion. Let's not belittle each other, then we're no better than the idiots who've taken over the console forums.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2006
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    well put, and on that note, i think this thread has run its course.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Looks like i missed some stuff here overnight; not overriding darth, i feel it's necessary to add something, so just gonna sneak this in and close the thread again; there are obviously people here who have way too much time on their hands, but it's energy diverted into the wrong things. What i and the other mods would like to see is more help and less snivelling from the posters who are supposedly helping this site so much. Lately everyone's favourite bee in their bonnet is the console forums, but i don't see enough proof of help from enough people in the 'offensive reports' to make enough of a difference. I make no attempts to hide what i think of those particular forums, but it's not the forums themselves that are the problem, not really even the age group of the majority of people in there so much; it's the lack of substantial reporting that [bold]should[/bold] be going on via the 'offensive report' button, that's letting those forums down and letting the pointless idiots seem to win.

    To hopefully get the point across (again), my snippet from here - -

    "hopefully now more of you good posters will reach for the 'offensive report' button, and [bold]much more often[/bold] as us mods can only fix as much as we can see, so we do need and appreciate as much help as people can give us..

    ..we do get a fair few offensive reports, but we only get a fraction of what we should be getting; before mod i virtually sat on the offensive report button, Darth & Neph will attest to that :)

    plus as rav says, i try to be on ad_buddies every night, so can attend to stuff instantly if someone hollers.

    edit- there's a related thread here too -"
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    13,000 between several of you eh? I'm coming up on 20,000 BY MYSELF!!!!! How many hours do you think that is huh? I do it for free for the sake of helping people AND keeping this site running within the rules.

    I'm gonna piss folks off with this but the people crying about sigs are being babies and if I start getting attitudes like Tokijin's I'll start shitcanning folks. You all think you deserve some extra respect for your 13,000 posts and countless hours well I DESEVE SOME TOO FOR PUTTING IN WAY MORE THAN ALL OF YOU PUT TOGETHER!!!! Are you guys here to help people or cry about not being able to put on a goddam art show in your sigs? Jesus Christ, of all the ridiculous things to whine about.

    As for everything going on in the console forums, I hear alot of bitching and crying but I see very few offensive post reports. Us mods have a finite amount of time to spend here and we can't spend 100% of it reading each and every post in the console forums because there's an entire site to look after as well so how about, instead of putting time into threads like this, WE USE THE OFFENSIVE POST REPORTS AS OFTEN AS WE NEED TO.

    Rules are rules people and if the theory goes that time and posts meant you could bend them then I should be able to post porn, say fusk all I want and have a 600X800 sig but I don't because I don't ask people to follow rules I won't follow.

    I haven't been here for a day or so because I was almost put in the hospital for a severe reaction to a new medication and on top of that I got food poisoning and if that isn't enough I may not have a place to live in two weeks so if you guys have nothing better to do than bitch about sigs and someone being rude then I don't know what to tell you.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2006
  10. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    neph i swear to god if you were a chic i'd marry you. of course we'd have to ditch the chic i'm married to now, but hey thats life.
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