I just got a new car cd player that plays mp3 and wma. Since mp3s are so much smaller that wav files, couldnt I just burn mp3s as mp3s and fit like 100 songs on one disk? Im poor so this would greatly benefit me. Plus the cd player has a remote with any number selection on it, like a tv remote. I tried with nero and easycd but they both automaticly convert to wav. How can I turn this off. Note: One other thing when you buy a cd-r it says 650mb or 80 minutes on it or something like that. Does that mean Im only going to be able to fit 80 minutes of music no matter what format I use?
Welcome! In answer to your questions here goes: 1: You can definitely burn MP3s to disc and use them in your cars deck since it's MP3 capable. When using Nero you need to burn a data CD and not audio for your MP3s. When you select "Audio CD" Nero will automatically convert the files to WAV as you've found out. 2: For CDR capacity just pay attention to the MB capacity. There is only so much you can fit on a disc regardless of format. Since MP3s take up far less space than WAV you can cram a hell of a lot more on a disc. The 80 min. rating refers to the approximate minutes of WAV files. It's kind of a useless rating.
My advice, burn your mp3's as data like real slow! Silly me burned my "old" mp3's I downloaded form Napster (2 years ago) and now when I extract 2 cd's to my hd, I encounter CR errors! (blah) I fixed this using CloneCD and reading the image of the disc with "regenerate data sectors& read sub-q channel data\audio at 1x (yup), then burned at 4x. All fixed (wipes sweat off brow).... Shoey