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1.I Beg For Help.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by DynatyxXx, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. DynatyxXx

    DynatyxXx Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Please help.me.I need the slayer´s autoinstaller CD 2.5.I´ve tried with mirc,but someone played me a trick so that the guys from there thought i said they were stupid,etc.It wasn´t me.but they don´t believe it.I almost got the boot,but they cut the connection.I don´t know how this guy did this:he used my ip adress.I gave it a search on google and found out how u can go in someones pc.I need Someone who used the Slayer,to make sure that it works.Cause i tried to download,but it simply doesn´t work.Please some help me.I will offer a site full of absolutely free mp3download of almost everything.
  2. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Sorry to hear all that man, check your PM box for Slayer's.
  3. DynatyxXx

    DynatyxXx Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    It´s okay.Ask the others about this slayer cd.Maybe it can be downloaded from somewhere else.thanks again

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