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Human Trafficing in Ireland.. Are the Police afraid?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Vue, Nov 1, 2009.

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  1. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    There are more pimps and human trafficers in Ireland than there is cops
    Is that the reason that the police here never clean up prostitution?
    Or is it that they are using these services also, aparently many are.

    In my opinion the police are afraid of the outcome of getting involved
    Considering some of the people involved in this industry
    They could very easily have anybody bumped off. if they needed to.

    Every city in Ireland has so-called escort services
    The fact that it's illegal doesn't seem to make anybody do
    anything major to clean up the problems.

    They're not just escort services, a lot of the girls involved don't
    have passports or had them taken from them, so obviously the people
    in these "houses" "apartments" don't have any legal employment and
    a lot of money exchanges hands in each premices every night.

    I mean as an example, if the police came to your home and you were
    unemployed, and had a lot of cash in your home, they would take it.

    Are we living in a country of ignorance or they just don't care enough to do anything?

    I don't care if you're one of the people that uses these services
    I don't care if the girls are beautiful, i do care that our ignorance
    allows this to carry on, and if you're one of the girls that has to
    do this to make money, it's not work whatever way you look at it.
    It's the most immoral and shamefull thing you can do to yourself.

    I think the government should take a serious look at these issues.

    There are girls in our cities that are being watched on camera while
    they perform for paying customers, most times the money ecchanges
    hands between women, but in the background that's not the case.

    This is just my opinion, but i'm not making these facts up.
    It's a sad world we live in, people can't stand up or come forward because they are scared.
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Prostitution is the world's oldest profession (other than hunter and cook). It cannot be stopped. However, many of the negative aspects can be reduced or eliminated through legalization, as can be seen in Navada's laws. By legalizing prostitution, they have reduced the number of sex slaves in the state greatly...you just can't get away with it when all your girls have to go in for medical exams so frequently. They have also greatly reduced prostitution related STDs, violence, and drug use...while making prostition less vissable and less accessable to minors.

    Prostitution laws are like all moral laws...prohibition only makes things more dangerous by putting these enterprises in the hands of criminals, it does not stop them.
  3. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "By legalizing prostitution, they have reduced the number of sex slaves in the state greatly...you just can't get away with it when all your girls have to go in for medical exams so frequently."

    That's a very naive and IMHO uninformed opinion.

    Prostitution in Nevada is only legal in a handful of counties. However, even in those counties I can point you to any number of "illegal" brothels.

    I would be willing to bet that there are more undocumented sex workers in Clark County (Las Vegas) than there are licensed sex workers in the entire state, and I'm just counting the ones in the illegal Asian brothels.

    Back at TC's point about stopping the human trafficking, I cannot speak to the way that it's handled in Ireland, but in the US, prostitution is a local issue handled by local jurisdictions. The US Government typically only gets involved when a prostitution bust uncovers undocumented aliens or non-US citizens.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  4. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I think people need to be less ignorant about this,
    There needs to be a legal operation nation wide other than the police
    A large orginisation that know where these people are operating from
    Simple rading these establishments and bring the whole lot of them to the police
    That way the people involved are out in the open, every time they move
    They are raded again and handed over to the police

    Leaglising it is not the worst idea when you think about it
    But that will never happen in Ireland, same as drugs, there will allways be dealers and importers because the gov won't make it legal.
    The people behind these operations are the ones that need to be targited, dragged out on the streets and seriously beaten.
    They are not that big, they are just people who get away with it because of ignorance, not fear.
    I believe one person could find every one of these operations.
    But it takes a group of people, armed if necessary, to stop them
    And lets face it, weapons are not an issue if we need them in ireland.

    Most of the people behind this are people that our government left into ireland.
    Our government are totally nieve, they have too much to deal with to give a damn about these issues.

    Maybe we should deliver all these prostitutes to bertie's house every night.
    At least then he would see how big the problem is.

    It's easy to pin point the people who are involved.
    Lets target them, beat them and send them packing.
    And if possible help the girls involved get a real life that they came here for, instead of snding them back to what they left.

    In the last month at least 12 places in the south east have been reported to the police, they are still in business.

    And when you say it's the oldest profession, a profession is something you learnt as a skill, there is nothing skillful about prostitution.
    Taking it from several customers a day? you think that is a profession?
    Get your facts right, the term is misunderstood.

    I want to know why the police ignore this.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Vue, take that link out of your sig ASAP as per forum rules.
    1. Advertising via forum messages is strictly prohibited. If you need to advertise your products on our site, contact us via the feedback form and we will negotiate an advertising contract with you/your company.
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  6. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Sorry thought it was allowed
  7. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    A profession is means of getting goods or money. You do not have to learn a skill to have a profession, but it does help for most prefessions. The first time a cavewoman ****'d a caveman for a piece of meat was the moment prostitution began.

    The police ignore this because they know they cannot stop this. Every time you take out a criminal, someone more vicious steps into his place...taking down these reported houses would only result in a new wave of murderous thugs taking their place. Now and again they take down a few to show they are doing their jobs, this is all they can risk doing.
  8. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I don't know about Ireland - but prostitution isn't illegal where I live (Canada) - and I doubt that it is in fact illegal in most jurisdictions outside the US.
    Prostitution, I.E, selling yourself for money, cannot be eradicated;it flies in the face of human nature to pretend it can - unless the law of supply and demand is repealed - it could be regulated, but the people we elect to betray us are too terrified to do it.
  9. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Believe it or not, prostitution is illegal in . . . .

    of all places . . . . . .


    Anyone whose made a trip to LOS (Land of Smiles) knows where most of the smiles come from . . .



    "Consenting adult prostitution is illegal only officially in Thailand, not in practice."

    "Prostitution is LEGAL (with some restrictions that aren't that bad) in Canada, most all of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark, etc., most of South America including most of Mexico (often in special zones), Brazil, Israel (Tel Aviv known as the brothel capital of the world), Australia, and many other countries."

    Back on topic, I think that TC was most outraged by the human trafficking aspect.

    This is a moral dilemma. In Macau, hundreds of women from China commute regularly to earn money that would be unthinkable at any "regular job" back at home. With the shutdown of over 40,000 factories in the Pearl River Valley, most are left with few alternatives.

    Sexwork is not necessarily the worst work in the world, if chosen freely. I do not believe that anyone should be subjected to it by force.

    So does "economic necessity" make it any more tolerable?

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  10. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Well then we are in the right counrty for orginised hits
    That has been prooved down through history, sometimes you need
    criminals to fight criminals, and the best organisation is an unknown one
    What is needed is to target the main people, all in one night
    That spreads the word around the country and into the press..
    Would make them think twice, that they will not be tollerated
    These things can be orginised if the law doesn't do its job
  11. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    You want mobs of anonymous people on the streets, killing those who do not do what they ask? And you want nameless, anonymous groups dealing out what they believe to be justice...without answering to anyone?

    What you want is terrifying. Sounds like you should move to Somalia...where justice is dealt from the clip of an AK47.

    I think you should play assassin's creed...your Dogma is virtual identical to the Dogma that games pushes. Also, watch "Taxi Driver" if you have not already.

    BTW...do you KNOW that the women working in the reported houses are sex slaves? Perhapse they just prefer prostitiution to other work, or are unable to get other work for some reason. These houses might not even be run by pimps or madams, but rather by business men who simply charge for the rooms, and let the prostitutes charge for the sex. I doubt strongly that a house full of sex slaves that is known to the public would stay in one place for very long.
  12. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I know my type of justice is wrong to say the least
    But putting fear into these people is the only way, which can be done
    Because they would try it on with you if you tryed stopping them
    Maybe like licensed bounty hunters i dunno, they come in and clean
    up the mess and hand the offenders over to the athorities
    Or send in an unknown group first that causes the main damage and
    they have arrangments to hand them over to you or/and then the police.

    The main thing is to hit them where it hurts, take a few out if needed
    I'm not that kind of person, but there are people who would do this work
    for small amounts of cash, gie them a license and they do it properly.

  13. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Trained and armed, it works in america, bounty hunters etc
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Vue, bounty hunters are not for that purpose. besides which, the only way to stop that is to get rid of the clientel which won't happen unless you get rid of the human kind.
  15. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    The world has many places where "justice" is handled how you would like to see it handled. The result is that the criminals are affraid. They deal with this by getting lots of guns, and killing anyone who they think might be a threat.

    So what started as something like bringing a plant accross a boarder or setting up a "house" ends up in murder and terrorism...all because of strong enforcement.
  16. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I would like to organise a meeting with some people who can deal with this sort of crap.
    They will have names and addresses of some of the main people involved in trafficing in Ireland
    Let me tell you one thing, it won't matter if they have guns or not
    It would be more nasty for them than anyone who gets involved to stop them.
    Justice needs to be done, the law won't do it because they too are scared.
    I hate living in a world where people can't stand up for what they believe in.
    People need to stand together and fight this sport of crime
    I'm just giving my opinion, but it angers me to see people laughing at the law, not that i'm the most law biding citizan.
    But you know what i mean.
    Personally i would take on any man in this country, and there's a lot of dangerous people in Ireland.
    Send these forigners home crying that's the only way.

  17. Vue

    Vue Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    There has to be people out there that would do the same to stop this?
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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