My USENET account has expired I was with Astraweb. Can anyone recommend a better provider? Preferably one with long retention, decent prices and most importantly one that is not so gung ho to remove binary content. I have heard that Tweaknews was pretty good in terms of not being quick to remove binary content but, then I heard they were just the same as everyone else. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I haven't had any problems with Astraweb. When I last looked, they were one of the cheaper sites and offered various "pay as you go" plans.
Thanks for your input. I have had some problems with it. I have gone to TweakNews. I have no problem getting what I want. But the speed is not nearly as fast as it should be. Nor is the speed consistent.
Try different ports and servers if TweakNews offers them. I have my client set so that it connects to all server and port combinations on Astra.
Great point. I will try that out. For while the speed was great. Now it's erratic but, usually much slower than it should be. What client do you use?
SABnzbd with the sabnzbdfox addon for firefox.