anyone know of a page that is similar to msn that you dont have to give your lifes history to make your homepage?msn has changed their page and it doesnt work properly with comodo dragon.think they want you to use ie?lol.
I would like to find a homepage, also. I woke up this morning to a bogus looking msn webpage, and it looks really bad on Firefox on XP, which is what I am running on this machine.
does seem like a microsoft bullshit ploy to get us to run internet explorer doesnt it. that will happen when hell freezes thinking that the other browsers just dont have it figured out yet or ms is being stingy with info,or both.
I can only run up to IE 8 on the XP machine. And, although it looks different than in Firefox, it still looks like crap. I don't run IE anymore and have not for about a year.
do you get the message. "you are using an outdated browser.please upgrade to the latest version for the best MSN experience?may have to go to our respective browsers forums to see whats going on.
Yes, I do. On both Firefox and IE 8. I moved on and am using the Yahoo main page. It isn't the best, but it beats MSN's bastardized website.
I recommend as start page. It's not affiliated to any of the "big players" like Google/Microsoft/Yahoo and it gives you a lot of flexibility to customize your start page.
so far i think im going with was ok but wanted a chrome plugin installed.i like simple and yahoo is pretty much that.
well it seems the msn homepage has sorted itself out. looks a little better and is easier to navigate than im back to
I looked at it this morning, for the first time in a long time. It has somewhat sorted itself out, so I may give it a shot again, too.