Glitched has 2 personalities. One was him being ok and contributing in the games forums but the other one was starting useless threads and wanting to be a mod.
well i pm'ed dRD to get my account activated again and i swear if i ever come back i wont post in the safty valvle or n e other point less posting,and also i will only help and ask good questions not dumb ones like b4
gpatel. It is unlikely you will be re-activated. It seems you have changed your ways, so why not just continue posting with a new account? Why do you need your old one back?
Well i would keep posting with thins account but i wanna the name "Glitched" since is all i use for every site
That's what I thought.. gpatel - make a new one as GIitched (Capital "i" instead of "l"), as it won't show as any different.
@ ddp you still idnt reply to my pm, and also if u want you can restart the name Glitched and give it to me , irelly dont care for the title "afterdawn addict" what does it do you,doesnt make u get money does make you have respect so whats the hole point???
Methinks He Wont. Becoming an Addict shows that you are dedicated to helping people out on a regular basis. But anyroad, if you don't care for the title, then just use a capital "I" instead of "l". Job done.
you have got on the nerves of at least 4 of my acquaintances on this site.. Two other Afterdawn Addicts & two Seniors. And they are just the ones I spoke to.. dRD is very unlikely to re-instate you. Why should he make an exception?
gpatel, "leethal" has only one 'e'. It is spelt "lethal" I don't "hate" you - I don't even know you. Man, stop playing the victim all the time. Your banning was your own doing - it was your fault. Not mine, not ddp's, not anyone's. Just yours.
& who is calling the calling the kettle black as you stated in this pm to me "do me a last favor and ban this edited by ddp account please holy edited by ddp,this stupied site was all i had and u cut it away from me, i never heard n e other mods complaining,you used to be a cool guy as soon as u became a fusking mod........". so who needs a life than. eh???!!
well i can see the only 2 pll who really hate me r u and lethal_b,thats a shame afterdawn has haters like u 2
wow, ddp. I respect the fact that you didn't just ban him there & then. gpatel - I am not a hater. I like everyone here except one or two.