By the way, do I need to rip any of the other VTSs apart from VTS_01? I would like to have the game footage as well
You can place a check on the "In Place" option and this will save on HDD space. Since you have the original, you do not need to make backups. It is better to have some free space when you do backups because then you can have bad results. I would strongly suggest you make backups of your mp3s and free up some space or get an extra Hard Drive. Do you have the 2 disc version?? If so, you can swap the Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII for something else. I replaced the Making of with it. As for your backup, I do not think you have enough space. WHen you rip the disc only rip VTS_01 with the instructions I gave in my previous post. Do not rip the rest until after you finish correcting the movie. IFOEdit will save to a different folder than the original so you will have to manually drag and drop the files from the IFOEdit destination over the original files.
In that case, I would recommend you make a 2 disc backup. The Reminiscence of FF7 is about 1.1GB & the ending credits are about 1GB combined. You are looking at half a disc right there. If you have a DVDR DL, then you can keep them on 1 disc. After you take care of the main movie, you will then rip the rest of the disc using File mode. You will select everything except for VTS_01. However, remember that you did not rip VTS_01_0.VOB, so that is the only VTS_01 file you should rip. Also, remember not to rip VTS_33. I suggest you download MenuShrink and shrink the menus. this will save you about 400MB of space.
Thanks for all the help. I'm running the IFOEdit now. And I'd like to keep the game footage. As for the other extras on disc 2, I'll just let my friend borrow the disc. You only ever really look at that disc once. Doesn't matter about the game footage taking a fair bit of space because I'm going to be using Recode2 to shrink it (or Shrink if that is better? any preferences?). And at what point do I used menu shrink?
Menu Shrink should be run after you have BUP files. The way you get the BUP files is to either do a "Get VTS Sectors" with IFOEdit or Open the DVD in PGCEdit and save it. Do this after you fix the movie and rip the extra stuff as well. If you do not have the BUPs, Menu Shrink will not be able to move files to the backup folder and quit before it is finished. As for Shrink Vs Recode, They are about equal. Both are made by the same person, only Shrink is about 2 years old and Recode is current. Recode is about 3x faster at analysing so that is a bonus. It also encodes faster, but not by much. Make sure you also check the "High Quality Slow Recording" Option in Recode as well as the "Advanced Analysis" option. This is the only way it is equal to or better than DVD Shrink. Also, like I said, you can save tons of space by having the game footage on Disc 2. You can replace the "Making of Final Fantasy" with it. The making of is some footage with all the producers talking about it. It is about 35 minutes long. I don't know if you want to keep that thing, but if not, swapping would be the best. No matter how much you compress the Game Footage, it will still take out at least 10% from the main movie. For instance, mine compresses to 89.2% or about 82% if I keep the Japanese audio. Also, you probably do not want the ending credits. You should run this movie at least through VobBlanker to get rid of those as well as all the warnings. The ending credits are the ones that are about 10 minutes long. Remember that there were 2 on the Region 1 version, so there may be 2 on the Region 2 as well.
Man this is getting complicated, lol. I'm not copying the second disc so forget about replacing with making of. If he wants to see the second disc, i'll merely give him the original. im not wasting another dvd on it. just hope i have enough space on my hdd for all of this
I noticed that I made a typing error on my post with the rip instructions. I mentioned that Cell 72 is in Chapter 29, but it is in Chapter 28. I meant to say/type Cell 73... However, if you are skipping Chapter 29 it does not apply. I posted the instructions a bit too fast and probably tryped faster than I was thinking. I will also edit the original instructions. If the Backup is only to let someone borrow it, then you are right not to make a backup of Disc 2.
I'm just skipping 29. havent touched 28 at all. now using fixvts. and the backup of disc 1 is to give to my friend to KEEP. if it was just borrow, i wouldnt bother creating a backup, id just give the original disc. backing up disc 2 is pointless. if he wants to watch it once, i'll let him borrow it. who ever looks at the bonus features that often? thanks for all the help. i'll let ya know how it turns out
Yeah, the only reason I even made a backup of Disc 2 was so that I could throw the game footage in it. I never played FF7 so I will have to watch that before I can watch the movie. I almost always archive originals (well the good movies at least) and watch the backups. I am also considering buying the game, but it is so overpriced... I may get it for PC though.
Now ripping the rest of the files, and I've noticed there is now a VTS_34 on the disc..... Never saw that before! Should I rip that too? It's only a few hundred kB I think. And you should definately get the game. I think it's better for PC as they have better translations! Should be able to get it pretty cheap now I would have thought. Brilliant game. Also, follow a walkthrough so that you do all the quests, otherwise you can go through the game without getting half the story.
Thanks for the info in FF7!! As for VTS_34, that has to be fake as well. It is too small for anything and comes after VTS_33 which seems to be fake. Also, there may be a problem with DVD Shrink because VTS_33 is fake, but referenced. You need to unreference this in VIDEO_TS.IFO. After you are finished with everything do the following: Open IFOEdit and open VIDEO_TS.IFO Now, browse to VMG_MAT. Look for the Text "FINAL_FANTASY_VII". Then look above it. You will see VMG Number of title sets 33. Double click on this and change the value to 32!! Next go to VMG_PTT_SRPT. The first line is "Number of title play maps 33". Double click and change this to 32!! Next go to VMG_VTS_ATRT. The first line is "number of Video Title sets". Double click and change this to 32!! When you are finished, click on "Save" and overwrite the original IFO. Also save the BUP when asked. This will remove VTS_33 and Title 33 from the IFOs completely so there is no chance of accidentally accessing it or any type of error with DVD Shrink/Nero Recode.
So close, but still doesn't work. The error occurs when trying to save this in IFOEdit. I get the message saying: "There's something wrong! The IFO Endsector does not match the file size." Same message occurs when trying to save as .bup Any help?
Do you mean when you try to make the changes that I just posted? Try "Get VTS sectors". Also, make sure that the files are not "read only". Check the file properties by right clicking on a file and selecting "properties".
Yeah, the post about changing the value 33 to 32, etc. It won't let me save it. Shrink or recode won't let me use it i guess until this has saved.
Send me the new IFOs (host them at Rapidshare like the originals). Maybe I can change it on my PC?? I just made the changes on the original VIDEO_TS.IFO and it worked. Also, make sure that the files are not being used by any other program. Close DVD Shrink and any other DVD programs that you opened the files with including media players, etc...
YES!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S ANALYSING NOW IN RECODE! The "Get VTS Sectors" or whatever it is worked. Thank you SO much!
Well, let's just wait until this finishes analysing and burning Out of curiosity, how did you determing what cells were fake/bad?
Something's wrong. I'm missing some parts. Says the main movie lasts about 45 mins, extras 5 mins, and menu 18 secs.... Must have missed a file somewhere! It appears the actual film is missing. And why is the game footage included into the main movie? Shouldn't that be extras? Will see what shrink says
I opened VTS_01_0.IFO in IFOEdit and looked at the cell structure. First I look at the video length. Those tiny cells are always suspect. Next I look for Layer Breaks. Everywhere where there aer lots of them there is something wrong!!! After that, I look at the cell commands. You can see which cells are skipped, but this takes a long time as there are lots of them on this DVD. Basically, you can only look for short cells (0 seconds of video) and layer breaks with those short cells. When you find those tiny cells, follow them until you get to the first long cell. In chapter 1 of this movie, this was the last cell. After this, the movie will play without pauses, so the only other place to put corruption is at the end. You look for the same thing there. This was the first DVD I have seen with actual attempts at corrupting the end of the movie. I first suspected this type of corruption with Madagascar, but I guess Sony beat macrovision to it.