3D TV's - Are they worth it?

Discussion in '3D TV' started by miketrev, May 20, 2010.

  1. macblob

    macblob Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    Also for anyone else thinking on 3D read the Wikipedia file on this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_TV

    It is a wear just like <Beta/VHS>, <DVD/laser-disc>, <BluRay-HDDVD>.
    The 3D without glasses will not be for awhile....also to keep in mind:

    What Sony and Walt Disney go with is usually the trend.
  2. Kirsten2

    Kirsten2 Member

    Nov 23, 2010
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    Thanks for all the good info. I was also thinking about purchasing the Sony 3D Tv.
  3. Ovr9000

    Ovr9000 Member

    Feb 9, 2011
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    no i wouldnt buy one because of tv and the new 3DS comming out it is pointless realy :)
  4. mike.m

    mike.m Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    Even Blu-ray isn't that great. There is, and has been for years, storage media that well exceeds the capacity of blu-ray discs. Even countries like Japan have TV's with higher resolutions then everyone else has (1080p). But why don't we have this? Money. The Blu-ray Association, Sony, other companies whathaveyou, all know that it is a lot cheaper to sell blu-ray discs and 1080p TV's. Even if they wanted to move on to better technology, they have too much money invested in Blu-ray and HDTV's. Everyone could be living with more advanced technology right now if it wasn't for corporate greed. 3D is nice, but it definitely isn't amazing.

    Honestly, I would wait a bit longer to buy it, because the technology is still being constantly improved, yes 3D TV's that don't require glasses are coming out, however right now, the ones with the glasses gives a way better 3D experience but even then it's not that amazing. But it just shows you that 3D at home can still be improved, and is as we speak.

    Another factor is content. There are very few good 3D movies out for home viewing. VERY FEW. Yes almost every movie you see now is hopping on the 3D bandwagon, but they're (directors/studios) just using it as a gimmick to sell their crappy movies. For example, the new Spider Man movie will be shot (of course) in 3D. Crappy Director with very little experience directing, let alone in effectively using 3D: check. Poor cast: check. 3D used as a gimmick and won't shine through the movie, or will probably distract viewers from the actual movie: most definitely. Pretty much every movie that has been "shot in 3D" has done this now. Yes it can be a very cool technology, but all signs point to stay away from it now, and give it time. It will be a long while till people rather watch 3D movies at home, instead of going to an IMAX theatre. By that time, one can only dream, but we might even have holographic TV's, even then I wouldn't be surprised if companies hold it back from the public. I'm a bit biased though, unless 3D really enhances the movie expereince, I much rather watch it in 2D. Except for IMAX only movies, and very few 3D Movies, the majortiy of the time I find 3D just too damn distracting from the actual movie. There's always a thing as too much of a good thing.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  5. Mathieu_A

    Mathieu_A Member

    Apr 11, 2010
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    Are they worth it? I honestly don't know. I won't buy one, that's for sure. Wanna know why? Because watching 3D TV gives me a splitting headache after a couple of minutes. Tried a test setup at a Sony retailer last year.

    So if you're in to this type of TV, first try out if it won't give you any physical problems. It would be a huge waste of your time and money if you can't enjoy it after you purchased the system.
  6. oadbylad

    oadbylad Member

    Jun 29, 2008
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    Samsung 40" for £599
    How can you go wrong
    And as for Mathieu's comment youve got to switch on to HD 3D channel to watch 3D and if youve not got a 3D TV you cant get the picture any way
  7. Turkish2

    Turkish2 Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    They're worth it. I have a 50" Samsung 3D Plasma and the 3D blurays are mind blowing!
  8. mike.m

    mike.m Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    I'm still waiting for this tech to mature. Passive 3D TV's are just starting to come out which is supposed to offer a much better viewing experience than Active 3D.
  9. dvdS.L.S

    dvdS.L.S Member

    Jan 22, 2003
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    I strongly agree with Turkish 2 .3D has come of age.I just got a Panasonic 50"
    3D plasma ( TC-P50ST30) and it is simply awsome.The 3D blu rays are incredible !!
    I was also impressed with how well this tv and the 3D BD player (DMP-BDT210) changed
    old 2d movies into 3D.Not true 3D but darn good effort.I'm happy with it.
    Last year I saw the FIFA soccer finals in 3D ( at Future Shop) and it was like being there standing
    on the field with the players.I felt that I could just reach out and touch them !!!
    I hope they show the Super bowl in 3d and the olympics as well.The 3D glasses I bought
    are supposedly the lightest weight on the market.You forget you have them on.
    They are Panasonic TY-EW3D3MU.
    Ihave watched old movies,Bd movies,3D movies,hockey games,football games and played
    a Ps3 game on my Sony BD player ( KillZone 2) All were fanatstic.
  10. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    No they ain't.. they give me a migrane within about 5 minutes.. nasty things!!

    Also completely pointless for people with astigmatism or only one eye.. mine just don't match.

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