2009 Dodge Challenger--And Now Any Car at the Top of One Field or Another. *NO FIGHTING*

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Auslander, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Auslander....if your college library has CDs, I'm wondering if you'd be kind enough to listen to two pieces of music and tell me which you think the average listener would prefer:

    a) F. Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu, C#m Op.66 and
    b) F. Liszt, Mephisto Waltz #1 (there were two)

    No big deal if you can't but I'd be grateful if you could. I'm playing at a benefit and the problem with being a musician is that we tend to judge music differently from the non musician. I'll be playing one or two warm up pieces to get the digits moving properly and one of those two will be the main piece. Their both rather aggressive romance pieces but completely different. I really could use your opinion if at all possible. Thanks!
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    after listening to both pieces, i would recommend Chopin's piece. it was much more pleasing to my ear, but then again, that's just me.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Damn, Aus, you listened to them already?? I was curious for the input of someone who is not a pianist. I think you're right. If might be a different story with the Mephisto Waltz through one's headphones in the living room and with knowledge of the story line...it's from Faust...Satan comes into the ballroom handsome, well built and studly and begins to slowly seduce the young virgin and you can actually close your eyes and imagine the dance intensifying as the music does...but that's too cerebral in a performace methinks, especially for non musicians. The Impromptu, strangely enough, is my "signature piece" which I know by heart and sideways which certainly makes it easier LOL! It's a lot of flash and glitter in the first and third movements...aggressive yet "agitated" as the dynamics call it so it rather grabs one's attention and it's cool for the old folks because, (revolting and sinful an act as it is) someone put words to the second movement in the 1950s (before my day) which became a bit hit...it was called "I'm Forever Chasing Rainbows" and it hits a nostalgic note with the elderly in the group.

    Thanks for the input. It's what I thought too but I wanted to hear what you thought. Sometimes, the problem with being a musician is that your taste will become influenced by the piece's complexity or whatever so it might be a real masterpiece to a pianist while everyone else in the group cringes. Anyhoo...thanks again Aus.
  4. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    hey, any favor for my good buddy ^.^ lol, i admit i don't have the classical knowledge or understanding any good musician would have; i only know what "sounds right perty" to my ears. i think anyone would enjoy hearing it. be sure to get your performance on video and put it online.
  5. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    In my "fantasy world" I would also like a Yamaha R1 but sadly my wife would divorce me if I ever got a bike.http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/6/0/home.aspx
  6. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Shado36....we're like that in my family too. A zillion years ago, my sister was engaged to this guy in the serice who died on a bike ... hit a rock at high speed or some such thing. I was like ten years old (54 now LOL!) but still, mention a motorcycle in my family and everyone goes nuts.

    @Aus...Video tape my performance at the benefit LMAO!! This is a big risk for me as it is; I teach from time to time but I haven't performed since I hurt my neck and back so many years ago. If this were a group who knew something about music, I never would have let myself be talked into it. I still have problems with the left arm but one nice thing about a crowd like this is that you can lose your place, drop your music or run into trouble and just start making it up as you go along. A mortal sin if ever there was one but what the hell. Then someone blames it on the composer with things like "Jeez, Gerry sure can play o.k. but he needs to stay away from that crappy Fredrick Shoppin' guy. LOL!
  8. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    aww, you know you want to! make yourself a big name around here! we'll do some editing and put you behind the wheel of a 2009 challenger while you play.
  9. escalante

    escalante Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    Damn here in Belize the fuel price is very high!!(i live in belize). For the Premium its about $11BZ(about $5.50US)per gallon. diesel is about 6.50BZ(3.25$ US). For that reason my mom usually just uses the diesel pickup truck and my dad only use the Isuzu Trooper. We only use the Lincoln Navigator on Weekends.
  10. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    or we could all just make our own biodiesel for $0.75 a gallon. ^.~
  11. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    A friend of mine came off a bike doing aboit 150mph!! He was very lucky the only injury he sustained was gravel rash on one of his legs and that was because another bike rode over his leg! What really hurt him was his nearly new bike completely smashed up and I would imagine he got a real roasting from his dad (to say the least). He ended up just buying another though, it was not the speed that caused the accident either it was another bike! I understand the situation though, they can be very dangerous, I was lucky I never had any accidents that put me in hospital, just minor scrapes.
  12. escalante

    escalante Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    What do you mean "biodiesel"? Did you just make that up or do you really know how to make it? I have no idea what biodiesel is.
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    it's a non-petroleum based diesel-substitute made of animal or vegetable oil, methanol/ethanol, and, if you make it yourself, a cleansing agent like lye. you can buy it at certain stations around the nation for cheaper than typical fuels, but you can make it yourself in the garage quite easily with a kit or a home-rigged system. it burns cleaner than any other currently used fuel, is far better on the engine (due to the natural lubrication of the oils), it usually makes for more power/better fuel efficiency than petroleum-based fuels.

    to be quite honest, we don't need to convert to hydrogen fuel (the production of which, by the way, destroys the atmosphere as badly as our current fuels), or use solar-powered cars, or anything else. that stuff is great for a home or whatever, but we can use existing technology to produce near zero harmful emissions with biodiesel, as well as put US farmers back in business with corn growing to produce the methanol/ethanol that can be used.

    the only reason we haven't yet is because no one wants to drive diesels (even though they are far superior to gas-based systems in the modern era, at least in my opinion). well, and Big Oil still stands in the way. oil companies own the world.
  14. escalante

    escalante Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    Wow that sounds like the answer to the problems in the world today. but of course the big oil companies will never let it happen. it sounds interesting. hmmm i wonder if my dad would be interested in trying. are there dire consequences if you get the mixture wrong?
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    not really; for the most part, the engine just won't run. make small practice batches at first, blending them into your own diesel over a few weeks, then switch straight to biodiesel. when you do the full conversion, be sure to change your fuel filter at least once, preferably 2 or 3 times, over the next month, as biodiesel has a tendency to pick all the dirt and grime out of the vehicle left by petro-diesel, from the tank on. while this is really good for the vehicle and gives it new life, it also clogs your fuel filter horribly at first.

    it is very easily a great solution; but you're right about Big Oil. that's why this must be a grassroots thing, with every diesel owner brewing his/her own in the garage, especially as more people convert to diesel.
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    worthy of mention: the Chevy SS. this little truck/car sure is pretty, though that seems to be all i can really say right now. it doesn't stick out too much in any other respects.

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