try this
I personally use Acronis to make all my images as I can create a bootable thumb drive. Nero can create the same and Norton Ghost. aswell as many other apps. Are you willing to pay for a good app or just looking for a freee one?
What I can do is send you the files for a bootable disc made from Acronis. All you need to do is burn those files to a cd and restart your pc with the bootable CD and your ready to mak your image. It taks a bit to get used to but once you get it, its as easy as pie. PM me if you want those files.
You could try ghost that makes an image of a drive only 2gb of a 80gb HDD you can esaly burn that to a dvd Sorry, plz excuse my spelling
I dont understand how it can do that. How come every image file I have of a game is like 5gb. How can all your data be on a 2gb thumb drive? I can put 50 gb of music onto there too? I dun understand.
Its called "Compression" Besides, we are not talking about games here. Have you created a ghost image of your drives -Emenence-?
no I havent. I know what compression is. How come I can't download a 5 mb file that has 5gb of compressed data on it then, but you can compress your entire hd onto 2gb ....
Best way to set up your PC. 2 physical drives...and if u have one...make 2 partitions. Install OS and important programs. Install programs to C drive Put data in D drive (2nd partition) Even Move MY DOCUMENTS to the 2nd partition (in xp, right click My Documents folder and select MOVE) Boot from Acronis boot disc. Make image with Acronis to external USB Drive, 2nd drive or Secure Partition. (I do both - Secure partition is faster...but USB drive is better incase harddrive gets physically screwed up - then u lost your image) Then put in games. Acronis will compress the data and only the data. If u have 160 Gig drive...but only 6 Gig is used...then your image will be around 2 or 3 gig. Don't make image with all your games will be HUGE Image...unless u really want your favorite game...u play all the time. Actually...i usually make a separate partition 4x the amount of ram and put the swap file there. This helps with fragmentation.
I keep hearing people talk about a swap file. Do I need a "swap" partition or not? I have 4gb of ram and vista. Is it better to have swap partition? How do I make a swap partition and what does it do?