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what the hell's wrong with the world?...

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by seamonkey, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Unlike Canadians, I walk the streets of Canada safety, and I don't carry any personal-safety-devices as I have protection. No, I'm not talking being in the illegal business or hiring out bodyguards, I'm talking about being a Down-To-Earth guy. If you don't appear to be one of those gangsta-bopping or azn-screaming, and just an ordinary friendly person, you won't get jumped.

    It isn't as dangerous as the media makes it sound.
  2. Hunter007

    Hunter007 Regular member

    Apr 30, 2003
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    That's true, but I'm not basing my statements on the media's perspective. It is true that if you don't appear to be scared, or give certain "gangsters" attitude you will be spared but this is just based on what some friends of mine have to say.
    *Note: I do know that cities in Ontario are [bold]not[/bold] the ghetto, but its still worse then it was before.
  3. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Norm_au, I'm afraid you are no different than the rest of us, and you definitely are an animal (unless you are vegetable or mineral :)
    Now you're makin' some sense...
    What's wrong with the world is, too many people who don't accept reality.
    Canada's safe as can be, but teenagers know they can do as they please and not be accountable for it.
    Their names are not released, even if they kill someone.
    The Canadian courts give sentences in Months, even to adults who kill someone.
    Of course, you are released after serving 2/3 of your time (and given double credit for pre-trial custody).
    The Bloods & Cripps in Toronto are like East L.A.
    Something needs to be done about the Courts and Judges in Canada (the Police are doing their best).
    You are supposed to get an automatic 5 years for involvement of any firearm in the commission of an offense, but they are sentencing it concurrent (as opposed to subsequent) so, it's just a joke...
    But we aren't laughing ;(
  4. Norm_au

    Norm_au Guest

    hi all,The_Ogs,i am a man made in the image of my father {not an animal or a vegitable either}...... if you can take the time to read GENESIS .1:26 {Quote} Then God said," Let us make man in Our image,according to Our likeness;let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,over the birds of the air,and over the cattle,over all the earth and over every creaping thing that creaps on the earth {end Quote} He also sais in...1:27 ,So God created man in His own image;in the image of God He created him,male and female He created them.
    Im not trying to be disrespectful in any way to you or any one else for that matter,but i know who created me,and i know i was not made an animale,if you still find it hard to get a handle on this i hope and will pray that God shows you the truth,so you too can be saved,and be a part of His happy family . . .

    Peace and happiness to you all . . .
  5. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Politicians, greed, bigotry & religion
  6. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Norm_au: You just popped out of nowhere when I mentioned some facts about the Christianity religion (no offence meant in that post), and now you're debating/flaming on everyday things with a religious tone... personally I think this is taking it too far.

    To anyone that was offended by my post, I am sorry.
  7. Norm_au

    Norm_au Guest

    my reply was to the_ogs i thought,not you toiletman ? and personaly i dont think im flaming at all,im just quoting facts thats all,if i have offended you then please accept my most sincere appolagies,i wont post any more in the forum's ... my intension wasnt to upset or scare any one,i find peace in my life that i lead now,i used to be a fella of the world,alcohol,smokes,drugs,sex,hurting people and all the rest of the garbage that goes along with it,and all i had was sorrow,sadness and jail,now,i dont do any of those things any more,and let me say this,i have found it much much harder being a Christian,trying not to be a sinner is alot harder than you think,i meant what i said,id like to see all of you in my Fathers place,but unfortunatly,satan,the evil one,has his claws into alot of people out there and they will not see the Kingdom of God,that is a fact,all im trying to do is pass on some scriptures so maybe some people will think of picking up the Bible and start changing there lives for the better,and have a future,thats all.
    good bye all,sorry to have upset or offended some of you,im sure in time you will heal,God Bless you all.peace and happiness to you all .
  8. agent-k

    agent-k Regular member

    Apr 8, 2004
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    Yes we are all entitled to our own opinion and thats exactly what we're doing here.
    I don't think anyone's offended by anyone elses post.


    There is no need for you to stop posting. We each take comfort in our own faiths and beliefs.
    If christianity works for you and creates peace in your life then that is brilliant.
    But you are putting yourself across as a brainwashed religious fanatic and that makes people very wary and suspicious.

    Let's be a little more forgiving.

    If someone doesn't live their life in exactly the same way as I do, I still have no right to condemn them for it.

    End of sermon
  9. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Here here - Agent-k, you should not stop posting normau, the thing is, is that I am not religious in the slightest, in fact in when zealots preach hatred (which is what they do), then people like me begin to dispise someone who has the 'holier than thou' attitude. Unfortunately there are a lot of religious people who present this air of superiority about them.
    Just because I am not religious does not make me a bad or immoral person, just because I choose not to believe in God does not make me a bad person. Just because I choose to have an occassional cigarette or glass of wine does not make me a bad person or impure. Just because I enjoy (as Homer Simpson would put it 'snuggling') does not make me dirty, unclean or ashamed of myself.
    Millions of innocent people throughout the ages have been slaughtered in the name of God, it is still going on. If I were God I would be immensely pissed off at the whole debarcle. If I were a Christian (or of any other religion for that matter!) I would be ashamed of what some of the things some say & do in the name of God. I believe that everybody has a fundamental right to do whatever they they like. Don't make me feel guilty for enjoying myself. I don't hate gay people or divorced people, or any other what society tells me is a minority group. Why do religious people feel the need to quote from their particular texts. Does that make them more learned than I? Should I feel unspiritual? I think not.
    All I know is that I treat people as I expect to be treated myself (that is plain common sense, as is not stealing etc). I love my friends & family dearly & would do anything to help them (and have too!!)
    I guess I, like countless millions of others, don't really need a God. If there were a God then why do so many children suffer? I do not buy into the whole 'God works in mysterious ways' explanation. That is far, far too convenient & oversimplistic a way to explain something. Why don't people take responsibilty for there actions? The Church has used its' texts to control people with fear. How many witches were burned at the stake?, just because they had a black cat! Anyway, please do not stop posting, but you should show understanding & acceptance that other people do have their opinions. Life is far too short.
    Kind Regards,
  10. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    You're right, life really is way too short. Half Life 2 comes out tomorrow, and I'm going to lose a hell of a lotta life juice.
  11. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Tell me about it, I am completely hooked on Far Cry!!
  12. Norm_au

    Norm_au Guest

    the thing i find wrong with this world is,people who talk and judge things that they know nothing about,and,will not and dont want to know about,they just think its fun to knock stuff BECAUSE they are ignorant to them,but i geuss what ever gets them off hey.i dont feel im a fanatic of any sort,brainwashed..... hmmm no definatly not,because i have faith in christianity,and the resurection of Jesus Christ that makes me some sort of weardo ? once again ignorance is a terrible thing.and pulsar,no one is saying you are immoral person at all,what ever gets you off i geuss is fine,but i will say,i am not holier than thou,as you so delicatly put it,every thing in MODERATION is fine,but smoking,kills ones body,the body is the Lords Temple,so if you smoke you are killing His Temple,a glass of wine is fine in MODERATION,to snuggle as you and homer so put it is fine to i geuss,but when man and woman come together they become one,and when this happens out of wedlock this is a sin,either way you look at it,and yes you are right in this thing you said about people have been killed and are killing in the name of the Lord for years,geuss what[those ones are the fanatics,brainwashed with the kiran,and other rip offs of the Holy word]and when the time comes they will be judged and they will not be happy as to where they end up id say,it sais Sir,do not be afraid or worried,these things MUST come to pass,i am not He who lives in Heaven,but i am me,and id say that our Lord is quiet upset with the way his people do these atrositys in His name,He will deal with them and there deads at the appointed time,it is not for me to judge them,lest i be judged with the same amount of judgement.i am not tyring to make any one feel bad about any thing they do,if you feel bad then it is YOUR consience at work not me,and because i quote texts does not make me more learned than not only you but any one else for that matter,i am but a lowly person trying to make people see the errors of there ways is all,and to add to the Fathers family in Heaven,im sorry if that offends you,or makes you feel what ever it makes you feel,oh and abot the witches thing,im not catholic, you should take that up with them,they are the ones that ran around putting fear in people,and buring witches,not christians,and i do appreciate other peoples opinions,opinions are fine,all i say is have an opinion on a matter that you know what your talking about,just some people talk of things they dont know.that urks me some.
    peace and happiness to you all.
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    anyone will tell you i'm a pretty strong christian, but let me say that you do come off sounding kind of brainwashed. i'm happy to see someone else has found strength in god, but you can believe me when i say bringing god to a place like this will almost always start some kind of flame war. good luck, amigo.
  14. Norm_au

    Norm_au Guest

    Ok,im brainwashed,oh my,let me ask this though,i thought it was part of being a christian to try and bring others to the Word ? ... thx for putting up with me i'll not bother you no more,it so hurts when your told your brainwashed,or holier than thou,and what ever else has been thrown at me,all because im passionate,and want to see others come out of the darkness and into the light. be well all.
  15. agent-k

    agent-k Regular member

    Apr 8, 2004
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    I give up....!
  16. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Norm_au, I think that idea about you stop posting might've been a good one.

    By the way, Half Life 2 is OUT! OMFG!!! ORGASM WITH ME!! AHHHH CITY 17, GORDON FREEMAN!!
  17. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Agent-K, I concur.
    I never stated that Christians burned witches. I draw my experience from the people I have met & the books I read. I never said that you were more learned than me. I am very careful in being vague & will only target certains sections that I find unacceptable & abhorrent. You seem to be taking this as a personal attack, I cannot stress enough that is is NOT. The thing is, is that you leave yourself wide open to criticism when you say what you say.
    People, especially myself, thoroughly resent being made to feel inferior as I do not believe in God, as do many, many others. You must read what I have stated more carefully & you should expect retorts from non religious people. you still SEEM to have an air of smugness about the whole affair.
    I think your God will not be too impressed with what you are saying, as would other religious icons with what is said in their name.
    Why should I feel guilty about snuggling out of wedlock? Why are religions so obssessed with controlling people with the threat of rotting in Hell?
    What would your God think of terrifying people & threatening with fire & brimstone unless they comply? That is NOT what He would want. Surely you should preach love, friendship & tolerance? NOT hatred toward certain people & groups, why are you so intolerant of different lifestyles?
    Words cannot convey how deeply I love my friends & family. Why is that not enough? I do not hurt anybody with what I do. As for making me feel guilty, you will never do that & for you to say that maybe I should look at my own conscience is just an atypical way of religious groups futile attempt to transfer their own guilt onto others.
    That will not work with me.
    I am not sure how to end this discussion as it could go on forever, it is plain & simple to me that you refuse to accept other peoples way of life without quoting from the Bible. Why can you not think for yourself? I do not find it necessary to quote to make my point. I prefer to argue my own corner & learn from my mistakes. I do not need guidance from anyone or any book, I have a mind of my own & my mind tells me to stay away from religion & concentrate my love onto my friends & family. That I do quite well, even if I say so myself!
    One thing life & love has taught me is that I will never win an argument with someone who is voraciously religious, you appear to represent that view,
    Ergo I will never win,
    Ergo I give up.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2004
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    do onto others as they do onto you other words don't preach to me & i'll not preach to you. what god is the true god if there is one, we'll leave that to the bible thumpers & not us
  19. regor

    regor Regular member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    When I was a youngster I had religion spoon-fed to me. In my teenage years I had religion forced down my throat. One evening I told my folks (I will never forget the expression on their face) that I was sick and tired of having it forced on me; that I wanted to make my own choice and that driving it home 'day after day' 'night after night' was drawing me further and further away.

    You can be zealous, beaming with vigor, have the best intentions in furthering the gospel, Norm_au, but at least in this mans opinion "preaching at people" is not the right approach. People don't want to be "preached at", they don't want to be force-fed.

    Norm_au - I am certain Jesus is proud of you for your intent, but next time try just quoting a scripture and leaving it at that. If you read something you don't agree with and you want to tell someone, share your opinion, you have that right, but don't preach at folks...

    When the prodigal son realized the error of his ways, his father, in spite of the obstinance of the eldest sone, forgave him and welcomed him back with open arms.

    Welcome back, Norm_au. Meekness may win. You are a good man!

  20. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    What is wrong with the world? Interesting questions. First of all I just wanted to say a lot, but can all these problems be linked to a few things.

    Biggest problems we have going for us is?
    Religion is a big problem. Why would I say somthing like that when religion supports peace and the right path. I don't know how many good things come out of religion but in the news you see a lot of bad things caused by religion. War and hatecrimes for example.

    Money is a big problem. It gives people power and with power there is people that are going to abuse it. Even in a free country the rich have many advantages. To make lots of money you have to get a good education. To get a good education you need lots of money. Therefore the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. Equality is an illusion.

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