321GONE DVD X Copy Express DVD BackUp Screen Remover

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by PsiDOC, Nov 5, 2003.

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  1. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hey psidoc running dvd x copy platinum on win 2000.
    Great program , works on both modes simple and advanced .Thanks for solving this prob


  2. estc

    estc Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    Hi all, Want to report a glitch. I recorded RADIO using Platinum, Simple, movie only then used 321 Gone v 63 and then inserted media. The copy burnt Then weirdness. The copy won't play on 2 of my 3 DVD players and the one it will play on pixtelates. Then after starting the movie a couple of times I get a "bad disk" message. I opened the disk on the computer using Shrink and it shows that the DVD Xcopy Screen is still there on the copy just does not play. I re-did the burn using Xpress 3.0.5 and the older version of 321 Gone and no problems. Have played the disk many times with no glitch. Any ideas?
  3. GoFish

    GoFish Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    Hello All,

    How about some comments about the +R's(or)-R's. I started with -R's and never heard a complaint from any DVD player. Recently switched to +R's, which work fine for me and my Mom's nursing home, but others who borrow some from me, say that they would not play, they just got a 'disk error' message. Anyone else having this experience? Also, what about cheap disk vs. these high dollar ones... Are we getting our monies worth with the brand name?

    Bass Wishes,

  4. PsiDOC

    PsiDOC Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    Gazac: Many thanks. If you run 321 gone before runnning Xpress it will invoke a manual file select. This will be a temporary measure for you. No time to code in browse feature at the moment. The MyDoom virus, or rather it's eradication from my business user's servers has me a little tied up at the moment. I'll add it when I get 5 mins.

    syl2k: When I perfect simple mode the Advanced mode will be implemented. However andmerr claims it works already (see a few posts back)?? I have not tested it mind. I don't own a copy of XCopy Pro. If you want to try. Please do, however I'm not responsible for any frisbees.

    Bero_zg: Thanks :eek:). read above response to syl2k.

    Platnm630: The idea of XCopy and XPress is to back up your own legitimately purchased DVDs. So that the originals can be stored away safely, then in the event that the dog / kids / mom in law decide to go on the rampage you hard earned isn't destroyed in the process. So I do buy my movies!!!!
    If 321 gone didn't work for you please remember it does have a limitation. It will not do multilanguage DVDs. This the only time I have never got it to work.

    nfamus1: Try contacting 321 Studios and paying for the software. It's not that expensive.

    andmerr: Thanks :eek:). 1 thing though. I have stated that this is untested / Non working in Advanced Mode (AKA the straight XCopy). You have tried it, really??? With the last release you would have been able to manually browse to the backup directory, after that it's an unknown quantity. Can you please confirm that it worked in advanced mode, and if so what were your settings etc??

    estc: The "glitch" you report sounds like a burn / bad media problem. The algorithm for removing the movie only intro has not changed since the 1st release. I don't believe in fixing something that is not broken. 321 gone does not rip the intro from the disk. It bypasses it by file patching, so if you go into the disk manually using Shrink / Vobrator etc you'll see it's still there. My program patches the files to ignore it. I see you downgraded to 3.05 and used an earlier version of 321 gone and it worked. If you'd have used 0.63 I can guarantee it would have as well!!

    I think that's all questions answered so far... lol

    Regards, Psi
  5. PsiDOC

    PsiDOC Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    I usually stick to -Rs. Reason being it's the oldest standard, and most universal. Ie: If a player / drive accepts -Rs it may not accept +Rs, however, usually if a player / drive accept +R's it'll take -Rs.
    I use BulkPaq orange (Princo Dye) 4X -Rs in my 106. I have never had one go bad on me yet, and they see happy playing in everything I chuck them in, including my kid's XBox which is known for being notoriously fussy even with originals.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]AMD Duron 1600 Applebred @ 2172 Mhz (181 FSB x 12)
    Asus A7N266-VM (FSB Jumper unlocked) Nvidia Geforce 2 Onboard
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    Pioneer DVR106D 1.07 RPC1 with 12x rip firmware
    All the usual toys and trimmings to go with the above![/small]
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2004
  6. GoFish

    GoFish Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    Thanks, looks like I need to go back to -R's...

    Did you get the '321 Call Out Up-date' Icon file? This is the latest, and I am finished, unless you want changes...

  7. syl2k

    syl2k Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    Hey PsiDOC,
    When i use it this is what happens: I manually slect the file which i easily find. I click the button to patch the file and then it just closes not saying if it was patched or not. I burned it once and after playing it the screen was still there. Any suggestions?
  8. PsiDOC

    PsiDOC Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    I got the mail, looks good to me :eek:) It'll be in the next update.
    This is what I expected to happen with the straight XCopy the program cannot find the correct parts of the files to patch and exits having done nothing.
    I was just repeating what was said here by andmerr.
    After I get the ML DVD support in Xpress sorted I'll start work on the XCopy version. I only concentrate on 1 project at a time.

  9. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hey psidoc thought i might of fluked it because the 1st time i used it i could browse where the file was.The 2nd time i couldnt browse and i thought here you go it wont work but i clicked your button and after the end of the burn i tried it and lo and behold it worked/Seems it can find where you dumped it.

    i have sent you a PM to tell you the steps i used oh by the way my manga is in english and japanese and both languages work.This is an awesome program

    see ya
  10. PsiDOC

    PsiDOC Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    Thanks for the pm. Looking at what you didit soundls like a normal burn. I am assuming that this was to 1 disk and not 2??
    The reason that you get the browse on the 1st time and not the second is that 321gone remembers the browse settings and checks for the file. If it's there it's happy if it's not it will invoke the manual browse again.
    Hey! if it works for you then good luck!! I think that you may have been lucky that your settings are close enough to an Xpress copy structure for the proggie to work. Beware if you differ from those settings.

  11. hgr

    hgr Guest

    THanks for the 321gone file. This works fine with express v3.0.4 but does not work with dvd xcopy gold.
    Any suggestion. with the xcopy gold 321gone prompts me to look for the file, I point it to the file but nothing happens and after burnig the dvd I get the warning screen. Any suggestions.
    Also I got a movie which runs into two disc (the first has 23 ch and the second dvd has 10 ch. After burnig the movie using 321 express, the first dvd copied only 17 ch and second dvd copied only 5 ch. Any suggestion and help is appreciated. Thanks
  12. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    yes it was a normal burn, havent really come across anything that requires 2 disc burn yet.Doubt if i would change the way i use your program as you are probably right it would muck the settings up.

    catch ya

  13. PsiDOC

    PsiDOC Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    As I have said time and time again. Xpress is supported, but no the Straight XCopy, which is the one that will burn your DVD accross 2 Disks!!!!!

  14. Newcory

    Newcory Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Regarding using the backup screen remover on discs already created, a reference was made that one could use Nero Recode2 to reburn a decrypted copy of the already created disc. How does does one go about this? Although I read the Nero manual I cannot tell what type of file Recode 2 is looking for. VOB files?

    WIN XP
    IOMEGA 4x DVD Burner
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  15. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    Newcory: To recopy a copy,place disc in drive,Open Nero Recode 2- click copy entire DVDtoDVD- clickDVD video files button @ top left -click green +import DVD button,and away you go! Cheers Ispy
  16. Newcory

    Newcory Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Thanks ISpy,

    I am missing the part about removing the warning screen and replacing it with a coloured backround. Would you please give me some instruction. Thanks!

  17. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    Newcory:When you have clicked on import video you will see in the left hand window a breakdown of the files you can choose to disable bit with the disable button on right hand side,you will also see a button with REPLACE, click this for colour background options .If you want to just remove the WARNING screen when you rip/burn a movie checkout http://psudoc0.tripod.com backup screen remover its the biz. Cheers Ispy
  18. billxt

    billxt Guest

    Hey PSI,

    Just downloaded and tried 321gone. Worked like a charm.
    I use only Fuji,HP,Philips or Sony blanks. Problems are way less than 1%.
    I have a NEC 1100a burner and have no other burning software installed. I use only 2.4 speed discs.
    Your software is a delight.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2004
  19. scraddick

    scraddick Member

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Hey PsiDoc or whoever. I have Xcopy Platinum 321, and when I go to put a check in entire disk it doesn't work. It will show it copying and then as soon as it is done the screen just goes away! it won't ask for disk 2 or nothing, it just closes itself. Go figure...it just closes itself. Can anybody help me fix this problem???
  20. syl2k

    syl2k Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    Hey Y'all,

    I've just finished trying DVD Shrink 3.1.4. I would be switching from dvdxcopy platinum. I find that even though Shrink is a little slower the quality is a little bitter and the program gives you full control over what u want. Plus no stupid warning screen. Just my 2 cents.
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