ok i asked befor how to swap the hard drive out of my xbox and i just can't under stand how. so if some one can help me i would very greatful. i got a WD 320gig hard drive that i want to put in it and i want to be able to use the full 320 gig. my xbox is soft moded with (unleashed X) and i dont understand what all i have to do to be able to transfer files. i know that i need a coulpe things like (Config Magic) and something like (xboxhdm)but i cant find either of them and i have been Googleing it for a couple hours now. so if there would be any one that would be kind enouh to help me out and take a lil time to kind give me a brife idea of how to do it and help me get the sits i need to do this i would be the happiest person in the world. thank you
DON'T USE CONFIG MAGIC.. please.. whatever else you do don't use it on a softmod. I can't begin to count the times I have had to clone one of my eeproms to a screwed up softmod because config magic has trashed the eeprom data. Believe me.. It's not something you want to have to do from scratch.
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/682215/4151204 edit- just make sure to use 32k clusters as the drive is over 250gb I've just replaced a pc actually, and might pinch the 320gb WD drive out of it for another xbox.
Excellent. I was just saving his life with a timely warning about config magic We don't want to sort one of those unless we have to eh?
Xboxhdm 1.9 ok i found this right but it is always in a ziped file right. well i can t un zip it cause some dumb ass soft wear on my computer went out of the trial pireod so i have not been able to unzip and make a copy of it. is there any other way that you know of geting it if i have to i might be able to go next door and get it burn for me. but any other idas will help as well.
No idea, have no idea about Config Magic as hadn't needed or wanted to see what it was for before. I'm still a partial xbox noob, i only found out last week that drives over 250GB suffer data loss/corruption if not formatted with 32k clusters, was having that problem on a 500GB drive previously but hadn't thought to check why it was actually happening at the time. I now have 2 chipped xboxes (first time i'd come across such things), and the one thing i have read about them is that hard drive swapping is relatively easy, well they don't need locking/unlocking ahywho. But that won't help the OP as he's talking softmodding, just wanted to mention the 32k clusters bit really.. all you need is winzip or winrar trial, first 2 off the top of my head.... Varnull can tell you what to backup from the old drive (if you want game saves etc transferred to new drive). I have an idea what to do but haven't bothered before as i always start over when i softmod new boxes. The first post in my first link above is excellent for explaining xboxhdm 1.9 btw.
Yes.. config magic has the capability to actually write to the onboard eeprom (it's used to repair/replace damaged or banned from live eeprom data on the motherboard itself) the main use was in cases where you have been banned from live and after getting a new hdd built and ready to go to generate your own eeprom.bin file to lock the mobo and hdd together. Then xbox live servers saw a new unique pairing of hdd and mobo and you could get the box back on live. It's an old method, and not for the faint hearted. xbox-scene has literally hundreds of examples of disasters when using it without a chip for safety. Luckily we have moved on from needing these dangerous tools.. OP.. before you go any further have a good read of the xboxhdm .txt files.. print them out if you can so you have a hard copy reference.. FTP both your eeprom.dat (and bin.. there are a few files in the eeprom backup folder on the xbox hdd.. you will find them in E:\backup\eeprom or E:\eeprom) file and your complete C: and E: (which contains all your saves, usually your original M$ dash files, settings and custom soundtracks if any) drives off your xbox to your PC. that ensures you have them, and all the data safely backed up. the rest should be simple if you take care, and tick off each step in sequence I do it slightly differently from the guide, with both hdd's unlocked and connected at once to my 360 flashing machine, but I'm a command line linux monster so I'm not going to confuse the issue with that howto.. theres always another day C4RN1 (what a guy) has a download available he calls his "cheaters C" for softmodders. But your C: and E: will do nicely.. you only really need xboxhdm to lock the drive when you are finished. It would be an idea to keep your stock drive locked and in a safe place for a while in case of disasters.. The large seagate drives in particular tend to run very hot in the confined space... XD
yes you two have help me out a lot and what not my biggest problem is i have like three friends here where i live and they all have moded xbox's well they sit telling me that they done it well none of them actuly can get the order right of how to do stuff and that is what i am confused about it is driveing me insane and i had win zip but it says the triel pireod is up so now i dont know what to do i will try win rar do you have to put the xboxhdm disc in the xbox or the computer these are the thing that i am trying to figure out i am very confused after listing to my three friend that dont seem to know any thing and what not the one told me all i have to do is transfer one hard drive to the next oh yeah (that did not come even close to working ) ggggrrrr and what not so yeah show why i am haveing such hard time. but you two have got a lot further i think i am about ready to try right now and see if i get it
don't worry about winzip trial being up, you can still use it. ignore your friend's comments and just look at Varnull's and my comments above. you basically ftp the eeprom from the xbox to the pc, then copy that into the relevant folder in the xboxhdm folder structure (also on the pc). run the relevant .bat file on the pc and that creates an xboxhdm cd which includes the eeprom. boot the pc with that in and then attach the 320gb drive to the pc (as described in the tut), then follow the rest of the tut. I'm sat happily playing Thief Deadly Shadows on my latest xbox (great game but buggy as hell, but that makes it more fun), so i'm sat here and can give you any more pointers you might need. xboxhdm can be a little annoying if you connect the hard drive too soon but it's a clever bit of code so just read the xboxhdm bits of chunkhead's tutorial above, it's dead easy. If you need extra steps ie what to do after the hard drive is in, here's my usual link i pimp out as it's back from when i was an xbox noob back in November - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/557450/3558187
I would just ftp from my currently working xbox to get the files, then follow the xboxhdm method to put the files on the new drive... those are the only 2 ide things you need connected to the pc.. the cd/dvd drive and the new hdd. You can do it all in one go if you use a dvd for hdm instead of a cd which can be too small for the C and E together. /me returns to dreamfall on my xecuter3 DOAXBV limited edition box
i got xboxhdm and it is unziped and on the desktop do i now burn it to dvd or cd or what do i do now sorry i thinki under stand what i do but it is that part to much from other is geting me confused but i got it if i am right i turn it in to iso right and burn it
copy the eeprom.bin file into the relevant folder (xboxhdm\linux\eeprom folder) in the xboxhdm folder, then you run the make-iso-win.bat file in the xboxhdm folder which creates a new linux.iso which you then burn to cd. If you want the C: and E: stuff you'll have to ftp those out too, plop them into the C: and E: folders in the xboxhdm\linux folder before burning to a dvd, i'm guessing you just overwrite any files that are already in the C: and E: folders in xboxhdm\linux i've pasted in some of chunkhead's pics from the first link i gave you - Your folders should now look like this... 'eeprom' Folder * If all is in place, navigate back to the original 'xboxhdm' folder and click on 'make-iso-win.bat' * A DOS box will appear and make the 'linux.iso' file * We now need to burn the 'linux.iso' file. We'll use Nero as our example. *Open Nero and select 'CD' from the top right and then 'Burn Image To Disc'. * Click the drop down menu for 'File Of Type' and select 'Image Files'. Our file will appear (assuming you are in the correct directory), select it and click 'Open' * Burn the image as usual to CD.
ok thank you i think i got it now i am on the right track wow you two are FU(KING awesome i think i got it now holy it is making scene now thank you so much i got it working out i have one more (?) then i think i got it i believe if i am right i have to turn on the xbox then i have to wait till the Microsoft pops and pull the ide out of there and then put it in to the computer right or not any more cause of it biing soft moded. i think what understand is that the eeprom has to unlock the drive right or no this i think is the last thing i have to do