As of last Wednesday, I have officially been a member of AD for 20 years. Shouldn't that get me a plated gold watch or something?
Has no one heard from any of the Admins? When was the last time? What if they're locked in a bomb shelter and they expired from old age while waiting for WWIII? And then they arose from the dead and are now zombies bouncing from wall to wall with no way out. Hear that dRD or Ketola? Hm, if they're zombies then it wouldn't matter if they heard it or not.
Congratulations! Let me know if you get a gold star or something! I have a few more years for my 20th anniversary
Jim, you'll get that next year not this year as this is 2023 not 2024. i'll get mine in Oct 2024 but currently I have the record for the most posts in the mean time. actually I think I have 2 records, fastest to addict status & most posts.
Half of those posts had ddp reminding me I was replying to an old forgotten post. And what Gold Star?
about time you showed your ugly mugg around here so when are you getting back into the moderator job so that I am not the only 1 doing that?
Sorry man, kinda just fell off the planet after walking (mostly) away from gaming/modding scene because of digital distribution etc. add to that so many years of arguing with people miscontruing words, putting out fanboy fires and not enjoying life (with little to no upside) finally took its toll I guess and I aged out a little too much...
I see you made your 20 years a couple of months before I did. So can we see your gold watch? As for good works, I'll have to think on that for a while, and you needn't worry about the fan boys they got old and left the nest long ago.