Well it looks like another Resident Evil type possibility with Spanglish. Many threads starting up with members thinking ANOTHER NEW ENCRYPTION. I have read most of the threads out there already and this is my take on this movie. Its seem about a 50 50 split on those able to back it and and those who can't. Those with success have tried many different ways and all seem to work. Those that can't back it up have 2 possible answers. 1. Your decrypting software is an old version that needs updating. 2. If your software is up to date and you have had success with other movies, then you probably have a bad original. We are seeing more and more BAD PRESSINGS of new movies lately than ever before. I don't know exactly why but it is getting to be a regular ordeal. What I am trying to get across is if 50% of the people say they had success with a movie doing nothing different then your problem isn't software related if you have the latest versions. DVD's with bad pressing may play just fine on a player but won't rip properly. I know this from first hand experience with 2 of the newer movies already. I exchanged the dvds and the second one copied just great. I hope this helps some of you from pulling out your hair over Spanglish. Good luck. Jerry
nice one Jerry; i have seen some posts with references to Anydvd being needed - ie arccos or whatever, even posts with output from Anydvd stating it's found arccos or puppetlock. But yeah, there such a hoohaah and such varying resolutions that i'm intrigued to see what is really going on. Will keep watching the threads & conspiracy theories and will hopefully be more the wiser by the time it gets over here to the UK. It could even be that the dvd makers are trying to be too clever with their protections and just plain buggering themselves (and us poor souls) up. There's also a hoohah over on dvd decrypter official forum. As you titled your thread 'use the search feature' i've posted a summary of Spanglish posts from one of bilbo65's posts - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/178185 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/173741 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/178281 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/176680 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/178207 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/178323 Rich
You know, Jerry, I was thinking the same thing last week but I assumed people new to try DVD Decrypter first before going to shrink since the problem has happened many times before.
Jerry - Here's an experience I haven't read anywhere else, that I wanted to throw into the mix. I burned Spanglish, using Decrypter to rip; Shrink to resize; and Nero to burn. All apps. are the latest versions and completely up to date. After burning, when placed into the DVD player the screen is black with no sound. If I click on 'menu' I get one but there's sign of the movie being played. If I then skip ahead to the 3rd chapter(2nd chapter doesn't work) and then rewind back to the beginning of the movie, it plays fine. So all of it's there, but doesn't come up as to all other movies I've burned. BTW, before this I've had in the neighborhood of 60 - 70 successful burns in a row, using authentic Taiyo Yudens. Does this point to a 'bad pressing'? Or is there something else going on here? Len
wow djlen, I did the exact same thing you did, decrypt, shrink, and nero and it worked for me. when you used shrink, did you take anything out?
No, it's a pretty small file, so I just used 'main title', took out a couple of foreign subtitles and had my 100%, and burned it that way. I'm thinking it's what a lot of people are saying. There are some bad pressings going around. There are a lot of people coming up with problems over this movie, and a lot that are having no problems at all. Just too much of a co-incidence. I posted my experience to see if that sounded like a symptom of a bad pressing. I'd like to get some feedback on that. Len
djlen is your firmware for your drive up to date. Take a look at this thread on Spanglish http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/178323 If you had a bad pressing you would not be able to rip the movie.
djlen: I used the same method on Spanglish as you: DVD Decrypter, Shrink, then Nero to burn; and had no problems. Before you burned to disk, did your ripped file play on your computer dvd?
@djlen, Thats a little different problem than usual. As stated possibly you need a firmware update or even a bad blank disc. You can get a bad disc even with the best media at times. Its just not too likely with the better brands. Maybe retry it again with a RW disc and see if you get the same exact problem. Jerry
I already did and discovered on the second 'failure', the same exact glitch as in the first. I deleted the file used in the first burn and started over from scratch with Decrypter, with exactly the same results as the first one. I'm convinced there's some bad discs out there with this movie. They are probably good enough to play OK, but are a problem to back up. Just too many discrepancies in reports....some are burning with no problem and others end up with crap. And many of the folks reporting, are using up to date applications with differing results. I'm going to borrow a copy from a friend and see how it goes with a different 'original'. Oh, BTW my firware is up to date as well. I have not read where anyone has successfully ripped this movie using DVD Shrink. If anyone has, please reply. Len
Its starting to sound more like a bad original. You can download a 21 day trial of Clonedvd2 and Anydvd if you don't have them. I'd like to see how they handle your original. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/clonedvd.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/anydvd.cfm Jerry
Having already been successful with my copies of AnyDVD and CloneDVD 2, I tried the combination of AnyDVD, DVD Shrink and burned automatically with DVD Decrypter. Another success Watched the copied movie and detected no problems. So I guess the confusion of people and programs continues.
bilbo65 Have you tried ripping your copy with Decrypter without AnyDVD running and then running it through Shrink?
As previously stated, I believe it really depends on the 'original' that is used and some are faulty. I didn't have this problem previously and have backed up 4 discs since with no errors or glitches. I will be borrowing another copy of Spanglish soon and will try to back that up to see if I get a different result. Jerry - I used my trial version of ANYDVD and so can't use that app. any more without paying for it. I've had such great results with the freebies, I hesitate to spend $40 for something I don't need. I will purchase it if, down the road I run into problems with decrypting that DVD Decrypter can't handle. I will say that everything I've read indicates that people who have used ANYDVD have had less issues with this particular movie. I've also read on the Decrypter Forum that ANYDVD interferes with the functionality of Decrypter in some ways. They advise not keeping it on your computer if you use Decrypter. I didn't have any problem with it when it was on mine for my trial period. Any feedback on that? Len
I was just thinking that Anydvd and Clonedvd2 might confirm a bad original if they also didn't work. As to the conflict between DVD Decrypter and Anydvd I see none. I have both installed. Maybe a conflict if both were trying to be used at the same time but not by having them installed. The only time I had a problem with Anydvd was after I uninstalled and reinstalled Nero Ultra one time. After the reinstall I opened Anydvd to try Nero Recode. Anydvd opened OK but I kept getting a copy protection message. I had to reinstall Anydvd also. I couldn't understand what happened. I decided to try the same thing again. I uninstalled Nero--reinstalled Nero and then tried Anydvd again. Same problem again, Anydvd wouldn't decrypt anymore until I reinstalled again. I still don't know why it does that. You get some weird reactions with this stuff. Jerry
I have noticed that the newer releases from Columbia Studios have bad sectors inserted to prevent backups. The only way I have found that works is AnyDVD and Shrink.
Some versions of AnyDVD can cause problems with Decrypter according to LIGHTNING UK! http://forum.dvddecrypter.com/index.php?showtopic=16818&hl= This is only with the new Sony crappy encryption.The newest version of AnyDVD should be alright.
@wild77 - from that thread - somebody had posted LIGHTNING UK's response So obviously ppl have to keep up with the updates, but i knew i'd read it somewhere..