im in UK mate its happening eveywhere..theres been a parliamentary bill just an nti piracy bil so this bandwith limiting has something to do with that..i see vodaphone have cappd at 500mb per month ..thet think thats 'ample' ie unlimited! ive heardevery one will be capped to 1gb per month..i also read in USA pressure on fbi to crack down on p2p sharing..
re vodaphone deal: Less than three percent of Vodafone's mobile phone customers go over their data bundle limit, company spokesman Jakub Hrabovsky told ZDNet UK on Friday. He described a 500MB monthly limit as "absolutely ample".
Oh, I see, you're talking about mobile phone internet subscription...I thought you meant your land line, in your home...
well to some people theyre the same as some isp phone companies like tmobile are also my internet providers..
so i pay them for phone calls and my net usage..but cos of this BPI deal they're cracking down on piracy but using bandwith as an excuse to limit everyone
i thought i had replied to this thread ..?? most phone companies are same as isp so i pay for phone calls and net usage..but because of this BPI deal theyve been cracking down on piracy but using bandwith as an before long everyone will be subject to 1gb per month..
but to make money the'll still want to cram in lots more users to profit what will happen? they'll have to limit yet again..and again..
I may need to get a different build I don't see those KMplayer options I'm using Windows 7, and when I click on km to update it says I have the latest gonna check it out. Mobile Phone Internet sucks bad its really meant for basic users if you want real fast Internet Time Warner Road Runner, even AT&T DSL or 4G laptop Connect, are good. I hear bad things about Comcast. Whats really funny is every service toots their horn about how fast and do u want more speed so if they start throttling here in the U.S. they will lose customers thats why Comcast only does it in areas they have no competition.
well in actual fact my tmob isp were ok.dont forget you can use your mobile as a modem and i was getting good results..quite anazing at times..but this BPI deal theyve signed and pushed through is being used as excuse to limit people,,but charge more,,like cramming 400 people in train compartmnt by chucking out 20 comfotable people..i dont get how this bandwith stuff works..if a person goes online then pulls down say 100mb then comes back days later to get another part then thers a gap in between where others can go online to browse or its not continuous.. a mate suggest something odd as it implies that because you have pulled down 100mb its left some 'dent' or something in the bandwith spectrum ??? i wish someone would explain it to me as it sounds like cobblers to me.
ok about this KMplayer well am NOT impressed..why? ok after trying out the audio capture option' it couldnt figure out an encoder for the saved audio..then i had exception errors splatterd across the was reboot time...that bad..