.BIN / .CUE / .ISO Frequently asked questions. READ1ST

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by cd-rw.org, Sep 23, 2002.

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  1. erico

    erico Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    ripper: read back, and follow aldaco's instructions on determining whether a BIN is faulty or not. (as in, divide the total byte size by 2352, read back for more detailed insrtuctions.) If it turns out to be a non-integer, then D/L a new file. If it IS an integer... then try 2 things that u described. First make 2 copys of the original. Then try changing the file type to a BIN, then to a .exe.bin, and burn both of them with the .cue u downloaded. See if it works. If not, and the file is a good bin (the sector amount is an integer), then i would suggest downloading a new file.
  2. ripper75

    ripper75 Guest

    thanks for you answer about copy the file like I ALWAYS do if I'm going to change the file-type. But I understand what you mean!
    It's just that I didn't download a .cue file, I just made one like cd-rw.org said.I don't know if that was wrong or what?
    Still I think people on kazaa who has that game and never tried to installed it (about 25pers.) stupid. Why have a game that you can't install......that's just my thoughts.
  3. erico

    erico Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    if... u created the CUE file correctly, then the problem obviously resides in the bin. So, check it like aldaco described before, to see if its a good BIN file. If not, then that could be why the other 25 persons haven't installed it. So u may need a new .bin for the file u want.
  4. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    People, you should do new threads for your questions. All people is posting here and it is difficult to understand each topic.

    Now, lets try to understand.

    a) .BIN.EXE files are somewhat proxy names for .BIN files. Just rename them to .BIN and it should work.

    b) Once you have the .BIN you should have the .CUE also. If not, create it the way was posted above.

    Now the answers:

    a) to Exquelus

    you found this:
    Track: Track #1
    Kind of track: Data (mode 2)
    Size of track 630MB

    I do not know why Nero says Mode2. You should open the .cue file (use Notepad) and read it. If MODE2 is written there you doenloaded a PSX disc not a PC disc.

    b) to KD-na

    ALWAYS check .BIN files with Isobuster. You can see if the file is corrupted.

    If all is well, try lowering the write speed.

    b) to ripper

    Rename the file to .ISO or .BIN and open it with ISOBUSTER. What happens?
  5. alpngso

    alpngso Member

    Jan 15, 2003
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    How long does it take to change the file name bin.exe to .bin or .iso file?

    I think my computer freezes when i change the file name... Only this my madden 2003 file...

    What's wrong!?
  6. critter44

    critter44 Member

    Jan 15, 2003
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    hey yall! great site. i have spent the past 40 minutes reading through the "read first "section and am still looking for a few answers to a couple of questions. i have a 3 bin files that need to be recorded one a t a time. they did not come with .cue files which is the source of most of my problems. i have written one and saved it in the same directory as the bin. the file name is: "reason2disc1.bin" and the cue file i wrote is:
    FILE "reason2disc1.bin" BINARY
    TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    the program is a music synthesizer like program for pc. i am using fireburner and when i try to load the cue (and therefore the bin), it says it is unable to find the bin file of the same name (remember that i encluded them in the same folder/directory. any help on this matter would be much appreciated because i have reached the frustration level of wanting to slam my head through my monitor, but i'll try to hold off until a response. thanks a ton in advance. -critter
  7. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Very strange.

    Did you use the command "IMPORT TRACKS FROM CUESHEET"? Because if you use "Load Tracks" and then you load a .CUE file you receive errors.

    BTW the .CUE seems correct. Are you sure you did not misspell the name (maybe a space, an underscore...) or that you put the file in the wrong directory?

    Please note that if you have Fireburner 2.1.7 unregistered you will ONLY test burning. Only version 1.0.6 unregistered is capable of burning.
  8. indian©

    indian© Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    Like someone else on this thread, I too created an account here JUST to say THANKS for your GREAT help! I didn't have to go past the first page to know what a .BIN and .CUE file was, to download Alcohol 120% and create my CD.

    Thanks guys!! Keep up the fabulous work!
  9. Disliked

    Disliked Guest

    Ok I've read through all the posts and got a better undertsnading of bin etc, thank you.

    However, I'm unclear about something....

    I've been burning bins for a while but I recently downloaded my first ISO and tried to make a cue for it, I burned it and then when I re-inserted my cd, there were no files on the cd.

    Now, I tried the dividing by 2352, but it wasn't an integer, or does that only work for BIN files?

    I've forgot what else I was going to ask....dammit. Oh, I use Nero btw, would burn Track at once or Disc at once have anything to do with it? :)
  10. critter44

    critter44 Member

    Jan 15, 2003
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    thanks for your help. it has gotten me further, but i have still been unsuccessful at burning this bin. i have now gotten the cue file to find the bin in the directory. then everything seems as though it is going ok (again, i am using fireburner for my burning needs). it says that it has completed the task, adn then waallaah!, i've got a coaster (i.e nothing shows up on the cd). when loading it into fireburner, i select "import tracks from cuesheet" and it looks like the program recognizes the bin because it says there is something like 51 minutes worth of material it is going to burn. but then nothing comes out. i'm now on my fifth coaster and thinking again about my head going into the monitor. thanks again in advance.

    by the way, i am using fireburner 2.1.7, but it is registered. i'm nearly positive that the file isn't corrupt. (not sure if this info matters or not for you) and this is what comes up when im burning on fireburner:

    Thread1: Setting Write Parameters
    Thread1: Write parameters set
    Thread1: Reading Disc Info
    Thread1: Reading Next Track Info
    Thread1: Start LBA is -150
    Thread1: Sending Cue Sheet
    Thread1: Processing Track 1 Pregap [150 Sectors]
    Thread1: Processing Track 1 [Mode1] [230267 Sectors]
    Thread2: Executing
    Thread2: Synchronizing Cache
    Recording complete
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2003
  11. erico

    erico Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Hey, cd-rw.org i dunno if u left or something, but you might wanna divide up this thread somehow, because this is getting really long. Aldaco suggested it awhile ago. Just reminding u!
    Disliked: Please note that you downloaded an ISO, which does not need a Cue file. The cue information is built into the ISO. Only a BIN file needs the cue.
    OK so in NERO, we're u burning the CD, or just running a simulation burn? because that would make it seem as though it was burning but nothing will be on the disc. Try checking the CD for burn marks, if you're unsure. And if you did indeed burn the CD, then make sure you burned an image file:
    Go File - Burn Image - Select cooresponding cue or ISO. And make sure that the dropdown list has cue/iso/nrg selected. Otherwise it wont show up. Before you may have just burned the wrong kind of CD, but if there is nothing on the CD, then i would suspect that u did indeed only run the simulation.
  12. Disliked

    Disliked Guest

    It does have burn marks, I did make a cue for the iso, and slected the cue in burn image.

    It didnt show any files so I wanted to make sure thats what I were doing wrong before wasting a cd.

    Does bytes/2352 only apply to BIN? Or is it for ISO too?
  13. erico

    erico Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    u didn't get what i was saying. U dont need a cue for the ISO. the cue is built in. U are selecting a cue file, that has no matching bin file, that is why there is nothing that is being burned to the CD. You need to select the ISO, and forget the cue. BIN's and CUE's go together. ISO's are a (BIN + Cue). Dont make a cue for the ISO. Just select the ISO and burn.
  14. Disliked

    Disliked Guest

    Yes I know now about cue but i was just saying what I had done earlier today.

    Thank You, I will test now...
  15. cd-rw.org

    cd-rw.org Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    I deleted dozens of less-useful posts from this thread. Mostly from the very first pages. The reason why this thread was created was that the forum was flooded with threads like "I have a BIN/CUE, what...?". This thread has helped a lot. I am not sure how should this be divided and what would it actually help.
  16. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Last edited: Jan 21, 2003
  17. jeanj

    jeanj Member

    Jan 20, 2003
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    Right! I have read through most of the threads and think I have a reasonable grasp on what to do with BIN and CUE files.

    So this is my scenario:

    I have two BIN files for a game, each of which I created CUE files for and burned to 2 CD's. This worked perfectly fine when I was using Alcohol 120% (using RAW SOA) and all the files appeared to be on the CD's and I was ready to start the setup process.

    However, when it asks me for the second CD during setup there is a really long pause before it does so, and when I enter the second CD and press "Enter" it tells me that "Setup could not find a specified component...".
    This then marks the end of my hopeful setup.

    So, please help, and give me any suggestions...should I maybe burn the image to CD using RAW DAO instead of RAW SAO?

    Good job u r doing with this site!
  18. acov

    acov Guest

    Hi, I've read thru the FAQ, and couldn't find an answer to my problem. I'm using Nero. After checking the CUE file, choosing Burn Image and Write (Disc-at-once), a Save as menu pops up. The burn process doesn't start, instead I'm promted to save an Image.nrg file somewhere. This is how far I get, and obviously I don't know how to move on.

    Btw, a very helpful site.
  19. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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  20. vvs

    vvs Member

    Jan 31, 2003
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    I made a .cue file following your instructions, but when i'm trying use it I get this kind of message:

    Cue sheet: line 1 - File not accessable

    I've checked the path.
    Thanks in advance.
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