I have a problem here- I did everything said, got the map onto my menu, and started the countdown. The map loaded and went to the black screen when loading, and then when I came out of black screen, I was put back into the main menu. Any ideas? My map's name is 'supercoag'. scenarios\multi\halo\supercoag\supercoag is the scen. for my coag map. It's identical to the hex-edited supercoag.map. I can't figure out why I am coming back to the main menu. I even tried scenarios\multi\supercoag\supercoag...
[bold]@nate1490[/bold] Thanks for the laugh, lol [bold]@ian_h[/bold] As you stated above, you put the word "halo" in there. There's no need for that.
[bold]@hmp007[/bold] Every map that is on the main menu has a different value. As long as a value isn't repeated then it should work.
i know but when you say just to change the value around i was asking if you were talkin bout changing the vale to the mainmenu.map
ok I am having some serious trouble how to you just get the maps onto your computer in the first place
You need a modded xbox. If you have one, you need something to FTP with. If you do, the xbox's IP is usually You can figure this out on your dashboard of the modded xbox. If the game's on your HDD, it should be somewhere such as F:/Games/Halo 2/maps/coagulation.map. If now, try D:/
Well if you use FileZilla (Free FTP and very nice), just put your xbox's IP into the bar for Address, "xbox" for username and "xbox" for password. The port, if not already defined, should be 21. From there, click "Quick Connect". You need to make sure your xbox is on and in the dashboard. You cannot FTP outside of the dashboard. Once you're in, just navigate to your maps folder. Use this link (http://www.download.com/FileZilla/3000-2160_4-10308966.html) for downloading FTP FileZilla. -Ian
ok dude to get the maps onto your hardrive you need to get dvd2xbox then use ftp to get them on your computer....you need to get dvd2xbox...ftp that into your applications folder...then put in halo2 in your disk tray...run dvd2xbox and then save halo2 to your hardrive..the go on your computer and go into E:/TDATA/4d530064/$c and there will be folders with a bunch of nubers....take all of those and ftp them to your computer..does this answer your question?