Lo, A friend asked me to update his Box PVR which i thought was going to be a quick jobbie, how wrong i was lol ! The box showed a f/w of 2007 so have download all the new tools from looking at various threads here. At first i tried my rs232 cable that i use to update my Eurovox. I started it and browsed to the new bin and weyhey it started updating. The PVR counted to 100 the said something like updating and then showed success, as did the loader. The PVR then rebooted and i thought it went ok... that was until i plugged it back into the telly and went to Sports1 and it showed scambled error T1. I checked the menu/system and the f/w still showed 2007. OK i thought, tried again, still no joy. Then i tried the USB method as shown in other threads. Connected the box to the missus's lappy and the usb drive failed to load driver once PVR hdd changed. Again i tried no luck so moved to my desktop and done the menu/pc option blind... again my desktop failed to load usb2 mass storage device. Tried my second desktop and again the same. So far then i have tried the rs232 method with loader and bin file... says successful but no joy. Have tried the usb method but all my machines fail to load the mass storage hdd. All machine are Vista with usb2 - although i cannot see this being a prob. So then can anyone help me please coz im pulling my hair out ? I cant see any other way of doing this as ive covered all bases shown in previous threads. Perhaps the rs232 method will be easier but im using the newer bin file, the only thing i did notice is that the newer loader on the 4shared folder is a dud link so i used the older loader 336s sept 2005 - though i cant see it matters coz its still making the communication. Aaaaarrgggghhhhhh !
the latest update will say 2007, you need to turn on the emu goto parental control> second pin> 0000> at the bottom you will see it
Gone to parental and set the nagravision to t/w 5a01. Also the autoupdate was switched to on anyway so left it alone. Still no joy :-( Also have noticed that i cant go menu/1570 to bring up hidden options - from what i read that points to the f/w being not on properly. Another also - just gone back into menu and for some reason the provider in nagravision doesnt want to seem to change. Tried to set it to TWest but it sets back to NTL even though ive saved it ??
Go to parental control in receiver menu press ( i or info button) + (2007) key and emu buttons should now be visible switch key emu to on position go to scrambled channel and wait for update . Failing this why not have a read throgh this thread for much more info: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/573125
Still no joy m8. I have done everything in that thread but it doesnt wanna kick in, or save the change to TWest. As that thread states there is no emu option on the PVR only autoupdate - which is set to on. Every time i change provider it save it - but then i go back and its set back to NTL. Giving me a headache now so i may just give it back to him and say i cant suss it out :-(
dont worry about provider once you have scanned in twest. i suggest factory reset, scan again autoupdate on, and leave it on channel 4/sly2
So basically there is no way of telling if the new firmware went on ok coz its still showing Oct 2007 ? I take it i just gotta go with the loader saying it went successfully ? Thank gawd ive only ever dealt with the Eurovox's they seem to be sooo much easier than these boxes EDIT: no joy with factory reset/rescan either. Left it on SlySp1 for 10mins now and still scrambled chnl T1 error. Thanx guys but im gonna give this one up me thinx. Way to much time spent on this box already and its only a friend of a friend lol !
Dont know too much about this b0x, but is there a set default key option beside the auto update? If so, press ok & exit out to channels. Your provider should also be back.