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hardware troubleshooting

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by flipboi15, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. flipboi15

    flipboi15 Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    i5 2500k
    gtx 570
    8GB Ram
    64GB SSD
    DL- 50mb
    UL- 3mb

    hey guys. I don't know why my machine is acting like this, when I know its more than capable. I get lag when I play games, i don't constantly get lag but I will tell you when and how I get noticeable lag that I know i shouldn't be getting. I play guild wars 2, so you can imagine what I am about do describe. I get lag (rough proccessing?) when I load up high volume of content at a short amount of time. For example, I lag when I open up the Fullscreen World Map. Or if I spin the camera around 360 degrees ill lag for the first time but after that first spin, it won't lag anymore if I keep doing it, this also applies to my World Map example, if I press M (world map) for the 2nd time it won't have that "rough" transition. I hope I described it well enough for you guys to understand. I'd like to know if its my hardware. Thanks guys.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    it appears that all your lagging problems are net related. try your computer on a friend's net connect to see what happens. are you on a router or just on a modem? if on a router, try connecting directly to modem to see what happens.
  3. flipboi15

    flipboi15 Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    i know im the one asking for help but my gut instincts tell me its not my internet. I'm receiving 50mb download speed and 3mb upload speed as promised. and it just feels like its my machine .. i think the rendering of it, if thats the term. Because the lag only happens once, say, i spin the camera 360 once around my character it will lag but once my computer has already "processed" that information, it does not lag anymore after the 3rd 4th 5th time.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012

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