Hey guys...wondering how and if I can increase the burn speed on my DVD burner...it only allows me two burn at two times...is there somewhere I can get software to fix this issue? Thanks
What brand and speed DVDs are you using and what speeds are you seeing that they will burn at? Matshita seems to be getting a bunch of complaints on not burning at rated media speeds. Have you checked on any firmware upgrades?
Also check your DMA to make sure it hasn't slipped into PIO. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038
How do I check the DMA? and what the hell is that anyway!!!! I am using Maxell and Sony DVD's both with 8x..neither work...they just burn at 2x....but they burn at 8x on my desktop burner
Hope I got this right: It is a Matshita UJ-840D driver version is 5.1.2535.0 if this isn't it, hit me over the head with a tack hammer...then wake me up and let me know how to find out....thanks
Where's the tack hammer? The firmware version was asked for, not the driver; but every little bit helps. A utility such as the free DVDInfopro will list it for you under Drive Info.
RPC1 provides no listing for your drive. So I must think that there are no firmware updates available. Edit: The DMA guide didnt help?
Looks like your not the only one with this problem. See what a little searching will do: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/290412 Firmware update link provided in thread.
[bold]Matshita seems to be getting a bunch of complaints on not burning at rated media speeds. Have you checked on any firmware upgrades?[/bold] Though I didn't hunt down the threads and spoon feed the links, holey24 was informed of such in the 3rd post of the thread. If you check the web further, you'll note the complaints extend outside the AD forum. Listing at Techzilla show the same problem. No mention of the source for the firmware though. It's not an isolated problem. Matshita put out a drive with inferior firmware. Hopefully there's a firmware update to fix it. Beware of hacked firmware though, a bad "flash" can destroy a drive. Also, if any warrantee exists, it is usually voided by use of hacked firmware.
ok..so I am stupid....I tried the link that you provided but with the .rar, I'm not sure with .exe file to use...also, will this driver make the burner run at a faster speed?
.rar is an a file similar to a zip file. It takes WinRar or another archive tool capable of opening rar files for you to open and use the download. As I said though, be careful. Some of the hacked fixes can be trouble themselves. I only saw this firmware suggested at techzilla and no mention of the source. I don't think it's OEM. Your PC and drive though...
hey..I nderstand what the .rar file is and I have Windows Archive....my question was that there are a couple of .exe files so I was curious which one I should use