@gear: ...that would be awesome! I'll get back to you about it; I really want to learn how to do that. @Ireland: ...when gear starts to teach me, only then will he know how appropriate that sign is! Gotta go to bed early. Have a good one guys! ... Gerry
a dollar huh? man, you gotta step it up a bit... cost of living is way too high now a days for fees of a dollar. lol
gear, it is not a dollar, watch that post than post back to say what it means as i do know & so should you!! You have posted 12281 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 15 October 2004.
You have posted 178 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 14 may 2005. You have subscribed to 126 discussion threads so far -- if you wish to see a list of discussion threads that you currently have subscribed to ok maybe i made that up. what on earth?
i see phantom is quite popular now with sig making... nice one creaky, he sent me a pm about yours... but he had to beef mine up a bit, i have to be ahead of the game.. @ ddp........ call me old fashioned, but i am lost with what it means
i could make some sigs but im too lazy i found that devil pic that ireland posted and loved it so that my sig now.i edit a tattoo off some guys arm and put it on a white back ground looks ok.i dont know how to make animated backgrounds yet i think i need something better than photoshop to do that.
hey look im not a newbie no more, Welcome to "My Account" page. On this page, you can edit your personal information, see statistics about your account, modify your discussion forum subscriptions and various other things that relate to your AfterDawn.com user account. You have posted 111 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 14 November 2005. You have subscribed to 37 discussion threads so far -- if you wish to see a list of discussion threads that you currently have subscribed to, please click here. We have a massive database of technical details of DVD movies in our site. We invite you to contribute to this database to grow the database and make the information more accurate. To visit our DVD database, please click here. So far you've received 11 private messages through our site. To read your private messages, click here.
LOL, thats like another 10,000 posts or something right. its just that being a newbie was anoying!!!!