Exact steps on mixing CDs

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Alert699, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Alert699

    Alert699 Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I want to take a few CDs i have (origional audio cds) and take my favorite tracks from each mixing them into one CD, if possible, please give me exact steps with alcohol 120 on how to do this :)

  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    I wouldn't use Alcohol 120% to do this (manly because I don't believe it can be done with Alcohol 120%). I would use a program called dbPower Amp (the bundled CD ripper), CDex, or Audio Grabber to extract the files from the CD's to mp3 (or whatever you prefer) then burn each file to an audio CD using dbPower Amp CD Writter, Jet Audio Basic, or iTunes. My personal favorite is iTunes. All of the programs metioned above are free.

    No matter what, if there is only one optical drive in your computer, it will become necessary to:

    1) Rip the tracks from the CD to your hard drive to a certain audio format (using a CD Ripper).

    2) Create a list of tracks from the ones you ripped then burn them, using burning software, to a CD creating an Audio CD (not a CD of the sound files you ripped on it, that would be a Data CD or mp3 CD)

    If you need more directions on how to complete your task using one of the programs I mentioned then I can help you with more directions later.


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