ok then how do i run aid on my softmodded xbox that is broken?i cant read games or get to dash,can u explain?
ok ill get it from the net...Will it fit on a cd cuz i dont have a dvd burner....In 1 week i can use someones though.Oh and I dont need 2 use my working xbox 4 this rigt?
if you had a softmod and it became unlocked this will work if ur softmod was removed it will not umm im not sure if scene has it or not but try this http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/download-file-1270.html
alright dling it now.thanx u were a big help.Ill let u know if i fixed it.it might be a while though.
sry bout the link this will work now and if you have two xboxes and one with a working mod,regaurdless of it being soft mod or hard mod this will work. first go here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Shademand's+Ready+Made+Xbox+SoftMod+&btnG=Search then remove the cover off of both boxes start them both up leaving one on the error screen, the other on ur modded dash remove the ide cable from each of their hd's plug the working xbox into the nonworking send the Shademand's Ready Made Xbox SoftMod to the box then ur done after you put them together
really thogh , will this mess up my box.i would hate 2 have f uped 2 xbox.oh and how do i send softmod?flash fxp or dvd2xbox?