Ok, first of all the file was originally a .iso.exe type. I renamed it to .iso and began to use Nero to burn it as an image. I use an old 4x writer and when I burn the 488 meg file, it only takes about 2 min. The ensuing cd still has all space free and no file on it. I have also tried burnning the .iso file using the standard adaptec easy cd creator. I made it a data cd just to see if that could work, but it just burns the file as a copy of itself to the cd. I tried using winIso on the file, but it says it is not a valid type. What am I doing wrong? By the way, the file is win xp pro.
Just a guess... maybe it is a self-extracting ZIP/RAR and you just have to execute it (double-click the file name) to extract the proper ISO image before burning?
ahh.. aldaco12, is quite possible that this file came from Kazaa, and for some strange reason a lot of files downloaded from Kazaa are given the .exe extension after the .iso and .bin extensions.. but, if all else fails, I do like your answer! you never know, it could be true.