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1 Click DVD Copy Pro

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Bayrak, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    lol the fact is that lg soft. innov. (1click dvd copy) isnt good enough to write a burning engine so they had to buy the rights to use one from the VSO software company. If your using that point as a plus why dont I just point out the ImgBurn is completely free and can burn many different image formats and even build/create image files. And you need to get your facts straight. like anydvd its not free. and this
    What would any copying program be without a burning engine??!!? and like i said before NO COPYING PROGRAM REMOVES PROTECTIONS, thats why the DVDXCopy folks were shut down. DVD43Free (or DVD14 as you call it) is a free program that can remove protections and is the one recommended by the 1click people. why is it recommended by them? because its better? NO because they cant say go get AnyDVD, because they would lose customers to slysoft.

    your right, respect is earned not awarded and i believe you have lost a quite a bit of respect with these past posts.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2006
  2. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    And in regards to the CPRx feature its a sucker scam. I can not myself prove what it is but have a good guess as to that it is a more aggressive ripping technique. And if also think about this if CPRx can defeat "all" copr protections why does 1click require you to run DVD43Free in the background.

    *no disrespect is meant to you d2right or your post.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2006
  3. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    Ya know-I tried to be a little diplomatic with you but I can see you are either stuck on stupid or just don't like to admit when your wrong-For the last time-I will say this-1 Click DVD Pro Removes css and arcco-It requires no other stinking anydvdummie to run it-DVD 14 allows a person to play back in any area-region protection elimination-nothing more-Yes there are programs that remove and burn! 1 Click DVD COPY 5 and Pro both do-Now-If you did some research you would see why they are rated number 1 and 2-The program Convert X to DVD is the only other program I might need-that is if the file needs converting-Otherwise I use 1 program-1CLICK-TO MAKE MOVIES-not 3 or 4 and dvd 14 runs silently in the background and is FREE-You act as though spending 19.00 a year is alot of money-WOW-I'll bet your wife loves going out with you!-Thats just cheap and petty-How much was your last fillup or are you on the short bus?-I' am done with this wonderful discussiion.Talking to you is useless-The reports and facts and other peoples posts should be enough to tell you what you need to know-In the world of burning your driving a Yugo!-This thread is done-ya done beat it to death!-Personally I use a DVD RED PRO and /or Grex on my other system-no software protection removal is required at all!-But I suppose 80.00 would be way over your head-I spent about $5000.00 on my audio and computer system. Why would 19.00 a year for new improved software be so much?_Some day when you are a grown man and have to go out and work for a living you will find that to be a small price to pay for alot of quality movies!-Do the math!-then change the subject-Hey there givin away free air at the BP STATION-hurry! offer ends soon!
  4. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

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    Total USD 95.00

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why would anybody pay 39.00 for anydvd?-Does it burn?-NO-You can get 1Click DVD COPY Copy and it not only burns but decrypts!-Now who's throwing away money?Run dvd14 free in the background-problem solved-I will not pay to decrypt if I don't have to-

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  5. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    didn't you just say we were cheap for NOT spending 19.00 a year to update 1 click LMAO!!!

    all your false info that you have posted doesn't help your creditability in here

    anyway dvd4free sucks big time compared to anydvd ,it doesn't update near as quick and conflits with alot of other burning software. its defiantly a sub-par program compared to anydvd
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  6. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    you keep saying....

    What country do you think you are talking to? All members are from all over the world.

    As to the talk about all these 1 click transcoders. I have only one thing to say.

    DVD-RB + CCE (encoder) blows all of them away.

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2006
  7. FartDude

    FartDude Guest

    Agreed with larrylje, Anydvd plus DVDRB + CCESP blows away any crappy 1 click dvd software..
  8. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Now Robspace 1 said
    so he/shes saying the 1Click program doesnt need any decrypting software? thats interesting becuase in robspace1's next post he/she says
    @ robspace1 you contradict yourself so many times in your posts its hilarious.
  9. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    i agree that 1-click is a decent program. i'v been using it for 2 years. but it does'nt have any copy protection removal. thats where DVD-43(not 14)comes in. DVD-43 removes the copy protection.
    it runs in the backround and removes the css/arcoss or whatever.
    problem is that it does not update frequently enough to keep the avid users happy.

    Replace DVD-43 with ANYDVD, and u will be happier:) it updades much more frequently(comes w/a free trial)....but it's not free. albiet, worth every penny.

    If ur a NEWBIE stick w/ 1-click.

    If ur not, BUY CLONE2 it's much more "feature rich"


    before posting, get ur facts straight....ur starting to sound like a goof!

    heres the dog! I know Adriana loves him!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2006
  10. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    let me apologize, since u started this thread, and did'nt exactly get a straight answer.
    may i start by asking what progs ur using now. :)


    Last edited: Sep 10, 2006
  11. Bayrak

    Bayrak Member

    Oct 30, 2003
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    Hey Afterdawn have you or will you be performing any comparison between these softwares. Some posts are getting a little bit personal, so how about the specialists helping out?

    Cheers B
  12. Bayrak

    Bayrak Member

    Oct 30, 2003
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    Narcismo, thanks, I have used Shrink & Nero and SFox stuff but I have already bought 1Click. No doubt about it Shrink was the best on offer and the free trial of SFox wares usually work well. The BS for 1Click tells me it will do all kinds of stuff (but yet to try), after buying I thought I would ask the guys who I thought would know.
    Smiles all-round with some of the comments, so much activity with my thread;) Seems to me it's all about personal choice I think all the softwares do the same with good & bad results, though there is no bad reports about 1Click working only about the cost for it.
    Cheers B
  13. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    For quality wise, nothing else beats DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP 2.70. My second choice is Nero Recode 2 with "Advanced Analysis + HQSR + Assign Best Quality to Main Movie."

    The choice is yours.
  14. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If your looking for an easy interface and quickness then a 1 click program is right for you.(but the output quaility will suffer)

    If your looking for quaility then DVD-RB + CCE is for you. (it takes some time setting up everything and takes time to encode the DVD but the outcome is deffently worth it)

    DVD-R + CCE actully has a 1 click option. You will have to set up CCE to run with DVD-RB and get that all set up correctly. Once you do it is easy to backup a DVD. You can also backup multipul DVD's 1 after the other with the BATCH mode option.

    The downside is yes it takes time to encode the DVD. But the quaility diffrence between using these programs and others are deffently worth it. Plus if you use the BATCH mode you can set up all your DVD's to be encoded during the night when you sleep. In the morning they are all done for you and ready to burn.

    I have seen plenty of members wanting a program that will do quaility backups of TV episode DVD's. It will be suggested to them to try DVD-RB + CCE and everytime nothing but great remarks made by them after switching to it.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2006
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    I have to say this,for the hell of it...
    get dvdxcopy platinum..4038
    and on that note i is going to the dollar store..to buy a clicker...

    on the serious side platinum v5.0.013 would knock ye socks off with quality dvd pixs..
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2006
  16. d2rights

    d2rights Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    Clone DVD Slysoft- is ok but there have been dvds that my cousin has backedup that havn't worked
    I really hate how many times you have to click next
    my cousin had to spend like 3 hours trying to teach my Uncle
    how to use Clone DVD including the reading and writing time

    noobs will find 1 click alot easyer because settings are right there when you start the program up
    all you really have to do once you have sett the program up is put a movie in the drive and click that big green start button at the bottom

  17. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    1Click DVD Copy is the easiest of any software you can acquire. But it does somewhat lack quality wise when compared to CloneDVD2. And as Bayrak said the only main complaint most people have is the annual update fee. To some it doesnt make sense to spend $59 once and then $19 annually for software that still needs other software too work with it. But you got to admit 1 click convenience is great. And supporters of CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD have a equally compelling argument. Their software(s) cost $59 dollars as a whole with lifetime updates, and is updated very frequently.Yes their are more steps required and if someone is a total noob it can be quite daunting. But the choice of 1 click convenience/$19 a yr. versus a one time $59 charge w/ a learning curve is a choice people have to make for themselves.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2006
  18. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    wow, what a post. lol! (Smithers, release the hounds!!!!)lol!
    AHH YESS!!!EXCELLENT!!!! 90% is personal pref. soo...u bought 1-click, cool. it's a good prog(been using it 4 quite a while), i've had good results. NOTE: it gives u a link 2 download DVD-43(which does suck, unfortunately). when (& u will) encounter ur 1st problem decrypting a disc w/DVD-43.

    UN-INSTALL IT! go to slysoft & download the free trial ver of ANYDVD.
    i think ul find it fixes the prob.(DVD-43 it's a cinaease prog and just doesnt update frequently enough for most people).

    i use 1-click & clone 2 w/ ANYDVD running in the backround. they both work awsome....but i prefer the quality & features of clone 2 over 1-click.


    Smithers...call back the hounds! lol!

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2006
  19. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    If I am burning a movie that needs converting I use Convert X to DVD-It converts and burns-Thats using one program to get it done-If it has css or any other copy protection I do the burning process using 1 Click because it removes while burning-I never need to use more then that-When you buy 1Click DVD Pro they give you a bonus burner-Copy to DVD-This not because there is any problem with their software; it's because VSO is working together with LG software to put out the best backup copy software on the market and they have acomplished that-They both make great products and if you want to try them out out; do it-But if you just want to complain about a software that is number 1 in it's field then you have either not used it or have a problem with 19.00 a year for updates-I figure I will get that 19 back in about 3 dvds-I would say try these before you judge them and be sure to look at the cost of your time involved with switching the file from this program to that program-Some of us just want to get the copy done; not spend alot of time on it -Try the free trial then compare it--
  20. shiloh916

    shiloh916 Member

    Aug 30, 2006
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    Iwould not buy it .Its not worth it just down load some free tools like dvdregionfree and dvdshrink trust me it burns any movie i try...

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