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X3 built-in tools not there anymore

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by insaneiam, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    orginally posted in the hardware boot forum, but thought it would be better here

    I don't know what happened, but of course now I lost the built-in utility on my Xecuter 3 chip to Flash the BIOS. This utility was on Bank 2, and I always had bank 2 turned off, and turned on bank 1. I proceeded to flash that bank, but now my bank 2 doesn't work, so I lost the utility.

    So, can I flash the Xectuer 3 (banks 3 & 4) using the Slayers v2.6 Flash utility? I'm a bit worried that something may kill my chip and/or Xbox now. In the Slayers documentation, it says:

    So, does this mean that I'm SOL here or what? Can I user Slayers to flash the X3? If not, how can I re-flash the chip, since now there is apparently nothing on the chip to boot to.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. sjchu

    sjchu Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    X3 has a fail-safe feature that it will boot to its FlashBios when there is no BIOS or bad BIOS in the selected bank. The FlashBios is protected from any flashing attempt.

    So, if you set the jumper to select it to boot from bank 3 or 4, I assume they are blank right now, you will be booting into the FlashBios that will allow you to flash any bios to any bank of your choice.
  3. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply...

    I actually figured it out ... I thought I had covered all of my tracks by posting an "IT'S FIXED" reply, but I missed this post apparently. Anyway, I wasn't holding the Power & Eject combo long enough to get into the backup. I thought it was a quick press, but it's a 1-second press on both at the same time.

    Anyway, I did loose the info that was in bank 2, but thanks to the good people at teamxecuter, I was still able to recover. Anyway, now I have the newest X3 (build 1959) BIOS installed, and also have everything running perfectly. M$ from the C drive, and all other from F. :cool:

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