It's working in Shrink. Dunno why Recode isn't working. Now gonna decide whether to use VOB Blanker to get rid of some parts. Looks like the thing is going to be compressed a lot. I'll see. Fiddle about with a few things. EDIT: Just looking at Shrink, and for the main movie, there doesnt seem to be english audio....What's up with that?
The english should be audio 2 (at least that is how it was in the region 1 version). Did you do strip streams or strip VobIDs in IFOEdit?? If you did strip streams there is a chance that the English got stripped out... There should have been a screen that had the audio for the movie and you check what you want to keep. I forgot to mention this, but you would have to have kept both or at least the one you want to keep. Also, for Nero Recode, there is a chance that Recode thinks there are still 29 chapters on the disc. You can fix this in IFOEdit. You would open VTS_01_0.IFO and go to PTT_SRPTI. Browse to the last chapter and right click it. Then select "Delete Chapter". Next, go to VTS_PCGITI and expand it. Select PGC_1. Double click on "Number of Programs" and change this to 28.
Here's the new IFOs. Check them out, and tell me what I have to do in IFOEdit. Looks like I'll have to rerip it, yes? EDIT: CRUD, yes I went to strip streams instead of Strip VOB ID or whatever it is. Damn it!
I made some small modifications to the IFOs: I made the chapter corrections I mentioned and removed the bogus cell commands. See if this will help Recode load the DVD. By the way you did strip out the English Audio as well as all the subs except for the English ones. You are going to have to re-rip the movie and do the process over again. You can do strip Streams in IFOEdit, but make sure that you keep the streams you want to keep. Maybe IFOEdit selects stream 1 to keep by default so for this movie, it happens to keep the Japanese audio.
God damn it, lol. So is it okay to go to Strip VOB-IDs instead of Strip-Streams? Leave it all in there? Think i'll edit it as well with VOB Blanker. Anyways, thanks for all the info. I'll rerip it 2moro as it's getting late now. Check back here to see if I need more help, lol. Thanks again
No problem!! Yeah, you can sub strip VobID for Strip Streams. Just make sure you keep VobID 2 otherwise you will lose the whole movie!!!
Right, so I go to Strip VOB-ID INSTEAD of Strip Streams, but keep VOB ID 2. Got it. I'm doing the IFO mode thing now, and will probably go to bed soon. Thanks for all your help
Hey, can you edit these two sets of IFOs. I think I've forgotten something in them. Thanks. The bottom one is the one where I have taken out the warnings, etc. The top one I haven't. Recode won't give me the main movie in the top one (like last time), and Shrink says "Out of memory. A Parameter is incorrect" when trying to do a deep analysis or the actual backup. Please help
Could you please send VTS_01_0.VOB. Run it through Menu Shrink first so it will be a small download. There are lots of things I have to fix on the second one and I need the menu to do so. There you go. And yeah, I'd imagine there is a lot in the second one because I took an awful lot out. Any idea why the first is giving me that error in Shrink? And why Recode won't give me the main movie?
Sorry for taking so long. I have been doing electrical work all day and I just finished. It could be because of the extra prorgrams referenced in VTS_01 that Recode does not see the main movie. This is because of Chapter 29 being corrupt. I will get working on the second one now. I have also made some changes on the first one, but I will send them both together. I would expect about 30 minutes as I will completely change the navigation of the DVD! Also, there may be something wrong with the VTS_13_0.IFO you sent me, however, I will try to fix it.
Well I think I managed to mess up the first one so I'm deleting those files and reripping them. If you can get the navigation correct on the second lot, that'd be great as that's the one with all the crap taken out. (You can still fix the first lot if you like as the files I'm reripping now will be the exact same as the ones I had when I sent those IFOs (I corrupted something somewhere)).
BTW, what is in the VTS_13?? It is only 5 seconds long. Should I just get rid of it?? Also, I am working on the second one. I am making a new menu and making the navigation better. It should load in both programs when I'm Finished.
I have no idea. In VOBBlanker, you know how you can preview each section? Well VTS_13 didn't show anything, so I didn't know if it was needed or not, hence leaving it in the second one when i got rid of the rest.
OK, I am finished. Here is what I did: -Rebuilt the VMG menu so there are now only 4 PGCs there. -Removed 100 or so PGCs from VTSM1 -Made VTS_02 play right after the movie ends -Renamed VTS_13 to VTS_03!!! (you do the same for the video) -made VTS_03 play after VTS_02 -Added resume to Game footage (not tested obviously) -Made navigation much faster Here are your directions on how to apply the fix: -First, rename VTS_13 to VTS_03. -Drag and drop the new IFOs and Menu over the old VIDEO_TS folder. When it asks, overwrite the files. Note, that you will now use the new menu that I created. I only kept the English menus and removed the rest. -Use "Get VTS Sectors" or open the DVD in PGCEdit and save to correct the sector addresses. -Test playback using a software DVD player -Open the movie in Shrink/Recode Everything should work fine. If there is an error, I may have to make one more change in the VMG Menu. Let me know if everything works out.
Thanks for all your help. I'll try it out tonight as I don't have time now. So you say you rebuilt the menu, will it still use the original menu's screen and links?
It will look the same (however the menus are stills not video), but I changed the links. Rather than jumping back and forth from the VMGM to VTSM, it will go directly to where the link says. It should speed everything up as well as put less stress on your DVD laser.
Have thoroughly read this whole thread, and can't figure out what the problem marv101 is having! My Disc 1 copied fine for me! I used two different programs to create the backup. 1. DVD Decryptor 2. Slysoft AnyDVD 1. With DVD Decryptor running and anydvd loaded in my system tray, i just did the norm, select iso ---> read, then choose where to put the .iso file and named it, then clicked begin, worked perfectly fine, no read errors or anything. 100% backed up. Although to Dual-Layer format size only so about 7.95gb for this image. Didnt pick up any bad sectors or anything! 2. I then tried it with AnyDVD (v5.9.5.9), using the in-built ripper. Left all the options on AnyDVD set as they were when i installed the program. Selected where to put the files and let it run. took about 15mins and completed successfully also! No read errors or anything other errors. So i burnt each way to its own DVD-R DL, Verbatim DataLife Plus, and both copies work fine, start to end. The only way i could use DVDShrink to fit them onto a DVD5 was to shrink the 7.96gb DVD-R DL files created by AnyDVD (by using the Open Files tab in DVDShrink) as small as the auto compression rate would let me which was 4.73gb, once done, i had to do this again to shrink it to 4.5gb, enabling it to fit onto a DVD5. Every way that you had tried marv101, has left me stumped as to why it doesnt work!! All I did was copy, shirnk and shrink again! no fiddling about with the sectors, vobs or anything! My FF:AC is a PAL UK copy purchased from and here is my drive summary from AnyDVD: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for drive E: (AnyDVD Drive (Hardware) Region: free Media is a Data DVD. Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite) Size of first Layer: 2084960 sectors (4072 MBytes) Total size: 4169920 sectors (8144 MBytes) Video DVD (or CD) label: FINAL_FANTASY_VII Media is CSS protected! Video Standard: PAL Media is locked to region(s): 2 4 5! RCE protection not found. Found & removed wrong DVD structure! Found & removed structural copy protection (Arccos, Puppetlock)! Found & removed bogus title set! Found & removed invalid VOBUs! Autorun not found on Video DVD. Found & removed 4 bad sector protections! Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 2! ------------------------------------------------------------------