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Dark Pictures (HELP)

Discussion in 'Digital photography' started by P!NK, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. P!NK

    P!NK Guest

    How can I fix or repair pictures that are dark ? i tried the brightness/contrast in the PS but it still doesn't look good.
  2. vicster

    vicster Guest

    when you say "ps" do you mean photoshop or paintshop??
    If you have photoshop go to the following image-adjustmens-curves
    A new window will open up showing "curves" If you use the curves it will allow you to bring out the image. Check on the web for tutorials and how to use it. I myseld am still learning how to use curves.
    good luck
  3. juliusjrd

    juliusjrd Member

    May 31, 2005
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    you can use Adobe Photoshop CS. It has a new feature and that is the Shadow/Highlight feature. Click Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlight.
  4. maliaus

    maliaus Guest

    There is a multitude of ways to do this in Photoshop, the easiest, use "auto contrast" more control use Highlight/shadow, depending on what caused the darkness (shutter speed, iso, lighting, backlighting) for photos that need major tweaking start with adjusting the Gamma setting first, (akways work on a copy, not the original so you can restart if need be) then shadow/highlight, then curves amking adjustments that compliment each other, after that, the final option is to use "selective color" and work with the blacks/grays and neutrals lighting them as needed. Biggest tip...LITTLE TWEAKS and ALWAYS compare to original. Hope this helps. -ZoWillie-

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