one question, why would someone even want 1mb of video memory, unless they jus plan on checking email and making word documents. but to make it higher, jus go into the bios and go to where it says something about shared video memory or something to that effect and jus change the value higher.
atlnicca, depends on what people are using the computer for as not everybody is gaming so don't need lots of video ram. deadbeat9, i'm in ontario too near barrie. when you mentioned mdg i was almost certain you lived in ontario. was the computer new when you got it & how old is it??
HORIZON 2800CL i got it about 1 or 2 years back. berrie has mdg too kool, i live in toronto so i wouldve never knew. also i dont have the media center mine is old so i guess they didnt have that back then
well, i see you have an 8x video card, you could easily just put in another video card if you wished, if you plan on doing any gaming, i suggest you do that. but if you wanna really jus used shared memory, then the only way is through the bios, im not sure which brand bios you have, but might jus wanna look through there till you see the setting for video or graphics or something and the memory option should be near. bu i really suggest if you plan on doing any memory intensive apps, or games you get another video card so u can all 256mb (unelss youve upgraded)
and ddp, true true, its all relative i guess. but if hes jus using it for basic things, then i guess he'll be good with this current set up.
you have a dedicated videocard which if i am right it is onboard video not a seperate card. the video connector on the back of the case, is it sandwiched between the serial port, the parallel port & the sound connections or all by it self in 1 of the expansion slots of the case??
don't count on that board having an agp slot til you actually see it as i've worked on some mdg computers that didn't have an agp slot. to find out if do or don't, you'll have to open the side panel to look at the motherboard!
yea, foolish me, i was looking at the mdg page for the one he said, and i saw 8x agp and assumed he had a slot, not taking into account all the other facotrs, like his is a older system then one advertised, and that one said dedicated video card.
you can have both onboard video & an agp slot as that is what my motherboard has & i'm running a p4-2.5 celeron d.
WOW after being in the bios menu and restting to defaults, i got my memory back, i now have 256 thanks