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1 Click DVD Copy Pro

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Bayrak, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    DrkTwr, then you said
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2006
  2. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    DrkTwr, yes clone and nero would take multiple steps(because they are both basically burn engines).however clone and 1-click(burn) and DVD-43 or ANY-DVD(ripp)
    woulld work just like 1-Click. THEY ARE BOTH "ON-THE-FLY" progs, which work in the backround...sound familiar? ANY-DVD Is the superior prog, it updates at least 4X as frequently.
    so, if you have used ANY-DVD in the past(and still have it), replace DVD-43 with ANY-DVD(and i mean REMOVE IT(DVD-43) COMPLETLY!)
    if youn used the free trial, u should def buy ANY-DVD, it will make u a happy dude, I PROMISE!
    even if you want 2 use 1-click! ANY-DVD works much better with 1-Click, than does DVD-43.
    i WOULD NEVER, NEVER! steer you wrong. try it and see it ur self!
    i have double vision..have 2 go.. i'm dizzy! lol
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2006
  3. DrkTwr

    DrkTwr Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    @ narcismo, I do understand how programs work together.
    I presently own 1 Click DVD Copy Pro and use it everyday. I have tried the trial of Clone DVD in conjunction with Any DVD. Any DVD works just great but after the trial you have to pay for Any DVD. Clone DVD has too many advanced settings that will only confuse a newbie.
    DVD decrypter also has too many advanced settings to rip the DVD, then if the movie is too large (which most movies nowadays use Dual Layers) you will have to run the files through DVD Shrink or another compressor program. Also the decryption software is out of date anyways.
    so as I said before for "EASE OF USE" 1 Click DVD Copy Pro is the best and fastest out there even if you have to bother spending 2 extra minutes to download a free program like DVD 43.
    As far as updates go, I have never ran into a problem decrypting or burning any movie, new releases and all.
    Don't take it the wrong way but the original thread was asking for reviews of 1 Click DVD Copy. So far, the bulk of the posts have been from people who have never tried the software and are only interested in bashing 1 Click and promoting other programs. There are other threads for that. Mine is from experience with multiple burn/decrypt/compression programs so my posts are not bias.
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You shouldnt have any problem backing up a DVD using DVD43 which is not part of 1Click.

    But you will see when your first year is up on your program you will have to pay $19 to even be able to use the software and update. Then after another 12 months fork over another $19 and so on on the years coming up.

    I do not see how paying $19 a year justifies the 1Click ease of the program. Lets keep it real. It isnt that hard to use CloneDVD or Recode2. All you have to do is click next like 3 times and your off burrning.

    Just like CloneDVD and Recode2, 1Click also has advanced settings. If you choose to use them. You are not forced to use them in any of the above programs.

    In anycase members will be able to choose for themselves after reading these post.
  5. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    @ DrkTwr : LMAO how "advance" is to click next 3 times?
  6. DrkTwr

    DrkTwr Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    Don't forget that not everyone is computer literate. After Dawn was created for the purpose of helping people with their computers and the software they use. If you don't believe me, take a look at all the forums dedicated to burn and decrytion help topics. Their is a vast majority of people who are turned off by computers in the first place and have the extra money to spend on software that best suites their needs.

    For someone to say: "LMAO how "advance" is to click next 3 times? " is not fair at all.

    This is why when someone asks for reviews of a program they don't ask for the price, they are only concerned about performance, ease of use, and reliability. The money spent on quality media, a quality burner, a computer, storage for burned media is nothing compared to $19 per year or $1.58 per month. $1.58 per month? a cheeseburger costs more than that!
    You guys keep on talking price, price, price but offer no reviews. Either you did not try 1 Click or you don't want to admit to its A-1 performance. Anyhow, I do agree that in the end people will choose what best meets their needs so here is a fair variety to try:

    Any DVD and Clone DVD:


    1 Click DVD Copy:


    DVD 43:

  7. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    ?????????? u have a problem with paying 4 any-dvd, yet u would rather pay $19.00 anually, for a burn engine that has nothing, whatsoever,to do with ripping the movie u want to back-up. And paying $19.00 a year is easier than spending the 10 minutes it takes to learn how 2 use a more advanced prog? i'm confused! HAVE A NICE DAY!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2006
  8. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I've used it 4 about 2 years,it's a good prog(i've stated that soo many times in this thread, that my fingers hurt from typing it.)DrkTwr! u won't be a newbie 4 ever. consider expanding ur horizons!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2006
  9. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I've used it 4 about 2 years,it's a good prog(i've stated that soo many times in this thread, that my fingers hurt from typing it.)DrkTwr! u won't be a newbie 4 ever. consider expanding ur horizons!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2006
  10. narcismo

    narcismo Regular member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    oops, i hit the button twice!
  11. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    DrkTwr: i tried it , and felt that had no features and yet things get worser as u still need a stand by program that has NOTING to do with this gay program paying not only 1 time fee but an anual non ending fee... anydvd is just the only ripper u need from that you just need ANY type of back up program nero clonedvd / cd and other such even non known programs will do it , AS FOR you saying about quality disc n crap DONT mention it cuz its stui$# why? cuz everyone knows taht if you copy a disc its ovoius u wont waste cheap media for your time YET how does this RELATE to that paticualr program????

    so the question should be around HAVE YOU TRIED any dvd or clonedvd2? to see how EASE and peace of mind it is?????? man how simple is to pop a disc click on clone and reallyl just click "next" until it starts burning????? why would u read any options??? LMAO!!! seriouly think about it and i highly recommend trying it out cuz i feel you havnt ,
  12. DrkTwr

    DrkTwr Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    LOL narcismo, you are just as hard-headed as me.

    @gus738, You obviously havn't read my posts because as I have already said, yes I have used Any DVD and Clone DVD. Any DVD is just as good as DVD43. Its Clone DVD I have a problem with. Its funny how there are so many help topics for Clone DVD and other ripping programs but yet so many stand behind them till the end. There are even user guides on how to use them! LMAO! While you see no help topics for 1 Click DVD Copy Pro and its rated #1 on every 3rd party review.

    Coincidence, I think not!

  13. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You do not see many threads started for 1Click because the majority doesn’t give the program the time of day. To many members know that it is a waist of money paying $59 for a program then $19 a year after that.

    Look how many threads are started asking “what is the best program to use”. How many times do you see a (Jr./Sr./Addict member) say use 1Click. I don't think I have ever read a veteran member suggest using 1Click.

    The reason why you don’t see it talked about in this forum much is because not very many members use it. Except for a handful of people that where suckered in paying an annual fee for updates and for rights to keep using the program.

    This thread topic was someone asking if it was worth the money to buy it. Just a few have said yes but the majority has said no it is not worth it. The reason I do not use it and wouldn’t use it is the price of it and an annual fee to even use the program.

    I have been backing up DVD’s for years now and know there are other programs out there that do not cost as much and can do the same thing making the same quality backups as 1Click. Plus have a learning curve just as easy as 1Click.

    So the price alone would be the deciding factor for me.

    As to being the top of reviews. The only top reviews that you can bring up are reviews from big corporation sites or sites that are afflilated with 1Click software. Any program can be at the top of reviews when you pay off whoever is giving the review. Hell they have enough money to pay them off charging $19 a year for thier product. As I said before most reviwes are Bias.

    1 Example of why they could give 1Click a higher review rather then others would be 1Click advertises on the place that is giving the review more then other competing programs do.

    The place that is giving the review will defently give 1Click a higher review if 1Click is giving them more money (advertisment) then another program is. They do not wanna lose that money.

    If you went to non-bias websites (Afterdawn) or most any other DVD backup forum based site. You would most likly see that 1Click is not a very popular program used by most members of these sites.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2006
  14. DrkTwr

    DrkTwr Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    @ larrylje,

    The problem with looking @ forum sites is that when it comes to spending money, there is a vast majority who are cheap, sacrifice quality for an inexpensive product, or are young and don't have a job and can't afford a decent program. Thats why there are still people who recommend DVD Decrypter, DVDFAB, and DVD Shrink.

    As far as your conspiracy theories go about 3rd party reviews, if that was the case that they pay companies to write bias reviews than they would kill their profits. Other than that, they would also have to pay to slander other software such as Slysoft's which would be a crime and probably reap the reprocussions of Slysoft's lawyers. If you notice on the reviews they review "features" among other things. Are you telling me they lie about features the products have? Tell me, please tell me that all these reviewers get paid off, I need a laugh right now!


    If you notice, they do not sell 1 Click DVD Copy in stores as far as I have seen but instead survive by word of mouth. In my experience a product only survives that way if they sell an excellent product that lives up to reviews and outperforms its counterparts. If they did not , they would go under real quick.
  15. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    So what you’re saying is the majority of members on this site are cheap, sacrifice quality or are young and don't have a job. Plus you are saying using DVD Decrypter, DVDFAB, and DVD Shrink is sacrificing quality? Those programs are just as good as 1Click DVD. Now if you are talking about quality then I will bring up DVD-RB + CCE. Now that is quality. But if you do not have the time to figure a program out like that and want to throw your money away then by all means get 1Click DVD.

    I have found most of the free stuff actually work better then pay programs. So again I say $59 plus $19 a year after that is not worth the 1Click program, when you can get a program that is as good and close to half the price and free updates for life. Let’s hope the young jobless members take economics in school and figure this 1 out for themselves.

    What I was saying about reviews being bias is that whoever is giving the review will more then likely give a better review to a product that advertises more on their websites.

    Nothing I say will change your mind and nothing you say will change my mind. But this is all good for newbie’s to be able to read and decided for themselves.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2006
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    that is what we do here is give info & suggestions so that member can decide which way to go.

    SCAMPER Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    My backup program to AnyDVD and CloneDVD is DVDfab Platinum. It just got updated to Version 3, doesn't charge an upgrade fee, is easy to use, and has been very reliable. If 1click didn't charge an annual fee, I would consider a second backup, but not with their annual fee.
  18. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    @ DrkTwr,
    From what i read from ur quote u say that ppl sacrifice quality for an inexpensive product, so by ur logic, if members use a free program u get less quality, sorry to say but u are way off in that statement when it comes to PC programs.
    Some of the best programs are freeware period!

    And if u are saying that these programs(DVDFab decrypter,DVD shrink,DVD decrypter) are not decent then u probably didn't use them or dont know how to use them becuz these FREE programs produce great if not better results than 1clickdvdCopy.

    and BTW were are all the other 1clickdvdcopy users at, like said in an earlier post not many threads about 1click, maybe becuz not a lot of ppl use it, also its a rip off big time, 20$ a year to keep using it, while i use my freeeeeeeeeee programs i can spend that money on something more worth it like Beeeeeeer. LOL

    Now i didnt mean to be rude if it came out that way, sorry if it did, its ur choice to use whatever u want, but dont make statements(Not decent) about free programs when any member of AD will tell u different,
    last thing im going say if i do happen to have to buy a program it would be ANYdvd hands down, and please dont compare ANYdvd to DVD43 as there is no comparison to be made.

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2006
  19. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Charging $19 a year is a major downside in my opinion.

    Most sites & reviews that I have read give the correct price of $59. Which most probably think is a descent price for a program. I do not think its bad for purchasing the program.

    But where in these great reviews does it say you have to pay $19 a year to renew the license to use the program? They try to hide that fact till after you buy it then a year down the road your program stops working or an update is out and it will not let you update. Then you are told in order to keep using it you have to PAY $19.

    That is where in a way the reviews LIE. Or just happen to leave out the $19 annual fee. Also in your previous post you said Slysoft would sue the site that is giving the review for slander. Why would that happen? They never slander slysoft programs they just rank them lower because possibly they do not spend as much money on advertisement.

    Also you said that 1Click is only sold online. AnyDVD and ClonDVD is also only sold online. So what was your point on that?
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2006
  20. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    once you buy a program, that should be it.. you shouldn't have to keep paying. The only exception I make with this is Mcafee or other virus software that continually improve their product... It's programs like 1click dvd copy that make people go hunting for cracks.

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