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the box pvr lots of channels have no picture

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by kabu1, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    can someone help me. i am a novice at this. i have a box pvr that up until yesterday was working fine. now alot of the channels say wait for picture, it sometimes goes up to as much as 15 percent then gooes back to 1 percent. i flashed the box with the loader v3.36 and firmware e_v506_15oct.rar from this site and did an automatic scan but i have the same result. i managed to go into the nagravision menu and set it to correct tv provider and saved the settings but every time i go back to nagravision the provider has changed. i have done this several times now and i am going mad. i also made sur automatic updates were on. i have also tried leaving it on the s1 channel for hours to see if it would sort itself outas i am sure i saw this advice on one of the answers to someone else. sorry if i am writing too much. i'm desperate
  2. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    First try switching off, pulling the plug then plugging back in and restarting. If not have a read of this thread, it is big, but its all in there and you will need to read all of it to find the pieces of info you need to fix your problem.


    Or try a read of this:

    You may need to load the latest F/W (Firm Ware)v4.506 Oct it is in the 'eko.4shared' link below.
    To find your present Software version press Menu/System Setup/System Information. Then make sure you are plugged into the correct socket at the back (one of the four together) marked up. NOT the antenna socket. The manual is wrong.
    Before doing a scan Goto Menu / Installation and make sure the (Cable Network Option) top item is set to your local provider if not correct it by using the right / Left arrow keys on your remote, then move down to Autoscan and wait till it has finished scanning.
    If channels are not clearing after a scan goto Menu / System Setup / Press OK when the Parental Control line in yellow is highlighted then press i then 2007, this should take you the the Cas System Menu. (You may need try this a few times to get your key press timing correct on the remote control but this will get you into the Cas Syatem Menu) If you can't get onto the Cas System Menu screen then you are doing something wrong so keep trying it.
    When you are on the Cas Menu Screen and with Nagravision 1,11 highlighted in Yellow Press OK, On the Provider ID Line select the same provider as earlier by using the left/right arrow buttons on remote then press the LAST (load default) button on your remote, then the OK button to (Store) wait for it to save then press exit, then make sure Autoupdate option is On (Bottom Item in Cas System Menu.) This is the equiv of the EMU, Exit out, Goto a scrambled channel and wait for update.

    Goto the TheBox PVR Folder for F/W and Documentation Folder for How too's


    Last edited: Sep 20, 2008
  3. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    thanks for your help, but i had already found and read this thread, thats where i got most of my information from, and i have tried all the suggestions on it. after your reply i reset the box to factory default setting and re-installed the firmware updates, but when i put in the channels most of them still have no picture , they have a dollar sign next to them. also when i go into the nagravision and set and save the provider and come out and then go backin again it is set to the wrong provider every time. is this a fault with my particular box or is it common to them all. how do i resolve this. i did try your suggestion and turned off at the plug, for 5 minutes, and on again but still nothing. i have made sure automatic update is on and i have left it at s1 sports but nothing is happening. as i said i am a novice with these things, about the only thing i haven't tried is putting in the channels manualy as i wouldn't have a clue how to. i am in lanarkshire scotland if this is of any help.
  4. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Lets start from scratch,(You say when I put in the channels) do you mean when you scan for channels from the Menus system? if so when you do a scan do you pick up any channels or are they from a previous scan?
    When you first do a scan are you using the left and right arrow keys to select your correct provider? ie NTL, TeleWest, C&W etc and are you sure which your correct provider is?
    Its quite normal for the provider to revert back.

    You must do this bit Which I already posted for you
    When you are on the Cas Menu Screen and with Nagravision 1,11 highlighted in Yellow Press OK, On the Provider ID Line select the same provider as earlier when you did a scan by using the left/right arrow buttons on remote then press the LAST (load default) button on your remote, then the OK button to (Store) wait for it to save then press exit, then make sure Autoupdate option is On (Bottom Item in Cas System Menu.) This is the equiv of the EMU, Exit out, Goto a scrambled channel and wait for update.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2008
  5. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    Hi, yes i do mean i do a scan when i said i put the programs in. i always delete the previously stored channels before i do another scan so yes i am picking up the programs. i have made sure the provider is correct as i have always been with t*w*st but every time i set and save the provider when i go back in it has reverted back to n*l. and as i said this box had been working fine until a few days ago. i have had this box for about 8 months and although this has happend on two occasions where programs stopped working all i had to do was a re-scan and everything was fine. today i tried again and deleted all the programs first,set the provider as before but this time the programs are not going in at all, no programs found. i even tried using the n*l setting to see if it would work but no programs found. i have been at this for a few hours today and i am no further on. could it be the keys as everytime i press the last button when in nagravision there seems to be 3 different codes
  6. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    i just had another go. set provider in nagravision to n*l and went to installation menu tried scanning channels with n*l but nothing happened . i then changed to t*w*st in the installation menu without going in to the cas menu and changing the provider in nagravision and the programs have loaded again but they still have the dollar sign and no picture.
  7. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    To rid the dollar sign::
    What about the VERY IMPORTANT BIT IN RED in the last post???????????
    Have you read and done this ???????
  8. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    yes i have done everything you highlighted in red, set the provider and put automatic updates on.
  9. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Come on your not doing something right.
    If you have done this last bit correctly then I give up, you are the only one ever who has not had success.
    Are you SURE you have v4.506 F/W installed, look in the Menu system for this.

    '''On the Provider line select your provider by using the left/right arrow buttons buttons on your remote then press the LAST (load default) button on your remote, then the OK button to (Store) wait for it to save then press exit, you then need to give it a few minutes to update''.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  10. kabu1

    kabu1 Guest

    Hi, I decided to start from scratch. I set the box back to factory default and re-loaded the firmware again. when i went in to installation menu there was a difference this time, there were three options,- automatic scan - manual scan and Advanced scan, there was no advanced previously, i assume this is the new firmware so i couln't have done it properly before -- SORRY . i did a new scan and left it at a scrambled channel and after about 5 minutes everthing was working.THANKS for your help and i'm so sorry for being a nuisance, you must have the patience of a saint. My elderly father was lost without all his favourite channels especialy his history channels which he watches all the time so again thankyou so very much.
  11. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Hooray, glad you're sorted , at last, so the problem was, wrong Firmware installed? Probably the FTA only version.
    Not really a nuisance, must have just rushed and missed important info in the first reply about checking your F/W.
    ((To find your present Software version press Menu/System Setup/System Information))
    Bye jbvid
  12. Liamo83

    Liamo83 Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    jbvideo can you help me??

    I have the same problem as above on my box pvr, version 4.506 oct 15 is updated and my provider is n*l. The channels are scrambled or jumpy and won't improve. Its been like this a week now. My sister has the same box and lives on the same road but its fine.

    We both use n*l, I have analogue, she has basic digital, any ideas??
  13. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    I will try and help but you are confusing me a little, Where are you located? you say I have Analog (is this old rooftop aerial) and she has Digital, you won't get anything on your PVR unless you have an NTL (Digital) cable supply into your property. Also if your channels are scrambled how can you see them to say they are jumpy? If they are only jumpy you have a signal strength or cable connection problem (remove any splitters if fitted) if not take your box round to your sisters and proove it there.
  14. Liamo83

    Liamo83 Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    Jb, I am in Dublin, the box was working great until we moved it one day, the channels are jumpy and go to 'waiting for picture x percent'. It gets to a certain percentage and goes back to jumpy reception. I updated firmware to v 4.506 oct 15, restored factorysettings, turned off and on again and scanned in channels. It worked for a day or so and when it was moved again went back to jumpy problem.

    Do you think it could be a connection problem with n*l or more likely a loose connection inside the box itself?
  15. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Still looks like a signal strength problem to me, remove any splitters if you have any and re-check all your connections, if same try your sisters box on your cable line, and try your box on her line ((like I asked you to before)). If hers is ok on your line, it maybe time for a new Christmas box for you, if you will pardon the pun.
  16. MacAodh

    MacAodh Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    Hi all,
    I hope people are still using this thread even though it's a bit old. I'm having the same problem.

    I've just re-installed the firmware, gone into the secret menu and changed the two things there. Done an automatic search after ensuring that it's on n*l and still same problem.

    Problem is that it says wait for picture, and will get up to 25% before the screen goes blank and begins at 1% again.

    Any help would be great, cheers.

    N*L in Dublin with firmware from oct and PVR.
  17. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    You'll never get anything with that old firmware it won't autoupdate, get the Dec08 version from the eko4.shared link, 2nd post down.

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