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Vidio explosion deluxe

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by juice90, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. juice90

    juice90 Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    Now that I have gotten the stupid fire wire card to work, i have been reading the forms for info, and lots a good info.
    I am just curious though, I see alot of ppl useing unlead, nero, windows, and pinical studios programs. Has anybody tried, or are useing vidio explosion for their vidios?? If so, had any troubles, or tips??
  2. maggot237

    maggot237 Guest

    i use adobe premiere its a very good program maybe u should try that
  3. and_rej

    and_rej Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Im using Pinnacle studio 8 for editing. Its ok to work with . It can do all the cuts, transitions..,voice overrecording, music overrecording, titles etc.
    The edited file can be recorded as vcd, svcd, dvd, as stream, avi, or just to send back to dv tape.
    Generaly its easy to use, and it does running on a slow machine....

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