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split movie and ac3..

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by josssh, Feb 18, 2004.

  1. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    I personally have never really messed around with midi files untill lately, i may have an answer though theres a freeware program called jetaudio basic that can handle this conversion, not sure about quality as i dont have any decent midi files to try it with (ive only been messing with ringtones for phones) but give it a go it may work. in the meantime ill do some digging to see if i can find anything else.

    you can get the program here
  2. kaydi

    kaydi Guest

    Hi fixit. Thank you very much for the link.
    Jet audio is what I was looking for.
    I downloaded the software and it worked beautifully. I converted the midi (55kb) to wave (52mb). I also converted the midi to realaudio (5mb).
    The converted versions sound much better than the original midi. If you like to hear the music, I uploaded them here:
    Thanks again, fixit.
  3. josssh

    josssh Member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    when I play movies with ac3 files (or just ac3 files apart) the sound isn't good anymore.. it not because the movie, because I have more than one movie with ac3. the movie sounds more like Star Wars than the movie it should be...
    can you help FIXIT? (or anyone else..)
  4. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    Im not 100% sure exactly what you mean, are the AC3 files ones you have created yourself or are they just ones you have extracted from other sources (avi), if so do they play ok on the original source. Has this always happened or is it just a recent thing, it could be something you have recently installed thats causing the problem, also what software are you using to playback the AC3 file and what AC3 filter do you have installed.
    Can you be a little more specific about this "Starwars"
    sound, as the only movie that i have had sounding like that was errr..... Starwars :D
  5. josssh

    josssh Member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    I meant both..
    I tried to play a DVD with Dolby 5.1 and it's the same problem
    and it's getting even more weird... if I login on another user-account (windows XP) it's plays everything fine on that other account. So I guess it's not a problem with a codec

    and the voices sounds like robots..
  6. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    If AC3 plays back fine on the same machine in a different user enviroment, theres obviously nothing wrong with the audio source or the codecs, but it may be to do with the codec configuration or even the soundcard driver configuration as these would normally be setup independantly for each user. it could also be a program thats been installed that has been given permission to run on your user account only, in which case it wont affect any other users accounts at all.

    I have never come across a problem like this before so all i can suggest is to remove and reinstall the codecs, playback software and as a last resort the sound drivers for your system to see if anything makes a difference. the only other thing i can think of is some soundcard drivers have the ability to add "effects" to audio output maybe one of these has been switced on but i would think this type of thing would affect all audio files.

  7. josssh

    josssh Member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    I have uninstalled an reinstalled AC3 Filter and now everything works again!

    (but still weird that it was only on my user account :S, I have installed it on all accounts..)

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