I have already watched several DVD in my PC until yesterday I bought 3 new dvd movies and played in a STANDALONE DVD PLAYER and they work fine but when I tried play in my PC using POWERDVD player, it says "MEDIA NOT PRESENT". I try other DVD dics I bought a month ago and they worked fine in STANDALONE DVD PLAYER AND IN MY PC. Is this a new DVD COPY PROTECTION? I already used DVDDECRYTER, ANYDVD AND DVDREGION CSS FREE and still cannot recognized the DISC. Any suggestion?
Iam from Philippine I bought these DISC from a local supplier, they said they are made in Malaysia. Titles are Last Ride, King Arthur and National Treasure
The problem is most likely the fact that they're bootlegs. I've seen quite a few folks have problems with such discs. I imagine the bootleggers aren't quite as interested in comatibility as the legitimate makers are. What part of the Philipines are you in? My sister in law is from Bagguio
Bootlegs are illegal copies made by smaller shops. The problems come from the fact that they use substandard equipment and substandard methods when producing their discs so incompatible discs are not unusual.
A mate of mine has just come back from asia well bali and brought back 150 discs.The disc quality was dubious to the degree that some of the discs were see through so a dvd couldnt read them.We found that if you re copied them to a better disc 6 out of 10 would play reasonably well but there was still some that froze.Try reburning to a more durable disc and see if that helps