Yes, 1.30 firmware. I have only used the Pioneer 4x media. I also bought some cheap K-hypermedia disks and they only burn at 1x and also the movies have errors! Any recommendations on media and/or if my firmware is up to date? Thanks Goalie
I think the firmware you are using is fine. It should def. work with the Pioneer own media. I wouldnt buy the cheapest media on the market. Try Ritek G04's
Nothing but JOY with Verbatim, although I got them at over $2 each. Ten for ten with movie backups. I am also going to experiment this weekend with Maxell, since ran out of Universal media. Aaaaaaaaanyway, looks like this thread is complete. Here are my stats for anyone getting into this hobby, this thread may be educational: Pioneer DVR-A105U (with 2x firmware crack) Windows XP Home 1.4 gigHz Athlon Smartripper 2.41 DVD2one or DVD Shrink if I want to keep special features. Nero to burn (DVD, UDF/ISO mode with "Force DVD Compatibilty" on the UDF screen and "Joliet" deselected.) K-hyper media = garbage every time Verbatim 2x = perfect every time Thanks to everyone who contributed. This forum is the BEST!!! P.S. Please inform yourself about what is happening to your world, before it is too late: