I see 4 slots I thought I had to put 1GB in each slot. Because I know some Boards slot require a certain amount of memory in each slot. But I can just put 2GB in 2 Slots and leave the rest Empty.
Did some more reading. The P31 chipset is unable to read a pair of double-side RAM modules next to each other. In other words, you need to use two sticks of RAM rather than four, even though it has four slots, as single-sided RAM modules aren't really worth bothering with, so 2x2GB it is.
which Ram do you Prefer http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...0147&Description=PC2-6400&name=Desktop Memory
Ideally this stuff http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145176 if you need 4 gigs that is.
You always go for the max of my Budget don't you LOL.. OK Now I know what I need Thanks Again for All your help..If any problem I'll post back. Time to find Some Extra Money
I like to max out my computer so that I know it has every that it can ever that. Hoping that everything you showed is the max. If theres more please let me know.
You can get far more expensive boards that have a few more bells and whistles, but they cost far more than $100 and finding one with three PCI slots on it may prove a challenge. As far as the rest of it goes, you can get a far more expensive CPU that's more powerful, and obviously you could buy a mega graphics card - maxing a system is expensive!
Alright Sounds like my computer is already max out for the price I'm willing to pay Maybe over time. Thanks Again
I was just about to do some shopping and I ran across this on ebay look at the memory section http://cgi.ebay.com/GIGABYTE-GA-EP3...yZ108978QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
What's new? The same caveat is there, as it should be. "* Because of chipset limitations, do not populate both DIMM sockets of the same channel (e.g. DDR and DDR2), or populate 4 DIMM sockets with double-sided memory modules to prevent system's failure to start or incorrect detection of memory modules. Please refer to the user manual for the memory configurations table" it's also a mere $6 less on ebay. Is that really worth the risk?
I was just worried when I saw "4 GB of memory size will instead be shown as 3.xx GB during system startup" I thought I would automatically lose 1GB but your saying that I will not because of different memory or something like that.
No, you will 'lose' memory. 32-bit Operating Systems can only see 4GB minus your graphics memory allowance, so for a 512MB graphics card, that's 3.5GB. However, this effect stops at 3.2GB, so you will never see less than that.