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1 Click DVD Copy Pro

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Bayrak, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    another program thats WAY better than 1 click is "Intervideo DVD Copy4" its second in quality right behind DVD-RB + CCE
  2. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    I have no reason to switch copy programs' I tried alot of them before settling with 1Click-I did not just jump into burning and throw down money-If I could have found a simple 1 step program that had as high of a success rate as 1Click; I would have got it-At this time I have seen none that are as easy and accurate-As far as needing other programs to work; the only other program needed is a small free domnload that runs in the background -All it does is remove the area restriction on the dvd player making it playable anywhere-The actual decoding is done with 1Click making it the primary code removal program involved-If you don't want to watch dvds on your dvd player and don't mind using the pc then that program is not even needed-DVD 14 is not the only way around the area protection it's just free and does a good job-The main problem I had was not converting the files to dvd properly-When I started this thread it was only to show people that there is a simple way around all the numerous processes that Hollywood is creating to stop making back ups-I could really care less which program anybody buys or not-My own experience has shown me that the less you pay for these vartious softwares; the less you get-The free ones work but are not simple and require other programs to complete-The ultimate system would be one that converts the file to DVD then removes all copy protection then burns it-all in on program-and if its free I definately want it-But the closest I have come to doing all this is using 2 programs and paying a small price-In the end the results I get are good and I am not throwing away blanks anymore-another savings-as I use the good media-Sony- Maxell-and I use re-writable-they all work perfect both + and -. If someone wants to make alot of people very happy they could design and give away a program that does all that's needed to get the job done-save many peop[le time and hastle and it would put alot of fly by night burning companies out of business-too many bogus claims out there in cyberscamspace-
  3. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    I have no reason to switch copy programs' I tried alot of them before settling with 1Click-I did not just jump into burning and throw down money-If I could have found a simple 1 step program that had as high of a success rate as 1Click; I would have got it-At this time I have seen none that are as easy and accurate-As far as needing other programs to work; the only other program needed is a small free domnload that runs in the background -All it does is remove the area restriction on the dvd player making it playable anywhere-The actual decoding is done with 1Click making it the primary code removal program involved-If you don't want to watch dvds on your dvd player and don't mind using the pc then that program is not even needed-DVD 14 is not the only way around the area protection it's just free and does a good job-The main problem I had was not converting the files to dvd properly-When I started this thread it was only to show people that there is a simple way around all the numerous processes that Hollywood is creating to stop making back ups-I could really care less which program anybody buys or not-My own experience has shown me that the less you pay for these vartious softwares; the less you get-The free ones work but are not simple and require other programs to complete-The ultimate system would be one that converts the file to DVD then removes all copy protection then burns it-all in on program-and if its free I definately want it-But the closest I have come to doing all this is using 2 programs and paying a small price-In the end the results I get are good and I am not throwing away blanks anymore-another savings-as I use the good media-Sony- Maxell-and I use re-writable-they all work perfect both + and -. If someone wants to make alot of people very happy they could design and give away a program that does all that's needed to get the job done-save many peop[le time and hastle and it would put alot of fly by night burning companies out of business-too many bogus claims out there in cyberscamspace-
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    No one has told you to switch to another program.

    Other members are just letting newbies know that the program you have suggested makes you pay $19 each year to renew it.

    As to having a program that is easy to use? Are you kidding me? How hard is it to figure out how to use AnyDVD/CloneDVD.

    How hard is it to start a program (AnyDVD) and run it in the background? You dont even have to start it if you have it start when windows starts. Then open up cloneDVD and either hit next all the way through or if you want you can edit out stuff you dont need.

    So how is 1 click any easier then AnyDVD/CloneDVD? Instead you just waste and throw away $19 bucks a year on a program that you can get a similer program for almost the same price and have a lifetime free update.

    Yes again I said Waste your money. Because anyway you put it you are waisting your money if you keep on forking out $19 a year for the program.

    Would you BUY a DVD burrner that would only let you burn 100 DVD's and after words you will have to pay $20 to download a liscense for another 100 DVD's to be burnt with that DVD burrner? In a way that is what you are doing when you use 1CLICK DVD COPY.

    The main point is that others are letting newbies know is if you buy the 1CLICK DVD COPY you will keep forking out money to use it.

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  5. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    I must have missed something here-Why do you need ANYDVD?-To remove copy protection?-Well-If you will check out the details on 1Click you will see 1Click DVD PRO and 1CLICK DVD 5 both remove the copy protection as they burn-You need not pay for ANYDVD!-Why move to another burn program when 1 does it all?-You pay for your programs-they are not free but you go through more changes with various results-The 19.00 as I and others have said is nothing for a years worth of trouble free burning-and a year is a long time in computer terms-alot can happen between now and then-For current users they offer great discounts on their proven trouble free products-They have a new converter and if you do decide to get 1click they give you a completely new dvd burner program as a bonus-called Copy To DVD-For the new people out there-if 19.00 a year is more then you can handle--thats 19 a YEAR- not a month' for new improved updated programs-then chase the free stuff all ya want-if you want to have a much smoother' cleaner burning experience then try 1Click-You will still pay either way-39 vs 59--would you rather drive a VW or a Ferrari?-lol-ok-kids start those posts now!lol--this place cracks me up!-The best program on the market today for burning is made by VSO Software-thias is not just my experienced opinion but facts-Check the reviews-check PC magazine-or anybody that knows sqwat about burning software-you can push a hooptie around all day and save money-if thats what ya wanta do-I prefer a trouble free ride-
  6. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I’m beginning to think Robspace1 is a stock holder of 1 Click DVD Pro .


    First off you keep saying in the above post that you have 1 program and it does it all. But yet in your previous post you said you’re using 2 programs and paying a small price. What happened to the 1 program that does it all?

    You also say small price? $59 plus $19 a year after that sure seems pricy for me.

    You also said you’re not throwing away blanks anymore. You can get a 100 pack of quality DVD's for close to the price of $19 so in a way you are throwing away blank media.

    For the newbie’s out there you can get AnyDVD/CloneDVD for $59 1 time fee. Nothing else to buy. It is updated frequently. It will do anything that 1 Click DVD Pro will do, if not better.

    I do not even use any of the above programs. I use DVD-RB + CCE which if anyone knew anything about DVD Backup that the combo is far more superior then any 1 click program mentioned above.

    But if I was stuck with the choice between 1 Click DVD Pro or AnyDVD/CloneDVD I would defiantly go with the 1 time fee of $59 buying AnyDVD/CloneDVD.

    How in the world can anyone justify paying $59 for a program (1 click DVD Pro) that you have to renew the license every year with a charge of $19.

    Another plus for AnyDVD is that you can use it with any program that needs a ripper.

    I guess 1Click DVD Copy has a great hook line and sinker to get suckers to fork out money every year to renew there license for the program.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    prices,you deside is it one click or clonedvd 39.00 and anydvd 39.00
    no charge for updates..fop life........

    1CLICK DVD COPY 5 - $59 updates 19.00 every year..

    1CLICK DVD COPY™ 5 is fast and easy-to-use software for copying DVD movies. With CPRx™ technology, we can ensure the highest level of success copying the latest generation of DVD movies. Make a perfect copy of your DVD movie with just one click.

    read more buy


    1CLICK DVD COPY PRO™ is a full featured DVD copy software. You now have complete control over the final copy. Use the Copy Presets™ or the more advanced features to select what content will be copied and how much compression will be used. With 1CLICK DVD COPY - PRO, you can make a perfect copy with just one click. Now includes CPRx™ technology.

    read more buy

    DVD Creation Products
    1CLICK DivxToDVD
    1CLICK DivxToDVD - $39

    1CLICK DivxToDVD™ converts movie files to DVD, VCD or SVCD. This software is compatible with most movie file formats including AVI, DivX®, XviD, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and QuickTime®. With just one click, you can convert your movie files to a format compatible with your home DVD player.

    more here

    note Testimonials

    Robert S. - Wed 8/23/2006 6:18 PM

    Thanks for answering my request once again i just wanted you guys to know your support team is the best in the biz. I love using your product 1clickcopy it never fails to burn for me and the movies look great. My dad burned his first movie with your product and he never used a pc in his life, thats how easy 1click is to use. Great product great company 5 stars.
  8. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    lol heres one for you RobSpace1, hopefully this will help you to get your facts right...
    So there you have it that was taken from this link (http://lgsoftwareinnovations.com/faq.asp#encrypted) directly from the 1Click copy programs site. LG Software Innovations States right on there one site that their software does NOT decrypt on its own therefore there is need for software like DVD43Free (not DVD-14). Heres another bit of info for you...
    Check and mate robspace1
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  9. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You’re defiantly right. Didn’t even notice that when I looked at the website. It needs a third party ripper to rip copy protection from the disc.

    Guess Robspace1 isn’t as experienced as he thought. Either that or he is a stock holder of the company and is trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes.
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    if i remember he posted hes using dvd14,instead of {dvd43}
    i heard dvd14 is much better then dvd43...he,he....

    i wonder whos Testimonials this is?

    Robert S. - Wed 8/23/2006 6:18 PM

    Thanks for answering my request once again i just wanted you guys to know your support team is the best in the biz. I love using your product 1clickcopy it never fails to burn for me and the movies look great. My dad burned his first movie with your product and he never used a pc in his life, thats how easy 1click is to use. Great product great company 5 stars.
  11. Gottawin

    Gottawin Regular member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    The only the good thing that I got out of purchasing 1 Click was the fact that I got CopyToDvd SE with it. I kept that and recycle binned the rest of that trash.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  12. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    i for one am sick of hearing ur unsupported/UNEDUCATED\retoric! one-click is a good prog. I've stated that many times,(i use it myself)it seams yu have a passion 2 argue. maybe u should call 1-click 4 a job since u luv them soo much. call DVD14 2,
    see if the're interested also, u could be their CEO.


    need time 2 cool off.

    ADRIANA would be nice 2 help me cool down!!
    Nevermind, just let this 1 die!!!
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  13. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    Thanks Ireland-That was all good info on a great product-The 79.00 fee for Pro ;I believe is 40.00 off for current registered owners of 1CLick-I have so many options with these programs with them I have not even tried them all out-They give away the Copy To DVD program with the purchase of the 1Click; but I only use it to burn cds or erase dvds-I use 1Click for most dvd burns that require the protection removal-and the dvd 43 (not14)-runs unnoticed-ignored in the background-1Click DVD PRO removes the copy protection-I wrote to find out which program did what-The 1Click actually removes the protection-all but the area protection-thats why the DVD43 is needed-for nothing else-I can watch videos all day on the pc using just the copy software only-but to playback on my dvd or dvr player they need the area protection removed-ie. dvd43-Many times I only use Convert X to DVD to convert and burn -Many times they are ready to play in my players-using nothing more-So-It takes 1 or the other for me to get the file to the tube-I have asked VSO if they are the same company as LG as they work together-LG giving away free bonus VSO software-and if so why not put all three programs into one-They already compress the dvd file before burning and they remove copy protection before burning; why not have the file converted as well prior to burning-I am waiting for a reply from them on that-It has to be coming -No-I don't own stock; wish I did-I am as broke as everybody else-I cannot afford any extra charges but when I see something that actually does what it says it will; I tell people about it-it;s called word of mouth and it will make or break a company-I'm tired of the internet thieves-
  14. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    Also-as far as how good DVD43 is as a standalone decrypter; I have no idea as I only use it at times with 1Click DVDPro' which does it's own decrypting-(sans the area restictions)
  15. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    Narcrismo-URGENT-Call you DVD SHRINK-take meds-seek help-and don't forget to breathe-I only respond to others posts on this-your only 1 click away from losing the thread-exercise your rights!
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    MORE false misimfortaion from out good buddy Robspacedout2

    rob actually the freeware like "RipIt4Me" gets you a cleaner file than using DVD43 or anydvd. it takes longer but yields you better results. using,IFOEdit + PGCEdit FixVTS, VobBLanker etc is a better way. and gives you perfect DVD playback and navigation.maybe you need to read my thread i started a few days ago and learn something.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2006
  17. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    lol, robspace1 are you blind??? I spelled it out for you. 1Click DVD Copy (whether basic or pro) CAN NOT AND WILL NOT REMOVE PROTECTION. That is why it says right on the companies site as stated in my other post. And why do you keep mentioning Convert-X-To-DVD?? That is way off topic. Please go educate yourself with the finer details of 1Click over at their "FAQ's" page and then come back here and try to post something smart.
  18. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    ur right ! i need 2 chill. i did see my shrink, thanks 2 ur suggestion(mad props). seems i'm allergic to stupid people! go figure? my doctor is a big fan of DVD-14 TOO! and my financial advisor tells me 2 buy the stock now!!!


    post away slappy! lol
    1-click is still an awsome prog. thank god 4u it's easy 2 use.
    sorry everyone! way-way-way off topic.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2006
  19. Robspace1

    Robspace1 Guest

    SAY POD-Are you 18?-I must have stumbeled across a site for morons as the more I read the posts in here and the way people spell' tells me more education is needed big time-You kids need to get off yer mamas couch and go get a job or go back to school-Man; I just cannot believe the level of stupidity in one forum!-Amazing-I will say this one time and you can believe it or not-ok-1Click DVD COPY PRO and 1CLICK DVD COPY 5 both remove css protection -they remove ARRCOS-what they do not remove is the area protection keeping you from viewing dvds on your dvd player or dvr-thats it!-Now you can call me a liar all day and it changes nothing-the facts remain the same-dvd43 is needed to remove area protection-but to play on your pc nothing more then the primary program is needed-I will not repeat this to you-It ain't worth my time-If you choose to spend your time and money chasing down garbage so be it-the one thing no program can remove is stupidity-your on your own there!-get a life kids!-I'm gone-
  20. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I will be emailing LG Software Innovations to ask the creators whether or not their program removes protections. Watch for my reply!

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