2 questions i followed the pelican thing egzact and everytime i get in it it freezes and how do u edit a post
[bold]@devious0[/bold] For the tire thing just copy the warthog tire meta and paste it over the projectile for the gun you want it to shoot out of. For the Pelican thing I don't know. And to edit a post click the button next to the "Report Offensive Post" link.
3 things 1.well now i can get in the pelican but it maks weird loud noises and if i hit the r trigger it freezez 2.where is the report button thing and 3. how do u restore your xbox
[bold]@devious0[/bold] Well I screwed up it's Link to This Message. I have no idea what's wrong with your pelican and what do you mean by restore your Xbox?
Well [bold]devious0[/bold] if you do mean to unsoftmod it then you need to explain what exploit you used and how you installed it.
i have serenity v3.2 and it says "CLR error this program will now terminate" and it closes any idea why it does this?
i did the flying gauss turret and everyone can fly them but me and anyone on my xbox. how do i make it so i can fly them??
also when i try the long ranged sword i try to set the distance to 25 and it always resets to 2. how do i fix this? also, i know how to make the alien sniper shoot multiple shoots at the same time but is there a way to make them spread out more kind of like a shotgun but not as much? thanks in advance for any help
Alright this might sound kind of "noobish" but i was wondering, if the xbox is not hardmodded, then any projectiles you make besides the rockets and plasma pistol won't show up on anyone's screen, besides your own? I ask this because at 1 point the author says "What you probably know is that everybody in a modded game without a mod chip can only see projectiles that shoot out of a Plasma Pistol or a Rocket Launcher. What you probably didn't know is that there is one weapon, than when you change the skin of it, everybody can see the different skin, too. That weapon is the sentinel beam."
i'm having a problem with the shadow mod because it dosint let me get in it. i think i'm doing something wrong with the warthog d and warthog g part because i cant find it on the droplist i could only find specture d and specture g( i think i spelled specture wrong)
By the way everyone, just before you get pissed off. When you mod your Halo 2 name and click save game type in Sav3r you have to re-sign the profile again or it won't work. I used XSavSig. It can be founf in the All In One program aka AIO V2.
(35)Shoot Powerups open the weap tag and selct the plasma pistol go into the dependencies/loneids and find the two projectiles[proj] select either one bring down the top dropdown list and find the eqip tag. then ion the bottom dropdown select objects/powerups/active camouflage/ active camouflage for active camo objects/ powerups/overshields/overshields to make it spawn overshields hit save changes and your done ______________________________________________________________ That doesn't work. When you change the proj to an object the whole proj gets erased to then the weapon just becomes that object or it just freezes when you gte near it. Also how come you don't switch the Meta offset of the power ups with the plasma bolt ?
Hello, The tutorial wasn't very helpful: 16.Shoot out Elites and Spartans Where it says find special/null/null I couldn't find that. I could only find Null. Another problem, setting the MC to special/null/null won't make a weapon shoot him out. Don't you have to go to the weapon tag and switch the proj. to the MC or something. I think a bit more detail is needed in the tut. Could you please explain that a bit further. Also could you please post a tutorial on how vehicles can't be destroyed. Like you die in them when your shot by a rocket or something but the vehicle it self is fine. Thank you Max K.
i know this forum's how many years old.. but i'm glad it's still active.... I have a question though... You do know that to perform a lunge melee(punch) attack you need to be within a specific primity from your target..? And i believe it works the same way with a sword.... Well, how do i increase this range so i can lunge from a greater range????? I successfully modded the sword, but i don't know how to to the same for the punch///// Thanks again in advance..