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DVD compression

Discussion in 'Video problems with Mac' started by ZiaTioN, Jun 1, 2003.

  1. ZiaTioN

    ZiaTioN Guest

    Are there any better compression utilities than Transcoder out there for DVD's on a MAC?

    Transcoder simply sucks on evry attempt I have made to use it. Maybe all new DVD's are a mix of NTSC film and video. Either way Transcoder is useless.

    Just looking for another option. If no more compressors out there what do you guys use to split the dvd? Also if I chose to split it I would want to keep all the menues and such so 0Sex would be out of the question since you cannot rip the whole dvd with it. What dvd rip app should I use, DVD backup?
  2. edubbs

    edubbs Member

    Jun 13, 2003
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    BUY DVD2ONEX!!! It's the only hassle-free solution. It sucks that it costs fifty bucks, but it's totally worth it for how easy and fast it is. Transcoder used to take 12 to 15 hours for me. Mediapipe took even longer. dvd2oneX, for the same DVDs, takes thirty minutes! It's really unbelievable. Try out the demo. I think you can get it on macupdate.com.
  3. JonB

    JonB Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Use DVD2oneX! DVDbackup for backupping and decoding. then DVD2oneX for compressing and last but not least toast for burning.
  4. mike71

    mike71 Guest

    well i use pal and i have'nt had one prob with transcoder

    and i personally don't see the need to pay for a retail prog when u can do it for free
  5. edubbs

    edubbs Member

    Jun 13, 2003
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    The reason its worth paying the money is for the total ease of use and the speed factor. I bought a DVD Freedom Pass for thirty bucks from Blockbuster (one month subscription, up to three DVDs at a time, no late fees, as many DVDs as you want a day, as long as only three are physically out of the store at the same time) and was burning a shit load of movies. A half hour - that's worth the fifty bucks for sure.
  6. mike71

    mike71 Guest

    sounds like piracy to me....

    not getting on my high horse but I admit I don't quite do that...

    have fun ;)
  7. edubbs

    edubbs Member

    Jun 13, 2003
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    Oh, I see. You're just making "backups" of your own DVDs right? Just the fact that you are using transcoder pretty much means that you are also pirating. So, yes, please stay off that high horse.
  8. mike71

    mike71 Guest

    well mate apart from doing it as an academic exercise I have done about 80% of the DVD's that myself or my g/f HAVE BOUGHT. She got a free DVD player with her mobile phone (read very cheap) and the originals flicker constantly (only some studios eg columbia) yet my copys play flawlesly. I have no problem with that use, I also did a couple for a school library (which they own) cos the kids sometimes flog the originals (can't watch the kids to well????).

    Didn't mean to put your nose out of joint but i'm not hiring DVD's & burning a library, cable TV and my other hobbies keep me busy enough.

    oh and I don't think use of transcoder amounts to piracy, but perhaps using a css decoder does! ;)

    hehe and since you might tell me I'm full of it I only have about 10 burnt DVD's total in my posession but i'm not saying I will never ever burn one I don't own for myself but i'm pretty sure I won' t be building a library.

    anyways as i said before have fun I wasn't trying to upset you

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