Panda Bear=Democratic Racoon= Democratic Snakes= Independent Bush&Rest of his electronic voting posse= Retards (no offense to texans)
HurtDonit, that remark aint gonna fly buddy(bush comment) edit it or its gonna be hell to pay in here, i like Bush and was very proud to vote for him!!!!
I agree,edit the post and lets just try to have some fun.Some opinions should not be voiced,we all know how this will end if this $hit starts again! I thought we all agreed that this forum was not the place for this crap.
@aabbccdd Why do you take this s**t so seriously? It's only fun. Pick almost any name in Washington and retard could apply. Does matter which party, they're all interchangeable. They all have had foot for breakfast at one time.
While I'm sure that aabbccdd and I would agree on nothing politically, I do agree with him on this and the others as well. Lets not do this. I, for one, can have a good time with such nonsense but there are other personality types who simply take offense. We are what we are, I guess. I'm all for have a good time at a politician's expense (Hell, I think THAT is the true american passtime, not baseball) ...regardless of party...let's face it, there are politicians of both parties to have a good laugh at, but it isn't worth it if it starts world war three. Still, I know that at my age, I've never seen this sort of political polarization and my Dad, who will be 100 years old in June, says he hasn't seen it since the late 1920s. People do need to vent sometimes...people of both political parties. Under the words "Safety Valve" is a brief definition of it's purpose and I do believe we violate that definition sometimes because we don't like what's being said. I wish there was a place where republicans or democrats could vent with each other without interference .... both are entitled to their opinions and, in such an austere political environment, I suspect there is a need to do just that but republlicans with republicans and democrats with democrats...not an open political battlefield. I know others would disagree and it isn't likely to happen, yet, I think conditions are such that some people, regardles of political party, need to vent and it seems to me that the definition of the forum writen under the very words "Safety Valve" would agree with my look on things. That having been said, if we can't vent our views and frustrations in a "safe house" designated to that end, then we should do it at all.
its the point of it ,where do we draw the line??do we start threads bashing gays ,jews etc. it plain doesnt belong in here period and i WILL NOT stand for it end of story!!!!!!
could we bash the mickey mouse cause hes giving the wee kids a bad image with a cig in his hand,*(so their....... and also he has his finger up,bad mouse,
It seems to me that joking about the political parties in general can be taken lightly (is that not what this thread is indirectly about?) but when names are mentioned it causes a problem,let's just leave out the names and let it go!
i too agree, we all agreed that this wasnt gonna bash people, this is only a game, we dont need a flame thread. just have fun with it guys.
There are some who cannot respect the fact that others may have an opinion....... Jumping up & down will not work either. If you can't laugh at yourself.. Don't see why anyone has to edit anything, there is such a thing as free speech.
Hey there, shiny have you been? I know what you are saying and I agree with you but "to what end" is the question I ask myself. I'm like my Dad, getting myself all pissed off and twisted in knots for no good purpose is a huge waste of energy that merely shortens life by another min or so LOL! My philosophy here is a selfish one; why do that to myself for nothing? speech or not? Oh, I'll fight to high hell if there is a point to it and it's sometimes necessary at work but I'll be damned if I engage in that sort of thing when I'm merely out to have a good time! Standing on principle is all well and fine but I'm not going to put myself in a foul temperment without good cause. If memory serves, you're from the UK and you guys have brought political slapstick and satire to an artform and get a good laugh out of it regardless of your political affiliations; I was born in the US but raised half of my childhood in Quebec and the other half in an entirely Quebecois family and town. We are rather the "que sera sera" type of culture and we also get a kick out of word play and cleverness regardless of the subject matter. The US is sort of a 50-50 deal in that regard and whether its what can be shown on tv, what can be written in the news papers, this sort of thing ALWAYS goes on here. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the cultures here but when I've got relatives that come down from Canada or friends from Europe, the extremes of it usually catches them somewhat by surpise. Sometimes I think we should split the US clean down the middle and make two countries out of it...naturally, I jest...but only in part...almost like a political and cultural paradox within one confined space. Putting myself in a bad mood simply isn't worth it. Whenever these things happen, it reminds me of my bother George. He was the nicest guy in the world in most respects but in certain respects, he took things way too seriously and personally and not only couldn't have a good time but also ruined it for everyone else around. We use to play card for pennies every Wed night and we had a grand ol' time, but if we saw george's car pull in the yard, the pennies went back in the jars and the cards got put in the drawer and we had a good time with him in other ways because he took it all so seriously that not only wasn't it fun, but everyone ended up pissed off. We could have kept playing, but why? I see this no differently.
no naming of present president. this is about animals not humans tho humans are animals, of the worst kind!
ireland That looks like one of those funny cigarettes Mickey's smoking and his eyes look a wee bit in need of Visine! LMAO. Where did that pix come from?
@Garmoon,no no no,not my intentions at all!Iwas going to put that one in before the poop slinging started. And no names mentioned!
@ aabbccdd I really dont care because you can like him and i can h8 him but thats your problem hey i even h8 Karey so I really dont care