Dreambox 500T 500C Fixes here

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by Satlinksw, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    This is a 9 pin null modem cable


    turkish 18 download this image.


    Then using the null modem cable via dreamup which can be found here


    Go into dreamup uncheck use network

    Your box must be off when you do this click connect and plug the box in.

    Dreamup will communicate with the box and allow you to upload an image. Upload the image you downloaded at the top of the page.

    Let this image install. This is a fully working image which doesnt need keys installed. Once you have installed scan using bruteforce in your area. Then try Sly Sports 1. Leave for about 1 minute till the cam picks the channel up. If this doesnt work reboot and all should be fine.

    PS markarman?????

    Check this out dafty:


    Thought it DIDNT WORK?

    Note to markarman! That was an irish dm500 owner that sent that reply!

    Anyway markarman one thing ive struggled with is getting my ip, dns server and gateway address how would i go about doing that mate? Seeing as your being helpfull?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  2. need2no7

    need2no7 Member

    Apr 6, 2008
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    Flashed using null cable and usb adapter, using dream up, used cgscott auto roll, scanned for channels, got them but no audio or visual.
    Does anyone have any idea what i'm doing wrong
  3. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Could be the cam isnt loading up do you get the free to air channels?

    Try flashing this image below using null modem mate

    this image mate this is a smaller one.

    Still has autoroll..


  4. smerlin

    smerlin Member

    Apr 4, 2008
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    Hi guys,

    I've been busy for 1 week trying to install the fix on my Dreambox. First I just FTP'ed the Nagarom 7 file. No luck. Then I tried the DW Dream 1.6.5 imagine, and then FTP'ed the Nagarom 7 file. No luck. Then I installed the DW 2.0. image (from which I understand the fix was already installed in it). No luck. So I added the Nagarom 7 fix to this image. No luck.

    Then I read about CGScott's image. Followed every step. Did a Brute Scan. Then I went to BBC 1. After waiting 10 seconds..Vioila!!! Perfect! All the channels are there, some are duplicate so it is indeed a bit messy, but it works!!! I'm so happy! All my trouble was not for nothing thanks to you Chris! BTW, I'm in Dublin, so lads in Dublin, this is what you need to do:


    Follow this procedure guys and girls.

    1. You will need relevant software so that your box can be fixed properly.

    Dream up, Flash Wizard. Dreambox Control Center. Extract the file and autorun the program. A small box will appear with the relevant software.


    2. Now you need this imgage i have FULLY WORKING! This is a flash wizard file and need to be flashed through the flash wizard program you downloaded before. PLACE THIS IMAGE ON YOUR DESKTOP. EASY TO FIND.


    3. Now that you have downloaded the WORKING IMAGE. Connect to your dreambox via DCC. You will need your Dreamboxes ip address for this. If you do not have it and have an image already on you box. Go into the setup, expert, communications. Your ip address will be in here.

    4. Once you have connected to the dreambox. Open Flashwizard. Go into configuration and ultilies at the bottom of the box. Make sure the ip of the dreambox is the same as the one in dcc. It should be. If not change it.

    Now Click Install a Firmware to flash memory. Now you will need my WORKING IMAGE. You downloaded above. Click the open folder tab. Browse for the image. Should be on your desktop as instructed above. Click open.

    The image should now be visible in the box.

    Now click flash image backup. This will install the image to your box.
    Takes approx a minute.

    Once completed reset the box. PLug into ur tv. And try.

    It should now show that the flash is installed.

    Do the scan using bruteforce.

    Once the scan has finished check your channels. TRY SS1 FIRST. If you dont have the channel. Reboot box. This time the evocam should startup and will roll the channels.

    This is the simplest way to install this image. If this doesnt work or you have problems connecting to your dreambox you will have to go down the null modem route. Please leave me a message if you have problems with this.



    Lads It Works (yes, you can say that again!! It works!!)

    I followed the tutorial word for word. Made my own crossover cat5 cable, downloaded the soft and firmware as advised and installed as per tutorial.Scanned using the N*L ie option in the service provider box and it works. Watched S*y Sports 1 and Movies in Ireland.
    One problem there is a lot of duplicate channels with the same name some work some dont, but they are all there (dont know yet if this is my fault). I dont know will it autoroll but I assume it will because it decoded all channels this morning.
    This box belongs to a mate so I wont have it for much longer but I still have to do my own so I will keep you posted.

    Thanks for your tutorial Chris!!
    Regards Smerlin
  5. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thankyou for the reply smerlin

    I appreciate folk getting back and letting people know this does work.

    Especially in Ireland.

    The reason it has double the channels is the image is uk scanned on my box and has the channels preloaded.

    So once scanned in ireland using bruteforce you end up with some channels channels from uk and ireland.

    If and when you are confident at loading up the images. I can send you an image that is fresh and when installed will take you straight to the search at the start.

    Then when scanned using bruteforce will show only ur area laist when loaded.

    Thanks again for the reply.

    ps MARKARMAN: Look at that another irishman loaded and working.

    Looks like you aint got the luck of the irish mate LOL!


    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  6. markarman

    markarman Regular member

    May 16, 2007
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    ok chris fair play to you.


    does anyone with an i.p. address outside the u.k. have experience in this working?

    always keen to learn and would love this to work in ireland

    views please
  7. quantumIE

    quantumIE Member

    Sep 22, 2007
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    hey markarman,
    i have my 500c working on c****s in cork.

    i re-flashed with a DW 2.0 image which still didnt work.
    So then I copied in the three rom files to var/scce and its been rolling ever since!

    As i'm posting, does anyone have an updates irish cables.xml which has mtv base?
  8. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    I would like to say a very big thank you for the image you made available with the the fix already installed.I have a db500c but the ethernet port is broken,but I was able to install your image using Dreamup AND NULL CABLE,.

    Once Again THANK YOU.

    Regards Andy.

    ps i am in Dublin

    This was sent to me private: AndyMc1

    Another irish fix with my image.
  9. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Hi mate, Thanks for putting that tutorial up. I just got my dreambox yesterday, didnt have a clue, found your tutorial and it worked a treat. I can now get most channels that I wanted but not any of the sky movies channels. Can you tell me if there is anyway of adding these? also will I get pay per view events with this?

    Username: Bazzraa

    Another fix with my image

    See it does work guys.

  10. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    These guys are from dublin. Is that in the uk?

    Try reading the posts.
  11. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    tommorow i will upload 2 images.

    one for null and other for flashwizard.

    Both will be fresh installs for uk and ireland.

  12. turkish18

    turkish18 Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    For CG Scott or anybody who can help. I am trying to download image from rapid share that does the numbers automatically but i am a bit stuck again (What a surprise). When i go on the sight it asks me if i want to join or download one off for free so i click the one off but then it comes up with all manner of ways to download this file and then asks me to input a code have tried to do thid but i am not getting any joy could somebody please help.


  13. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Nice tutorial mate, simple and easy to understand.

    I Can`t understand when people dis you when you are giving up your own time?.. yes you Markaran ...well out of order.
    If you can`t prove the info is wrong then don`t assume it is... and it has been proven to work... how does that make you look?
    The guy has helped you and you know it but you don`t even mention his name when you are imparting your newfound knowledge.
    Obviously a young guy with a lot to learn, in life, not dreamboxes.
    Have a wee talk with yourself before you start dissing guys who are giving up their free time to help you and without them you box is no more than a good fta device.

    If the man helps you guys.. let us know.

  14. markarman

    markarman Regular member

    May 16, 2007
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    hey guys

    sorry if i have sounded rough on chris in here.

    i would just like to point out that he did actually offer advice to me when i was having problems, it wasn't what he said it was but his time taken in replying was very gratefully received.


    i did say a something once which he took the wrong way (or maybe it seemed bad to another person reading it) but i apologised here on the forum for any mis-understanding as soon as i read his reply and realised how it had been taken.

    even after my apology though chris did seem to be a bit off towards me which is when i took the hump...( i will not even mention the p.m. i recieved from him)

    i still stand by my latest comments about the posts saying his new flash works in ireland because... and only because..... these users have u.k. i.p. addresses not irish ones. so i fail to see how they can state it works in ireland.although i don't doubt it.

    although i like most people really do want his image to work and his tutorials are very thoughtful.and his time on this forum has been noted by me and many others i am sure.

    but i will make no further comments on this.

    i am still trying to get my box to auto update and i am currently in my brother in laws house and i will try to put the new key files in the scce file on the box. a solution i believe was posted and confirmed by phase 123. this is the first chance i will have with access to a hub ( as i don't have a crossover cable). i will post the results later.

    apologies to chris and phase 123 for my previous negativity and best of luck to anyone who is having problems i remember when i first started out it was mind blowing all this flash and null modem cable talk.

    so here goes with the new key files and we'll see what happens

    cheers all and keep up the good work chris and everyone else.


    when your trying to download stuff just choose the free option, then scroll down a little bit there will be a box asking if you want to download from "whatever site is nearest you"

    if the code isn't clear click on refresh image i had to do this a couple of times myself. this is there to protect users from spammers who can automatically spoil these download sites. with the code thing it must be a human downloading every time not some automated programme.

    click on that then scroll up again. because its free you may have to wait but its only a minute or two (unless you have just recently downloaded something else then it could be up to 5 minutes) just wait a while it will start automatically.

    remember what chris said earlier about choosing the location to save these downloads. the desktop is the easiest place to find them. you can always move them later.

    good luck
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  15. linny40

    linny40 Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Now thats what i liek to see everyone getting along! if anyone says something someone dont like, then maybe re readit coz it may not be quite as bad as you think.

    I personally think we are all tired and fed up over the last few weeks and i thank everyone new or old for their input time engery and help that they give out whether it be justa small piece of info or ifno they have picked up from the forum over the last few weeks.

    Without the likes of the members. mods & admin alike on here this forum would not survive.
    So pelsae guys give credit where credit is due EVERYONE on here is takingup their free time to try and help each other.
    so dont spoil it and make it like one other forum i could mention that deals with just a particular box me thinks ( dunno never got that far could they would not let me psot lol)

    IF it wernt for these guys your boxes would NEVER work THEN you woudl be moaning aobut all the money you spent on them!

    so guys n gals

  16. turkish18

    turkish18 Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thanks for the advise i have dowloaded it and have flashed my box just tried to re scan and switch back on and i am getting all the channel information but only picking up the free channels is there any thing i should be doing that i have not done have scanned for my area which is 6*58 area but just doesnt seem to want to work i am probably doing something wrong

    Please Help

  17. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    You need to scan through bruteforce.

    This will bring up the needed channels and the software loaded. (Evocam2.12) will load up the channels the autoroll is within the directory.

    ps Thankyou Phase123 for your comment in regards to markarmans misleading comments saying that my image was not successfull.

    I must point out to markarman that you say the image is failing in ireland if you read back to previous posts you will see that this image does work as previous dublin chor*s and n*l members have tried and all have thanked me for.

    Thanks again for your recognition to my input to this site Phase123.


  18. turkish18

    turkish18 Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thanks for that CG scott. I have tried this and it still isnt working do i have to do anything else other than re scan the box using bruteforce i switched box off and on again and this still doesnt seem to do anything.

    sorry to be a pain mate.

  19. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    quote from markarmans last post:

    "i still stand by my latest comments about the posts saying his new flash works in ireland because... and only because..... these users have u.k. i.p. addresses not irish ones. so i fail to see how they can state it works in ireland.although i don't doubt it."

    Markarman i would like to quote this to you " I have had 2 people phoning me from dublin today asking me how to get this fixed.

    I will tell you tommorrow when i fix them because unfortunately they did not have crossover cables.

    Then i will ask them to post this message 2 you.


    You have a null modem cable i posted a null modem fix. If you read this post:


    You can see this guy has null modem the flash and has a working box in ireland (DUBLIN).

    Please do not insult my intelligence as obviously you have a little less knowledge about this than me.

    I am here to help and have done so according to the replies.

    How many replies you had saying thankyou?


    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  20. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    left you a private message mate. have a look

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