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Mayan Calander, December 21st 2012, what do YOU think will happen?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Dela, May 6, 2004.

  1. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Too bad it wasn`t Dec 20, the math works out much better that way:
    20, 12, 2012

    Have to have a drink on that day.
  2. vic99

    vic99 Member

    May 22, 2004
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    I think December 21 2012 in Mayan Calander is just the end of a cycle. There is no point to make a bigger calendar since the cycle just repeats itself after that day. Didn't Mayan use these 3 big wheels to calculate the days? To be able to count the days indefinately will make their wheel system too complicated to operate. Unless the star alignments on 12/21/2012 causes a big disaster on Earth and destroy the Earth I think that life will goes on after that day and a new cycle of the Mayan calendar repeats itself.
  3. Maryela3

    Maryela3 Guest

    I have Maya desendence (i can speak write and read maya symbology almost all hehe)my granpa born in Yucatan with those beliefs my (greatgranpa and ma are Mayans)my dad too and i born in the mayan island Cozumel Mexico suposedly on that day the earth of the Fire will end and the Age of the Ice earth will start thats what it says in maya on San Gervasio and Chichen Itza and in all temples on the Mayan mountains in Belize
    It looks like another Ice age will start due to the effects on Saturn Usanus etc etc kinda llinied on that year its going to start on Dec 20 thru the end of that moon cycle (15 days or so) the so called moon of dead (Mux kala in Maya) its gravity will increase the others planets effect on Earth so it looks like the ice caps both will melt or a cold wave will hit the earth and the other Ice age will start those are the theories
    jujujuju if the movie Day after tommorow is a warning men its looks like now the illegal imigrants are going to be those nasty North American survivors its shame that none of ya will be able to pass to Mexico look at the way the North American Goverment is treating us jajajjaja were goin to recover our lost california texas new mexico territory since the US army and technology was wiped by the disasters mwahahahahha
    The eagle will rise again on the cactus an the reborn will occur(Biw a belkus julex malish ara yushisha Maya mushe... muse)
    What ya think??? ya better support the Dream act and some others Imigrant laws that benefit us thanks
    Maria =)
    One day we are going to take over the world we are right now dude jajjaja
  4. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Sounds good, I love the cold. More skiing for everyone. In the age of Ice, us Canadians might actually start riding polar bears to class.

    But isn`t 2012 also around the time bush wants a Moon base. We can all move away if the ice age hits. :p
  5. jobel60

    jobel60 Member

    May 18, 2004
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    Hey if the world is going to end on the 21st I won't have to put up with any more shitty christmas's!!!!! Yippeee!
    And before you say or think it I am not a Muslim, Jew, etc I am just a miserable git!
  6. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    according to the geestar20 calendar, that's when I'll be able to buy beer and drive. HA!!
  7. jobel60

    jobel60 Member

    May 18, 2004
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    Hey if the world is going to end on the 21st I won't have to put up with any more shitty christmas's!!!!! Yippeee!
    And before you say or think it I am not a Muslim, Jew, etc I am just a miserable git!
  8. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Well at least it will happen 2 days after the birthday.

    You see, what really will happen is that there will be peace. World peace. What everyone who is still intact with their sanity wants. And you know why? Because that day, we will die. Oh and if we don't dumplings will come and overtake our world.
  9. Maryela3

    Maryela3 Guest

    .... i didnt notice before nut i think im a miserable git too
  10. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    It's really surprising how so little people know about this. So okay okay, it's the end of the world, not that big a thing... but still...

    There's always Hell for me to go. The Devil loves to talk about CD and DVD burning. Well burning anyway.
  11. Hanedrick

    Hanedrick Regular member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    LOL! You all need not fear because by that time I will have written the new Matrix and we can all Jack in before this one is destroyed. I think you'll like this one better because we'll be able to fly and have laser beams attached to our heads.
  12. neon156

    neon156 Member

    Jul 9, 2004
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    I really don't think all of the human race is going to stop because some planets get in a line and we are close to the centre of the galixey. The mayan calender said 'End of Date', not 'End of World'. We've had these kind of things before, and planets are always lining up. Don't tell me that this one is special because thats what they always say. I'm going to wake up December 22nd and laugh at all the people that thought the world was going to end.
  13. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Amazing! December 21st 2012? That's the day I predicted my ass will explode from too much twinkies and cabbage. The result will be enough methane gas to cause a major greenhouse/global warming effect dooming us all from the melted polar ice caps! Sorry..
  14. Famine

    Famine Guest


    No we will not die , The resaon I think the calander ends is because the Spanish who came here put a stop to everything that was going on when the conqured the new land

  15. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    The world has already ended. Look at how much we've destroyed. Not trying to sound like a bloody Greenpeace fanatic hell-bent on hugging trees and kissing bark, but, renewable resources are going to get used up soon, and then the only real power generator is Nuclear Plants, and I exactly want to be living near one... =\

    Who knows, maybe we'll all be glad for the world to end.

    P.S. On second thoughts, I wouldn't. I won't give up the only live I know I'll live.
  16. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    When the resources run out human innovation will take over. I'm not worried at all, look how far we've come in the last hundred years vs. all of the centuries before. They are even extracting hydrogen from water for god sake.
  17. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Mother Nature really hates us.
  18. fishy2012

    fishy2012 Member

    Aug 10, 2004
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    Hey, Um, if our planet is close to the center of the galexy...only one person said that on this forum, but if that is true, you all do know that a black hole is in the center of our galexy right?
  19. vic99

    vic99 Member

    May 22, 2004
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    The black hole is going to eat up everything and start another big bang :)
  20. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Bring it on, I'll be listening to motley crue and eating hershey bars until I get sucked in.

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