I haven't gone above Evox M7ef Orange but if you want to try another one go ahead. Evox M7ef has the eject fix option required when swaping DVD game disks, increases the fan speed and turns the Green Xbox Power light to Orange when operational. Go to this site and register. http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=27 The bios can be found in the Dump download section on page 1.
I downloaded Evox M7ef from the link you left, but I can not seem to open it correctly. I am using win rar to extract the file but when it creates the folder there is nothing in it. this is how far I am ---I have installed the xenium ice and backed up the eeprom, that is all I have done??? --- I have tried Slayers auto installer 2.6 but it keeps loading up to the xenium main screen, launch menu disk tools eeprom tools settings reboot recovery power up
having this mod chip and not being able to understand it is like having a Porsche 911 Turbo in your driveway and its not yours... someone please help me out or walk me through it
Do a search for power archiver, it replaces both winzip and winrar. The bios file you have should be 256k in size and have a .bin extention. -----Xenium Launch Screen --------- You first need to choose "Add New Item" and select TSOP. The name for this bios will be ORIGINAL or RETAIL Ok you said you backed up the eprom so then this has been done already. Reset the date and time now. Reboot the system and boot with the original bios. Reset the date and time before going to flash the hacked bios (M7ef) http://www.teamxecuter.com/index.php?name=Downloads Go to the above site and download the bios manager. With this program you must make a 1mb bios from the 256k bios that you have. The 1mb bios can either be flashed to the Xenium using a boot cd or the easier way is to put it onto a 256mb pen drive using the USB adapter that came with your chip. Put the USB adapter in any slot other than the first one. That's where your controller should be. "Add New Item" choose FLASH and then choose the directory of the media with the bios. Directory H will be for the pen drive if you use it. After your hacked bios is installed, then you can insert the Slayers evox auto-installer v2.6 burned to a Memorex CD-RW using Nero 6 as an ISO file at a speed no faster than 4x.
my computer is ran through a router and my xbox is also plugged into the router, I can go to my xbox's IP and have these options.. launch, flash, reboot, shut down.. Is that what FTP is. Is that what they mean when they say " you have to FTP it to your pc or xbox" can I flash the bios like that and if so, do I have to be on any certain screen when I atempt flashing the bios?
x2 bios manager says "port driver not initialized" under image options i selected the evoxm7_ef and copied and pasted it to each of the 4 banks, is this right so far?
OK,, I haved flashed the bin file, now do I go to launch and select that file with the Slayer cd in the drive?
You'd better find one of the many sites that tell you how to do this. If you guess you'll probablly F'up your box. It seems you've been guessing all the way up untill now. The worst thing that can happen is that you mess up your original bios and can only boot from the hacked bios. If you're an xbox live freak then you need to be careful and READ! To backup your Xbox files, you can FTP a copy of the C and any other folder you can find from the Xbox to your PC harddrive.
Okay, thanks for all your help, I dont think I have to guess that much anymore, since I have been reading all this shit since thur. night...
i got a question. could you just use a usb adapter cable instead of a pen drive to transfer the BIOS? Thanx!