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Toast 6: desktop DB & desktop DF problems

Discussion in 'Video problems with Mac' started by woolytoad, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. woolytoad

    woolytoad Member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I used toast 6 and the instructions I found here by Londor to burn a DVD. Worked the first time. I was working in my Admin account in Panther.

    Later I switched to my normal work account and opened Toast 6. Tried to burn a DVD using the same process after I burnt a CD. Ended up with a "desktop DB" and "desktop DF" file on the DVD. These appeared just as I hit "burn". I burnt anyway and the DVD plays normally in my Mac. I have no DVD player so I have not tested it regular players.

    Checked settings. Seemed to be in order. Googled, found a suggestion that I should shut down Toast and restart to work around this problem. Tried this using Simulation mode. The desktop files always popup.

    Went back to my admin account. The desktop files are there now as well.

    How do I get rid of them?
  2. Londor

    Londor Guest

    Create a folder and name it as you want the DVD to be called. Drag onto it the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders. Drag the folder onto the Toast window and burn it.
  3. woolytoad

    woolytoad Member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Yes I did that, as you said in that other thread. I selected UDF and its still giving me the desktop database files.

    My first attempt following your previous tutorial worked perfectly though. It was only later that Toast started getting wierd :(

    To be clear, its not the .DS_Store files that are giving me problems. These appear and can be removed as described elsewhere. There are files call Desktop DB and Desktop DF that appear only after "burn" is clicked.

    I understand that Toast adds empty Desktop files for certain formats, but I also understand that this should not happen for DVD-UDF, ISO 9660 ...
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2004
  4. Londor

    Londor Guest

    Try repairing disk permisions and trash the Toast preferences plist and if it is still happening try re-installing Toast.
  5. woolytoad

    woolytoad Member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I tried reinstalling before I read the last reply. That worked ... I'll have to remember your other two suggestions for next time. Thanks.

    Finally, any idea what causes this situation and how to prevent it?

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