This morning i recieved my null modem cable and my Eurovox JTAG.It came with the chip and an installation cd but no instructions which im annoyed at.I have not a clue where or how to start.I have a black eurovox(Max V).Any help on what to do would be brilliant...i looked through lots of threads and cant find anything relating to this at all.There are also 2 tsop bin files on the cd.One is EV2toEVMAX tsop...and the other is BLACK MAX V tsop....Im guessin i use the Black Max V file?? Skymax and jkeys files are also on there.Have i to flash them? Please help!! Any advice would be great. Thanks
Read here and use the Black TSOP but check chipset first
Thanks for the link man you always seem to produce the goods! The walk-through seems handy enough.My only problem is fitting in the JTAG.Other than that Im sure i'll be fine.I ordered a eurovox jtag but the one they sent says "BjTag starview"...hope they sent the right one.Anyway it also has a 25pin MALE port at the end of it which I did not expect or know what its for! It also has a volt connection clip on it but where to put it I dont know.Excuse my ignorance im not well up on any of this.Thanks for help again man
This is the one you require
That link is the company I bought the Jtag from.I recieved no information with their software cd on how the Jtag itself is fitted even though the site states that everything is provided! Anyway I'm in contact with them now so surely they'll give me some sort of assistance on how the Jtag is fitted.It came with one picture of where the Volt Connection goes but thats it! I was just standing over my box earlier with a screwdriver in one hand and the Jtag in the other scratchin my head...lost does'nt even describe I get that Jtag sorted i'll follow your step by step guide and that should be that.Thanks man i'll let ya know the outcome
Yep but you said they sent you a Starview one I linked you to the Eurovox type as they do differ. Although TMC are good folk and should sort you out.
I just looked at your link again.The eurovox Jtag actually says "Starview" on it when you look at the pic! That must be just the way it comes so I think im fine there,its seems to say starview on all of em! Im sure they'll get back to me tomorrow they seem like sound lads. Im thinkin it will since its a null modem cable.Im at this all day man reading threads.I dont know if im showing resiliance or being flat out stupid...time will tell
Yep its says Starview on the boards but is your's a ribbon assembly or a cable assembly. TBH if you ordered a Eurovox Jtag from TMC thats what you will usually get
Thankfully it is a ribbon assembley.The software cd said eurovox too.I'm debating whether or not to give it all a go.I heard if it's done wrong well then thats it,the eurovox will be no more:/ ...But I am tempted at this stage.I read posts where people where saying it could be the capacitor,the transformer or a whole host of other things.They all seem fine though.I now have an orange light where it says message,usually it is just a single red light...what the orange light means I shall never know
If you have power indications, well I would still investigate the C14 cap as when a box requires a Jtag the bootloader is wiped and you wouldn't have any power indication. Before even going down that route I would try a reflash with the correct firmware for your specific model type, also make sure you know whether its a clone or genuine box, (plenty of threads on that also). Sorry but I have to head off, hope you get sorted. As you have probably seen there is quite a few threads on this specific problem, so keep reading its your best guide
I see..well if thats the case it could well be the C14 capacitor.Because like you said it has a red and now orange indicator light..and if it needed a Jtag those lights simply would not be on.I tried flashing it with the latest firmware but no dice it seems.It is a genuine box too.Thanks for your advice man its been very helpful..I'm currently searching and reading everthing on it I find.Hopefully something clicks...later man