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Problems with AnyDVD/ CloneDVD 2 - Help!

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by AngelaS25, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. AngelaS25

    AngelaS25 Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    Hey all--

    Here's my problem. I recently started using Any DVD and CloneDVD2.

    I do everything I am supposed to. Put the DVD in, pull up the VIDEO_TS file, etc etc. It goes thru the whole copy/burn process, successfully, it says... but... when I go to watch the movie.. nothing! I check to see if there's anything on the DVD and it says it's empty. Yes, it's all up-to-date.

    So, the program says it's burning, acts like it's burning, but nothing is coming up on my DVD's. I am using Memorex DVD-RW's. I know the burner works; I used to use DVD Shrink/IMGTool/DVD Decrypter with it. It has been awhile since I used the DVD Burner. Is there a possibility something is going on with the hardware... and if so, how can I check it/fix it??

    I have tried everything... help!

  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Welcome to aD!
    Check and make sure your drive's firmware is up to date. Your drive may need a firmware update to help with the read and write strategies.
    Next I would switch the media from Memorex to Verbatim or made in Japan Sony, Fuji or Maxell.
    What was the burn speed?
    Players can be picky with media - does your player also support rw discs?
  3. 1wrx2nv

    1wrx2nv Member

    May 24, 2004
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    hey guys... I myself is having the same problems using anydvd/dvdclone2 with sony dvd+r's. when I first bought the dvdr's I backed up two movies and I was getting skipping, delay, pixation... original movies work just fine on dvd player. both original and backed up dvdr's work just fine on pc. so I thought that it maybe due to the firmware upgrade that this might fix my problem. I have an hp 530i (530r) so I proceeded to hp's website to get the update, and now I made a second copy of the same movie and now my dvd player does not recognize disc. shows zero play time, 0 chapters, and blank screen. tried three times to play in dvd player and 2 times same result and 1 time same except for message from dvd player that disc may be damage or something....cant remember the rest.... please help. I spoke to hp, they say that my writer is gone.... is this true, any experiences or fix known. thank you
  4. Frodo731

    Frodo731 Guest

    Firstly, how long is the movie you're trying to backup/copy?
    Secondly, I have CloneDVD2, and it doesn't always work, depends on the codecs you use.
    Thirdly, there's hope, being the nice kind generous person I am, contact me and I'll give you totally free, a copy of the program I am now using. Be sure your ISP will allow 4mb in emails.

  5. AngelaS25

    AngelaS25 Member

    Apr 10, 2006
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    The movies are average length, 1.5 or so and I've tried burning a few different speeds. My DVD's are 4x, so I've tried that.. I've also tried 2x and Max; nothing works. My player DOES support RW discs; I have successfully burned DVD's and played them in the past.

    I'll have to see if I can find any new driver upgrades for my burner. It's a no namer, but it used to work, so I'm stumped. I haven't had time to try and use it with Decrypter or any programs I used to... to find out whether it really is my burner or the programs. It's just really frustrating that I try over and over again to burn a DVD and nothing shows up. I think I've tried every possible way to burn it.

  6. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I have used CloneDVD/AnyDVD on probably a few hundred dvd's - no problems on this end in many different players. If the backups are playing in the pc - it sounds more like an issue w/ your player. They can be very picky. Try taking down the burn speed a notch - what speed are you burning at?
    Your drive's oem is Liteon - good drive and it may not be gone. Since it's a litey it supports booktyping - download this booktype utility and booktype the +R disc to dvd-rom. Your can run this in the background with CloneDVD. This makes the player think it's a dvd-rom - much higher compatability.

    What's the make, model and firmware on your drive? You can this info on the last screen of CloneDVD before you click go. The firmware version is what's next to rev. by your drive.
    Also what brand of discs are you using?
  7. skyblue81

    skyblue81 Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Ok, I've been using the AnyDVD and Clone DVD combo to decrypt my TV show DVDs, and then I've been using the Xilisoft program to convert them into a file for my iPod, but...the Audio/Picture sync is still completely messed up from the beginning. I'm not burning onto a seperate DVD, I'm using the DVD files function to just put the episode right on the computer, then using Xilisoft from there. I thought that decrypting through AnyDVD was supposed to get rid of that sync problem? I have the latest version of the software. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  8. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Your problem may be with Xilisoft to convert to put on your IPod.
    Let me see if I can get the aD IPod expert to help you.
  9. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    thanks for the link, binkie :)

    skyblue81 hi,

    This is a common problem with Xilisoft which can usually be remedied by making one simple adjustment. Assuming you are running the full version of Xilisoft, change the framerate of your output videos to 24fps.

    I have to add, however, that I believe Xilisoft is poor, and that there are many better alternatives out there.

    You may want to try them (they are free),


    (tutorial by Dela)

  10. skyblue81

    skyblue81 Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    thanks to both of you!
  11. JewCEE

    JewCEE Guest

    ALL my backups freezes or skips, or gets a Read Error. The quality hasn't been that good, so I am not sure where to start troubleshooting. I am using Verbatim DVD-R, from TAIWAN!! I think that's where the problem lies right? shoot. If that is true, that sucks because I have a full 100 stack ... got it from Sams Club. So is this the culprit or should I keep looking???
  12. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Your using quality discs so let's check a few other things.
    ▫ Make, model & firmware version of your drive
    ▫ Burn Speed
    ▫ Make and model of you player
    ▫ Have you tried playing them back in the pc? Any problems there?
    Most Verbs are made in Taiwan so your okay there. For other brands it's best to look for made in Japan.
  13. JewCEE

    JewCEE Guest

    ▫ Make, model & firmware version of your drive
    The DVD is Sanyo that I use for the source drive. I believe it has the current firware because I just recently updated it, like a month ago? The target DVD writer is a Plextor, I am on my laptop right now and couldn't get to the machine that makes the back-ups. It too has the latest firmware from last month. The players are: Kenwood DVD system for my truck, and also, Phillips combo DVD/VCR player. I could look up the models if needed.

    ▫ Burn Speed
    set to auto detect.
    ▫ Make and model of you player

    oops, player is Kenwood DVD for my truck, and Phillips DVD/VCR combo.
    ▫ Have you tried playing them back in the pc? Any problems there?
    I have not tried to play the back-ups on the PC.
  14. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I'm thinking your auto detect for burn is burning at max speed. That may be your problem. Players can be picky esp. with media burned at high speeds.
    Without knowing the rated speeds of the disc and the burner((plextor) and if the discs were overburned (higher than the rated speed)I would say try 4x and go up from there. You can always increase it and see what plays best on your players.
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    im getting ready to buy AnyDVD. the trial period has been up and i removed it from my computer, do i need to reinstall it and then buy AnyDVD. or when i buy it will they send me a copy????? i dont have a clue here?
    sorry i have posted this in a few threads dont actually know where to ask?
  16. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I see you got your answer in another thread :)
    I think you'll be happy with AnyDVD!!
  17. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    Someone please help me,I purchased DVDCLONER3 and isnt very good,SO i purchased ANYDVD&CloneDVD2,Everything works fine except when it starts to write the disc.( IT says BAD MEDIA error )it gets about 1% when it happends.

    I have a brand new DELL
    LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1693S (updated firmware)master slave
    Dell DVD/CD rom
    Nero 7 ultra

    I also used 3 DIFF type of media.
    Memorex DVD-R 4.7GB 8x
    Verbatim DVD-R 4.7GB 16x
    Staples DVD-R 4.7GB 16x

    someone please help me.I would just use Nero,but i paid for CloneDVD2 and prefer it.
  18. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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